Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 985: : Time to get out of the Novice Village

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Some of them, for example, some of the people who killed the world, were still struggling under the torture of ghosts.

Now he has the power of a god.

Others, such as Esthers, have come to an end in their own world, but now they have a brand new path and a brand new goal.

The changes brought to them by the Chamber of Commerce are definitely huge.

Gratitude, excitement, ambition...

No matter what kind of desires and dreams are, you can always see the hope of realization in the Chamber of Commerce.

The silence seemed to be a deliberate pause, giving everyone some time, and then he continued:

"As a group of newcomers who have just experienced the biggest change in the history of the Chamber of Commerce, the number of you far exceeds that of the previous members, but your level is not that strong-especially compared to your predecessors. ."

This silent paragraph shocked everyone.

But if you think about it, it seems to be a matter of course

They all know that the biggest change of the Chamber of Commerce is to reduce the difficulty of becoming a member and increase the number of members. If members are selected based on the evaluation of traveling merchants in accordance with the previous rules, the requirements and conditions will undoubtedly be higher. a lot of.

Even according to the news revealed in the silent chat with individual members occasionally.

In some worlds, there is only one member.

That is the protagonist of the world, the true pride of heaven, even if you don't become a member, you will have a powerful and wonderful voice.


Silence speaks these words live at this time, is it...

Just when some people's hearts shuddered, it seemed that they had guessed something.

The words that followed the silence confirmed the suspicions of some people.

"Even so, it is impossible for you to stay in this weak circle all the time. I believe you all understand that the Chamber of Commerce encourages competition, and what it brings to you is one step by step from among the countless dreams and constantly advancing elites. The way to stand out, so it’s time. You will meet your predecessors, and some of the other members I’m responsible for."

Along with this passage, many people showed an uproar.

it is as expected!

All members know that the members of the chamber of commerce are not the only ones. Looking at the huge islands, you can understand how many people are in the chamber of commerce and how unfathomable it is.

Some islands are even bigger than a continent!

How many points does it take!

At first glance, it is an unimaginable boss, and as the latest batch of members, they are likely to be the weakest among these members.

It was to protect them by preventing them from contacting!

And now!

Is this kind of protection finally opening a hole?

Everyone is a little nervous.

Even people like Oshemaru couldn't help but lick their lips with their new red tongue in the depths, with anticipation and unclear worries in their eyes.

"The number of them is not large, probably only 20 or 30." Silent continued, "However, some of them naturally have the potential to become senior members. In other words, even if they did not meet me, Without becoming a member or entering the Chamber of Commerce, they will be able to become a senior member one day, and even when I found them, they already had the strength of an intermediate member."

"What—!?" Some people finally couldn't help but shouted.


"You can have the strength of a senior member without relying on the pot. Isn't that the same as the devil?"

"Such members are only our previous batch?"

"Can we be opponents of these people?"

It's not that they are nervous.

Members can also fight each other.

The entire chamber of commerce is like a small society, where powerful people have more advantages and greater right to speak.

Died in the hands of other members, even being robbed of the badge, and even the resurrection depends on the kindness of the others. This kind of thing also exists.

It's like saying.

All of a sudden, they will compete with someone who may be far stronger than them.

How can this not make people nervous.

For some of them, it is absolutely impossible to succumb to others. It is almost conceivable that the competition they are about to face will be far more cruel than they are now.

The current situation will be completely broken!

but no matter.

It is impossible for the Chamber of Commerce to always give them the opportunity to stay in Novice Village.

"It's time to get out of the Novice Village." The silence finally said, "After three days, you will contact them and integrate into their missions. At that time, a brand new mission world, a brand new dungeon world, will appear. Your current strength, if you carelessly, will die if you don’t pay attention."

As the voice fell, the silent figure disappeared.

The live broadcast ends here.

Suddenly, all of them began a heated discussion.

Some guilds that were competing with each other also stopped fighting with each other, and UU Read even began to communicate.

For example, the president of the Konoha Guild, Bo Feng Shuimen, came to the White Beard's Guild with his parents and children, and even dispatched Tsunade and Jiraiya to look for Oshamaru and Xiaonan respectively.

And Hongfa and Roger even held a formal meeting with the Navy.

There are also many heroes, super powers in the school city, and super heroes in the Marvel universe.

During these three days, I don't know how many fierce quarrels, battles, and compromises broke out.

As for silence.

He also went to the world of Dragon Ball and notified more than 20 members in the two worlds of One Punch and Dragon Ball.

Compared to the tension on the other side, this side is much easier.

"Eh, it turns out that in the past few years that Mr. Silence left, he went to the rest of the world to find his younger generations." Sun Wukong suddenly realized, and then asked expectantly, "Do the younger generations have powerful fighters?"

"Is Saitama not enough for you to fight?" said with a silent smile.

"Mr. Saitama is getting stronger during this time." Monkey King scratched his hair, "The rest of the people have also made great progress, but I still hope to have more powerful opponents."

"Deserving to be a fighter." Silent smiled and shook his head. "However, you are probably disappointed. Although there are quite a few people with great potential among them, there is probably no one who is your opponent least. It is difficult to defeat you in a frontal battle."

Although the Dragon Ball World was shown in the comics, some obvious combat power collapsed.

However, it was only because of the limited expressiveness of the comics.

Sun Wukong's current power can easily destroy the planet, and other people, even the most powerful ones, can't match this power.

"That's it." Monkey King was a little disappointed.

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