Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 983: : Not the same ending

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The impact of destroying everything came from high above.

Truly destroy everything.

Wherever he went, no one could withstand such a shock. Frieza’s subordinates, even including Kobayashi, Vegeta, Tianjin Fan, and Frieza’s subordinates, were in this shock wave. Ablation without resistance.

Then, this planet.

It's like a glass ball hit by a heavy hammer, starting from the outermost part, directly broken, then broken, and turned into primitive residue.

At last.

Completely disappeared in the entire universe.

The terrible impact even far exceeded the range of the planet, completely destroying the asteroids near the planet.

Return to silence.

After the dust fell, Saitama pinched his nose and hovered quietly in the air, showing a bad expression.


There is no way to contain his own strength.

Unexpectedly, such an impact would destroy the entire planet.

In this case... Then he is also dead.

A dazed expression appeared on Saitama's face, and then as if thinking of something, he quickly took out a small capsule from his body and opened it. Inside it was a set of oxygen cylinders.

This was designed specifically for him by Boomer when he was training in outer space.

Not only him, but also the rest.

However, he hasn't waited for Saitama to observe the rest of the people.


A wave of air directly hit his body.

Frieza, right here.

"I didn't expect that there would be someone as powerful as you." Frieza looked at Saitama's gaze with a trace of palpitations.

Just the power of the punch just now didn't feel much lower than him.


"Looking at you like this, it seems that you can't survive in space?" Frieza showed a joking expression. "It seems that it is also a lowly race. In such an illusion, how can you be the opponent of this king?"

And that Saiyan.

Even if they are not dead, they will not survive in outer space.

Therefore, this battle is still his victory after all.

Saitama only saw Frieza's mouth one by one. He could not hear any sound in outer space, but he still knew what he was going to do.

"Now, it should be my turn." Saitama pinched his nose with one hand, and clenched his fist with the other hand. The style of painting changed in an instant.

Fighting in outer space, for him, there is no problem.

But the next moment.

Another majestic breath burst out in an instant.

Saitama and Frieza moved their sights at the same time.

It was a bright golden touch.

In this dark space, Monkey King's body was like a golden flame burning, his hair even turned into an inverted golden light, and his eyes were filled with cold anger.


Everyone's anger can't be felt anymore.

Kobayashi, Vegeta, Tianjin Rice...

Monkey King has never been as angry as he is now.

Under such anger, the power that had already reached the limit finally broke out.

The state at the moment.

It is the Super Saiyan!

"Wow." Saitama let out a sigh, then quickly covered his mouth, took out the oxygen cylinder and took a breath.

He could feel Sun Wukong's power at this time.

Even stronger than him!

Is this the incredible power that the silence said?

Sure enough, coming to this universe is really right.

However, Frieza didn't feel so good anymore.

He stared blankly at Monkey King, who had obviously changed.

"No, it's impossible!" Frieza looked incredulous, "how can you still survive in space!"

Saiyans are a race that cannot survive in space.

They also need oxygen.

Even the more you fight, the more oxygen you need, and no matter how powerful it is, it cannot change the form of life.


Saiyan can't do it, but the skill of the jar can!

The skill that Monkey King developed before is providing him with a steady flow of vitality. This is the power of survival, which can replace the role of oxygen, and even bind blood and the air in the body to the body.

Originally, this skill was an advanced version of the racial talent of the Nameks.

At this moment, the Monkey King did not think about the fact that he could survive in outer space, but rushed towards Frieza with inner anger.

Fight, start again.

Saitama looked at the two fighting together again, showing an expression of envy.

However, Sun Wukong beat him in the boxing. According to the stated rules, it was his turn only when Sun Wukong gave up or lost the game.

So, Saitama took the oxygen cylinder and sat cross-legged in outer space, watching how the Super Saiyan beat Frieza.

Suddenly, a stone hit him impartially.

Saitama turned his head.

Over there, Piccolo's half body was suspended quietly.

"You're not dead yet." Saitama flew over in surprise, Piccolo grabbed his, can you reach silence? "

"Silence." Saitama thought for a while and shouted directly, "Hey, silence."

"Well, I'm here." A voice suddenly came from the side.

Silence didn't know when it appeared there, and it was also quietly suspended in space.

There was still a trace of emotion on his face.

I didn't expect it to be the result.

The planet was destroyed, and most people died in the aftermath of the battle. Monkey King still transformed into a super Saiyan, and relied on his skills to gain the power to fight in outer space.

Although the process has been deviated, it seems that the result has not changed much.

Frieza, it is impossible to be the opponent of Super Saiyan.

The dead can also rely on Dragon Ball to resurrect.

After all, Piccolo is not dead yet.

and many more--

The silent gaze suddenly moved to Piccolo.

"You are dying," said silently.

"Let...on the earth...the dragon!" Piccolo opened his eyes wide and spit out a few words with difficulty.

The reason why he shouted for silence was that he hoped that silence could contact the earth and bring him back to earth with dragon balls, or heal his injuries.

As long as he is alive, the gods will not die.

Shenlong will exist.

Everything can turn around.

However, Silent shook his head with regret.

"That's too late."

Just as his words fell, Piccolo's life finally came to an end.

He shouldn't find silence.

If you want to spread the word, it's the same to find the realm king.

But in any case, there will not be so many "just" in this world, and with the death of Piccolo, all the dragon **** in the entire universe will be invalidated.

The ending is different after all.

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