After destroying the two ancient witch clans, Lu Li didn’t feel anything, they were too weak.

Sky Eye will.

Amanda was sitting in her office in a daze.

Suddenly, her suitcase containing the heart of a succubus erupted in a burst of light, but it quickly dimmed.

She hurriedly opened it to check, and found that the succubus’s heart had turned into powder.

Previously, the succubus asked the wizard to help her make a magic heart, temporarily isolating Amanda from being sadistic to the heart, but in reality the succubus was dead, and her heart quickly dried and turned into powder.

“The Succubus… Dead?”

Amanda’s gaze was a little dazed, it was originally a happy thing, but when she thought that Lu Li was going to take away the military establishment of the Tianyan Society, as well as Task Force X, she felt uncomfortable.

Tianyan will work hard for so many years to have today’s scale, and if the military establishment is withdrawn at once, Tianyan will collapse by half in an instant.

But if you don’t give it, you can’t do it!


After Lu Li and the others dealt with the succubus, they returned to the cutting-edge technology laboratory, and the rest of the things were handed over to ZF to deal with the aftermath.

Around the ruins of the altar, a man in a light yellow trench coat suddenly appeared, with short yellow hair, a scruffy beard, and a cigarette in his mouth that was about to reach the end of the cigarette.

The man came to the edge of the altar and jumped up with a slight leap, looking at the place where the door of magic had opened, a little distracted.

“There’s the breath of hell, but it’s not a demon… It’s the Wu Clan…”

After looking at it for a while, he shook his head, threw the remaining cigarette from his mouth on the ground, and stomped on it hard.

Then he took out another cigarette, lit the fire, and took a deep puff.

Turn away.


Cutting-edge technology laboratory.

In the medical equipment room, when Lu Li returned to them, Caitlin and Sisko were still debugging various data.

Batman: “… Hahuhuhu… Hahuhuhu…”

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“Why is the bat here? and sleeping so soundly, didn’t he say that he dreams of Barry when he sleeps?” asked Diana, confused.

These words choked Barry on the side: “Diana, it’s easy for people to misunderstand when you say that.” ”

Lu Li didn’t care about teasing Barry, he asked, “Did you detect anything?”

“Well, but… How to say, there is indeed a hidden signal source that is synchronized with Batman’s brainwaves, but we can’t trace this signal, let alone crack it…”

In short, Caitlin had confirmed Dr. Harrison Wells’ conjecture.

It’s a distress signal from another plane!

“Then can you reply to this signal?” Lu Li asked.

Sisko shook his head, “It can only be said that the current research on space science is too backward, and we still need more research to figure out the principle of this signal, its origin… It’s going to take a long time, though, because just improving the equipment is enough of a headache for me. ”

This is the case with scientific research, and to explore deeper mysteries, you need not only a brain full of intelligence, but also equipment to match it.

“Go to the Justice League headquarters, I think there’s the equipment you need, and… If you have any questions you don’t understand, you can ask Superman. Lu Li suggested.

As soon as he heard this, Sisko seemed to have won the jackpot of 50 million, his expression was extremely pleasantly surprised, and his body trembled with excitement.

“Superman… Superman…… Wait, Lu Li, you mean, Superman is also a scientist?”

“emmm…… No, he’s not a scientist, he’s not your colleague, Superman he’s … You can think of him as a humanoid search engine. Lu Li reluctantly broke Sisko’s illusion.

After all, Krypton’s technological knowledge is only stored in Superman’s brain, and he never thought to use it.

Otherwise, if Superman turns his career to become a scientist, he will definitely win the Nobel Prize and the world will doubt his life.

Caitlin silently disappeared into place, and when she reappeared, she was carrying a simple backpack, she pointed to Batman who was still lying down, and asked:

“What should he do, wake him up or push him away, I’m ready to go. ”

Harrison Wells, who was in a wheelchair, slapped his head on the door, and he was the last two employees, the last two!

Do you want to be so easy to get poached?!!

Sisko seemed to see Harrison Wells’ thoughts, and he explained, “Dr. Wells, in fact, our hearts are still in the cutting-edge technology laboratory, we are just going to go over for a while, and when you need us, we will still be back…”

When Harrison Wells heard this, he had a murderous heart, was it so comforting?

But he was bitter in his heart, but he couldn’t say it, so he could only wave his hand: “Go, go, go.” ”

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