Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 990: : Cooperation of all members

"I didn't expect it to be like this." Toni said to herself.

"Do you understand what?"

A person keenly heard Toni's voice.

It was another Tony.

Although they knew each other's existence a long time ago, this was the first time they met.

Self in a parallel universe.

Still female.

To be honest, Tony felt awkward for a long time after he knew that Toni who was also a member existed. This feeling was like seeing himself as a woman.

Therefore, when all the members will arrive this time, Tony found Toni the first time.

However, it was different from what he had imagined.

First of all, the two people are completely different.

Toni is a tall beauty with blond hair, but Tony’s hair is not pure blond. In addition, the similarity of the facial features is also very limited, at most to the degree of brothers and sisters, which is completely the same as Tony’s imagination. different.

This made Tony relax a lot.

Instead, I became a little interested.

"I don't know what I understand." Toni glanced at Toni. "My profession is a mechanical god, theoretically able to control and feel all machinery, but when these two transforming people appeared, I realized that they It's not purely machinery, like humans are more than machinery."

"That's it." Tony thoughtfully, "In other words, you can't restrain these two people?"

Since it can control all machinery, it is simply the nemesis of all machinery.

In fact, there are also reformers among members.

For example, Janos.

After Toni announced his career, Janos looked at the woman's eyes, suddenly a little wary.

Facing Tony's words, Toni just chuckled twice.

"Who said that you can't control the transformation of people, no one knows machinery better than me." Toni snapped his fingers crisply.

Having lost the disguise of human skin, the body of No.19, which was completely transformed into a mechanical monster, immediately trembled.

Every piece of machinery on the body feels uncontrollable.

"What did you do?" The nineteenth stared at Toni closely, with some incomprehensible fear.

"It is true that there are still human emotions in the transformation of human beings, but what a foolish act to transform one's body into a machine." Toni put his palm in his palm, and the voice from the nano armor had obvious self-confidence." Because machinery is far more sophisticated than biology. You only need to change some small parts. No matter how powerful you are, they will be fragmented under a chain reaction."

The voice fell, with a bang.

One arm of the nineteenth, unexpectedly burst completely.

The king of machinery is the **** who masters all machinery!

Even the 20th, the creator of all cyborgs, couldn't help taking two steps back.

"Fat, what happened?"

Obviously no attack was detected, why did the arm suddenly break on the 19th?

"Huh-" Toni exhaled a long breath, "The powerful energy envelops all the mechanical bodies, and it is not as easy as imagined, but with my strength, it is enough to destroy one or two small parts. Yes, then, next..."

Cut the nerve connection directly!

Toni's gaze condensed, and the powerful force followed the will and spread to the nineteenth in a unique way.

From the rich to the substantive energy, looking for the component that can destroy the nerve connection.

Then, order! damage!

"Although, I don't know what you did." No.20 gritted his teeth and raised his voice suddenly, "But, how could you possibly succeed!"


A dazzling laser shot from the eyes of No. 20.

"What?" Toni felt a strong breath of death at this moment.

Will be killed in seconds!

Not even the slightest resistance ability, the power in this aura is even enough to penetrate the entire planet!


Countless Fulu appeared around Toni.

The same is true of barriers.

Even for a moment, the red-haired Shanks who had transformed into a dragon sword appeared in front of Toni.

At this moment, several people who were prepared for a long time made the same decision in a tacit understanding without any discussion, and the cooperation with each other was perfect!


A huge explosion swallowed everyone around Toni at this moment.

The rolled up air wave blows everyone up.

On the surface, it seems that there is not much impact, but everyone can feel the terrible enemy.

These two transformed people, or even the Monkey King before them, didn't leak too much energy from each of these people's blows. They were obviously extremely terrifying powers, but they were silent, and even the air would not be stirred.

The air waves and smoke slowly dissipated.

What appeared in front of everyone was the gloomy Konan, the shabby Shanks, and the huge, blue and white Suzano, it was Uchiha Itachi and Sasuke.

Collecting the strength of the five people, it turned out to be barely blocked.

"Everyone." As soon as Xiao Nan raised his hand, countless talismans flew out of his body, "To get rid of these two reformers, Toni's profession is the key, everyone, work together to protect Toni!"

"That's it." Many people also reacted violently.

Toni's profession just restrains these two transformers, as long as Toni is protected and Toni launches an attack, it will be solved.

"Now that I know how to do it, it's much simpler." Roger fisted with both hands, revealing his iconic white teeth. "Unexpectedly, we would have a day of fighting together, Whitebeard, Karp, and Several people in the Navy, let's take care of this little fat man."

"Huh. UU reading" Aka Dog snorted coldly, "We have not fallen to the point where we need pirates to order."

"Follow Roger's instructions, Aka Dog." The Warring States has turned into a golden Buddha. "This is not a task that we can complete alone. I already understand that the task of these hundred cans really requires us to do it. Yes, participate in the battle, and then live!"

Cyborgs may eventually be defeated.

However, whether they can live until that time is not certain.

The Raikage just now is the best example.

In this way, anyone who can survive the battle with artificial humans can get these hundred pots!

No matter how unwilling Akadog was, he had to stand up and fight with some pirates like Roger.

"Then those of us from the ninja world are responsible for this number 20." Hafeng Mizuno glanced at the people behind him, especially Oshemaru, "At least in this mission, our goals are the same."

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