Lex knew that he could set up Batman, and he would naturally set himself up, so he hung up the phone call, completely trying to test the other party.

As the minutes ticked by, the expression on Lex’s face became more and more serious.

Finally, thirty seconds later, the phone rang again, still the same unknown number.

“It looks like a desperate bat. ”

Lex shook his head with a smile, cleared his throat, and picked up the phone.

“I don’t care who you are, I really don’t have kryptonite here, please give up!”

This was righteous, and even Lex himself believed it.

The deep synthesized voice on the other end of the phone was still low, “Mr. Lex, Superman has changed, if you really are his friend, can you bear to watch him go down the wrong path, further and further? ”

“Wrong? Superman just punished sinners, and he made the world a lot less sinners!” Lex’s tone gave people the feeling of believing in his friends and supporting him.

Batman’s voice was obviously angry: “Is Green Arrow also a sinner? Are the people of Atlantis who don’t want to accept Superman’s rule a sinner? Is the Martian Manchuck who shot at Wonder Woman a sinner…”

He said in one breath that many people were superheroes who died because of their rebellion against Superman.

“They… is a necessary sacrifice on the road to justice…”


Batman’s voice suddenly raised a few degrees, “I believe in your heart, you should understand that Superman is wrong to do this, I believe that there is still true justice in your heart, as Superman’s best friend, you should guide him to do the right thing, instead of blindly conniving at him…”

Lex was silent, making one think he was really thinking.

“Lex, don’t let Superman be wrong again and again, it’s right to punish sin, but don’t kill people… At least you can’t kill your friends!”

Batman said it sincerely, and Lex fell into deep thought.

Nearly ten seconds later, Lex seemed to have made a very big decision, and said, “You let me think about it, and at ten o’clock tonight, I will give you an answer.” ”

After saying that, the phone hung up.

Lex leaned into his office chair, seemingly pondering the authenticity of the call.

On the other side, the Bat Cave.

Batman also hung up the phone, Lu Li listened on the side, and quickly asked, “How is it?”

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“Lex is suspicious of me, but I’m okay, he’ll sell me kryptonite… Fake kryptonite. Batman said triumphantly.

“The confrontation between the two Oscar-winning actors, the routine is really deep!” Lu Li shook his head and sighed.

That night, word came from Lex that he agreed to sell the kryptonite in his possession.

He and Batman agreed to trade in three days at the Military District ruins, twenty miles north of the metropolis.

That night, Batman summoned Lu Li, Flash, Atom, and Shazam, explained the situation, and arranged a detailed plan.

“Lu Li, how long are you sure to hold off Superman?”

This is the fifteenth time Batman has asked this question.

Lu Li said helplessly: “I said I could kill him, but you don’t believe it.” ”

“Okay, then we’ll be the bait to attract Superman’s attention, Flash, you open the space-time corridor, Atom, Shazam, you follow the Flash to make sure the space-time corridor opens. Batman said.

Everyone nodded, “Understood!”


Three days later, Batman gathered a group of mercenaries, got into the truck with Lu Li, and came to the agreed location.

This military region was once the seventh military region, after Superman intervened in the strife of this world.

Fearing that he would get out of control, the ZF enlisted Superman’s adoptive parents, Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent.

I want to have a good talk with Superman.

However, there is nothing to do with finding someone’s parents, so Superman was very angry when he found out, and without saying a word, he flew to the Seventh Military Region, and under the sweep of his hot eyesight, he destroyed this place in an instant.

In the huge Seventh Military Region, there are only Superman’s adoptive parents in the command room, and Superman’s father-in-law, General Sam Lane.

Others, none survived.

Lu Li and Batman hide in the wreckage of the Seventh Military District, looking at the scorched and broken buildings everywhere, even the bravest people will be timid.

“God, Batman, we’re just trading with Lex, don’t tell us, you’ve messed with Superman!”

The mercenary leader asked half-jokingly and half-seriously as he paced through the wreckage of the military region with a cigar in his mouth.

Batman hurriedly shook his head, “Of course, it’s just a small deal, don’t worry!”

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