As he was talking, Lu Li saw two black dots floating in the distance.

No…… It should be said that it is two people.

“Kara… And Fio La, why am they here when I go?”

Lu Li’s face turned dark, no wonder I couldn’t see them for the past two days, my feelings were floating here every day!

“Hey, Lu Li, Clark, why are you here too, basking in the sun?”

Carla wears a transparent mask, which allows them to talk in space, otherwise the two of them will be bored.

The transparent mask was connected to the communicator, and Lu Li heard Kara’s greeting, and also pressed a button on the suit.

The next moment, a transparent device extended from the collar of his suit and covered his mouth.

“Kara, Fio La, how long have you been floating here?” Lu Li asked.

“Three days, General Lu Li, I found that when we bask in the sun for three days, the absorption of solar energy will tend to be saturated, and it will be a week later before it can return to the initial rate. ”

Fiora has obviously done a lot of research, and she has come from a military background, and she has honed her senses to the extreme.

Therefore, in the process of absorbing the sun’s energy, you can clearly feel the changes in yourself.

“Three days, a week?”

Lu Li nodded.

This may be due to the fact that Clark is a Kryptonian who gave birth naturally, so his potential is greater, while Fio Ra and Carla are genetically bred, so in terms of potential, they are inferior to Clark.

Originally, Fio La and Kara were ready to go back, but Lu Li and Clark floated over to bask in the sun, so they stayed to talk.

A week passed in a flash, and Lu Li received a message from the laboratory.

The space-time ripple has been recorded, and you can follow the Flash to another universe at any time.

Justice League Scientific Research Department Laboratory.

The Flash from this universe has also been here before, and Barry was very surprised to see himself in another universe, and then took it for granted that he would compare his speed with the other party.

As a result, he was thrown two streets away by the Flash from another universe.

Almost didn’t give Sisko a laugh to death.

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A few days later, Cyborg used Kryptonian technology to develop a miniature space-time signal tower, and Sisko was very interested in this and offered to help.

The tower is a tiny tower that is also three meters tall and has a lot of power when activated, and the surrounding space seems to be impacted, sending out fluctuations like high-temperature steam.

“Then just enter the spatial ripples of your space-time, so that they can be detected by your universe?” Sisko asked, turning to look at the Flash.

The Flash responded: “Yes, it’s like a beacon for sailing.” ”

“I see!”

Sisko nodded clearly, but as if he had thought of something, he asked mysteriously, “Hey, Barry from another world, didn’t you say that there is a superpowered person who can open the space-time corridor?

The Flash smiled awkwardly, “If I say it, it may interfere with the future of your universe.” ”

“Please, do you know what a breakthrough it would be for science to open a passage to another universe?

Sisko’s current thinking is still at the stage of an ordinary scientist, but when he really gains the ability of shock waves and knows the dangers of the infinite universe, he will not think so much about what he has and what he doesn’t have.

The Flash’s face was flushed, as if he was thinking, and simply told this thing that he was shocked.

At this time, Lu Li appeared in the laboratory, and the Flash hurriedly shook off Sisko and handed a white box to Lu Li.

“Lu Li, this is the space-time ripple of your universe, and I will hand it over to you now, and you will need it when you return. ”

“Thank you, Barry. ”

After Lu Li took it, he casually deposited the silver bracelet in his hand, and then asked, “What should we do next?”

“I’ll run up and open the space-time corridor later, can you move quickly?” asked the Flash.

If Lu Li can exert super speed, even if it is not the speed of God Speed Force, he can follow the Flash into the space-time corridor, and save him from leading people to run.

Running with someone will slow down the Flash’s speed, and running slowly is a very dangerous thing in the space-time corridor.

Lu Li didn’t speak, his figure flashed, turned into a silver-white lightning, and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he brought a glass of Coke and drank it with a straw in his mouth.

The Flash couldn’t be more familiar with this feeling, and he felt that the world was really amazing: “You have the speed of God? You are also a speeder? A flying speeder?”

If it weren’t for feeling very rude, the Flash would like to ask what Lu Li’s superpowers are.

Lu Li shrugged, and the Flash sighed and said, “You are the best speeder, just follow me, the space-time signal tower is open, and when we connect to you, the space-time corridor will be opened again.” ”

Steel Bone and the others responded, indicating that they understood.

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