Felicity didn’t know this law, she still cried: “Lu Li, you can fly, you are invulnerable, please… Can you please help me bring Oliver’s corpse back? I want to see people in life and corpses in death, this is my last request, please!”

It can be heard that Felicity has deep feelings for Oliver, and Lu Li comforted: “It’s okay, Oliver can’t die, he has a big life, you ask Diggle to take you to the headquarters of the Justice League, he knows the location.” ”

Diggle’s wife was an agent of the Tianyan Society before yesterday, and after the Tianyan Society canceled the military establishment, all the relevant personnel came to the Justice League.

After layers of screening, Diggle’s wife was left behind.

That is, she is now a supernumerary member of the Justice League.

Felicity thought that Lu Li was comforting her by saying that Oliver couldn’t die, and she didn’t blame her for thinking so, after all, in her opinion, being stabbed with a sword and falling off the snowy peak was definitely certain death.

“Lu Li… Diggle hasn’t returned, but I can get Roy to accompany me to you. Felicity said with a sob.

“I’ll send someone to pick you up and send me a location. ”

After Lu Li finished speaking, he hung up the phone, Felicity quickly sent her location, and Lu Li informed Fio Ra to go to Star City to pick up Felicity.

“Cyborg, help me find the bat and ask for the location of the Assassin League, and prepare another plane, I’ll take someone there. ”

Lu Li can fly, so naturally he can’t use airplanes.

But considering that Oliver was seriously injured, it was impossible for him to fly halfway around the world with a seriously injured person, so let Cyborg prepare the plane.

Batman received the message and returned to the Justice League Earth headquarters as soon as possible.

“Lu Li, why do you suddenly want to find the Assassin Alliance?”

“It’s Green Arrow, because of some very complicated explanation, Green Arrow went to a ninja master duel, was stabbed by the other party and kicked off the cliff. ”

Lu Li explained simply, and it didn’t matter if Batman understood it or not.

“Green Arrow killed someone from the League of Assassins, and an important person?”

After all, Batman also spent time in the League of Assassins, and he knew the rules well, so after a little thought, he had such a guess.

“He’s been calculated, involving relatives and sisters or something… Bat, you haven’t told us yet, where is the Assassin Alliance?!” Lu Li asked again.

“I’ll take you to… I’ve defeated Master Ninja before, but this time, if I have the chance, I want to eradicate the League of Assassins!”

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Batman said the righteousness of awe-inspiring, but Lu Li was skeptical.

To eradicate the League of Assassins?

Are you sure you’re looking for an excuse to visit your father-in-law?

Not long after, Fio La took Felicity and Roy to the Justice League, and the two didn’t even have the heart to visit the Justice League, and they were bent on going to Nandarbat.

That’s where the League of Assassins is located.

“Roy, how are you feeling lately?”

Lu Li took Felicity and them to the top floor, the plane was already ready, and taking this opportunity, Lu Li asked about Roy’s situation.

Roy of this world didn’t inject Mirakuru’s antidote, relying entirely on Lu Li’s fists to keep him awake.

“It’s much better, I can control myself completely, no matter what, I still want to thank you, Mr. Lu Li!”

Roy smiled very reluctantly, when he was out of control, he was beaten by Lu Li to doubt his life, and every time he thought about it, he would be afraid for a while.

Felicity found that there was also a thirteen or fourteen-year-old blonde little Lori following behind them, looking at Kara’s cute appearance, she seemed to forget and laughed sadly: “Lu Li, who is this little girl?”

“Superman’s cousin, you can call him Kara. Lu Li introduced.

Carla looked unhappy, she didn’t like to be introduced to Superman by others: “Superman is Superman, I’m me, I’m Supergirl!”

“Supergirl,” Felicity couldn’t help but pinch Kara’s face, “Do you fly too?”

“Of course, not only can I fly, I can also lift a plane, invulnerable, recently I’ve been practicing thermal vision, although the control is not very precise, but I will soon be able to master…”

“Awesome, can you blow a frozen breath?”

“I don’t have that much lung capacity yet, so I can’t do it for the time being. ”

“Although you can’t do it, I still want to say, you are so powerful!”

“Of course!” said Kara, looking proud.

In this way, the two girls, one big and one young, chatted happily, Lu Li, Roy and Batman were much more dull, everyone got on the plane, Batman was the driver, Lu Li sat in the co-pilot, and the others sat in the back.

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