Earth1OO86, the Injustice universe.

Batman carefully studied the document that suddenly appeared.

He had checked the source of the document, it had not come from anywhere on the planet and had suffered heavy damage in transit.

Batman examined this suspicious file over and over again, and finally concluded that it did not contain any viruses or malicious programs.

This appears to be a critically missing audio file.

Batman suppressed his shock as he operated the Brother’s Eye supercomputer in an attempt to fix the audio file.

After a few moments, the restoration was seventy percent complete, which was already the limit.

“Audio file, where the hell did this audio file come from?”

He clicked the play button and listened to it with bated breath.

Inside the player, there was a noisy noise at first, and then, the sound appeared:

“Hello… Hello… I’m Sisko Ray… (file missing) (file missing) … The Justice League calls to another world, calls… (missing)…”

Soon, a second voice came, which seemed to be right next to the first:

“That’s enough, Sisko, can you speak properly, though I don’t think so… (missing)… It can be transmitted to another world… (missing)…”

For a full two minutes of audio, only a few words could be heard, and Batman listened to it nearly thirty times over and over again before turning off the player.

“Sisko Raymond, or rather, he’s Shockwave, isn’t he dead? And Cyborg-Victor Stone, how could he…”

Batman rubbed his cheek ever since the Joker let Superman inhale the gas of fear.

Superman mistakenly killed Louise Lane, who was pregnant, as Doom Day, and Superman began to kill, intending to use killing to create a world without strife.

Kill all the evils.

Some people are on Superman’s side, such as Cyborg, Wonder Woman.

There are also other groups of people who oppose this view, such as Batman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter.

What everyone didn’t expect was that Superman faced the doubts of his former friends, and he actually killed the killer in pain, crying and killing at the same time.

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“You died for a new world, my friend!”

These are the words that Superman said when he killed Green Arrow.

Batman’s mind is full of the ‘other world’ mentioned in the audio at the moment, is this a message from another world?

Otherwise, how could Sisko and Cyborg, two people who are not related, stay together.

And Shock Bosisco is still alive, and the steel bones don’t look like the steel bones on Superman’s side.

After thinking for a long time, Batman took out a lightning-shaped button from his arms and pressed it.

Three minutes later, a flash of lightning appeared in the bat cave.

“Bruce, I know what you’re going to say to me, in fact I’ve planeswalked many times!”

Lightning turned into a figure, Barry Allen took off his battle suit and hood, his age did not look very large, but his face was very vicissitudes.

“Time traveling?”

Batman was blinded at the time, although he did have the idea, etc…

What Barry meant by this was that he had traveled through time and space to try to change the world, but he still failed?!

Seeing that Batman’s expression was very exciting, Barry explained:

“Bruce, at this point in time, you tell me that Louise Lane is the key, and that you have me travel back in time to save Louise Lane. But…… I failed, I tried a few times!

“No matter how many times I save Louise Lane, there’s always a way for the Joker to kill her and her and Superman’s children, and every time I change, it makes things worse…”

“In the beginning, Superman just threw the whole of Atlantis into the desert, the first time I crossed over, he killed Aquaman, the second time, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter are dead, maybe the next time it’s you, Bruce!”

“I feel that unless you let me go back to the beginning and let me kill the Joker, otherwise…”

The Flash Barry Allen said a lot in one breath, and Batman stood up and put his hands on the Flash’s shoulders.

“Barry, calm down! You don’t have to kill anyone. ”

Barry shook his head, his face turned pale: “You don’t understand, now that the timeline has been messed up by me, it is getting worse and worse, and I really can’t travel back in time again!”

“I’m not asking you to travel back in time, Barry, you hear this…”

Batman didn’t bother to say anything, and directly clicked on the audio file that suddenly appeared in the Brother’s Eye.

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