“You actually said to the gods on the earth that let’s become gods?Who gave you the courage?” Lu Li was almost amused by the other party.

Both succubus and wizards wield powerful magic, and compared to humans, they are immortal.

However, in Lu Li’s opinion, these two people are also at the level of demigods, even if there is a magic gate to give them a steady stream of replenishment of magic power, it is very reluctant to reach the level of true gods.

What about the true God?

Lu Li has even killed Ares, the god of war, and will he be afraid of them?

Feeling Lu Li’s contempt, the succubus witch’s face turned gloomy, and she said to the male witch beside her in ancient language: “Brother, these people don’t seem to know much about our power, let them surrender to us!”

The wizard standing on the side showed a hideous smile: “No problem, there is a magic gate, we are invincible!”

They could feel the powerful destructive energy on Lu Li’s body, but the existence of the magic gate made the succubus and the wizard overestimate themselves.

The wizard walked down the steps step by step, and with each step he took, the ground shook violently, and he stepped on a deep footprint.

When they were less than a hundred meters away from the three of them, the wizard raised his right hand, his arm burst out with scarlet light, and a tentacle like a rattan whip shot out, sweeping towards the three of them.

Seeing this, Diana stepped away, facing the waving tentacles, raising the sword of the god of fire and slashing at it.


The Vulcan sword let out a soft groan, and the longsword slashed down, slicing the witch’s tentacles in half.

“How dare you hurt me!”

A low roar came from the wizard’s mouth, and the magic door surged, a steady stream of magic rushed, and his severed arm suddenly grew, becoming several times thicker than before, and wrapped around like a poisonous snake.

Diana was muscular, dodging the witch’s attack, the Vulcan sword in her hand like a blooming flower.


After a few encounters, the witch’s tentacles were cut into several knots again, and Diana jumped up sharply, quickly slashed through, and sealed her throat with a sword.


Vulcan’s sword sliced through the wizard’s neck, and his head gurgled and rolled down.

“But that’s it—” Diana held her sword and looked up at the succubus on the steps.

However, the sorcerer, who was supposed to die, still stood straight in place, and his arms suddenly stretched out, picking up his tumbling head and pressing it back to his neck.

“You can’t kill me… The magic never stops, I can’t die!”

The wizard said in an ancient language that Diana, as an Amazon, was fluent in all the languages of the earth, so she could naturally understand the wizard’s words.

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“No one is immortal!”

Diana didn’t believe in any immortality, even Zeus, the king of the gods, died in Ragnarok, and a demigod dared to say anything ridiculous immortality in front of her.

This time, the wizard came out with both hands out, and with a violent wind, he rushed towards him like an out-of-control mammoth elephant.

Diana rushed with a shield of divine power.


There was a bang in mid-air, and the two of them each stepped back, and Diana put down the sword and shield in her hand, crossed her hands, and slammed hard.



The guardian silver bracelets collided together, and a violent burst of divine power swept through like a hurricane.

Under the oppression of this terror, the wizard showed a frightened look, and he subconsciously drew magic from the magic door to resist Diana’s divine power explosion.

“How… How is it possible that this woman has such terrifying powers!”

The succubus only frowned, and in the burst of energy just now, the magic door behind her actually shook slightly.

Someone can influence the stability of the Might and Magic Gate?

Is this possible?

Without waiting for the succubus and the wizard to think about it, Diana hit the guardian silver bracelet again, and another burst of divine power exploded, the wizard bowed his body, desperately resisting, and there were signs of collapse on his body.

Fortunately, the magic gate was still there, and he quickly drew on his magic power to repair his injuries.

“Diana, it’s not enough to just protect the silver bracelet, concentrate the divine power and kill the witch in one move. Lu Li looked at Diana’s battle and spoke.

“I’ll try…”

Diana nodded, her divine power had more than doubled during this period of exercise, but she was not skilled enough in the use of divine power.

Closing her eyes, Diana silently activated the divine power in her body, gathering it on her arms, and her hair was windless.

Bang la blah…

Silvery-white arcs of lightning flashed on her wrists, and Diana raised her eyes and stared sharply ahead.


The male witch’s heart set off a stormy wave, and the other party’s magic power showed a crushing trend in an instant, if he hit it hard, he would die!

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