
The Flash dodged without any suspense, and then, the second car, the third car…

The basement of the particle crash test was originally very spacious, but now it looks like a crowded road, with countless cars flowing endlessly.

The Flash wanted to curse in his heart.

He could pierce a wall, a car, but there were at least fifty in front of him.

And from cars, SUVs, buses, trucks … There are all kinds of cars.

In desperation, the Flash had no choice but to dodge and dodge the vehicle.

As a result, the speed is naturally reduced.

The space-time corridor trembled in mid-air, and the newly opened center showed signs of shrinking.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Green Lantern’s mouth hooked up with a smile, and at the same time, he used his imagination to create trouble for the Flash one after another.

For example, the ground is sprinkled with nails.

Another example is the open defecation of cats and dogs in rows.

Another example, a green-haired old lady crossed the street tremblingly on crutches…

The Flash’s face is extremely dark, and he really treats this place as a road.

It’s crazy!

But…… Why do I know that this old lady is fake, but I still want to stop and help.

“Shameless Green Lantern!”

Flash Barry Allen closed his eyes and roared, he didn’t hit the above obstacles, Green Lantern simply weaved a large web, countless chains flew all over the sky, like spider webs blocking the surroundings.

In this way, the Flash’s speed was affected again.

As time went by, the space-time corridor became extremely unstable, and there were signs of collapse at any time.

At this time, in the pit on the top surface, a lightning bolt struck, right in the middle of the space-time corridor.

With a ‘boom’, the originally stormy Yongdao finally collapsed completely!

“No !!”

Seeing this, the Flash let out an unwilling roar.

I saw that I was about to succeed, but I still failed at this juncture!

If only I could go faster, if… The other self is faster!

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He closed his eyes and sighed.

Shazam then catches up, followed by Hawkgirl, not Atom.

Obviously, Atom is a human in an atomic suit after all, and it is still too reluctant to fight against a demigod.

“The Flash, it’s over!” Black Adam said in a deep voice.

Green Lantern didn’t mean to continue to shoot, his eyes fell on the Flash, sighed, and said, “Barry, why are you doing this?”

“I don’t want to see my friends die!” Flash lowered his head, his voice shaky.

Green Lantern’s eyes were gloomy, and he shook his head: “I don’t want to either, that’s why I want to stop you and don’t add unnecessary casualties.” ”

Black Adam glanced at Shazam and snorted coldly, “What do you have to do with them, catch it back and listen to what Superman has to say.” ”

Just now they called Superman, but there was no response.

Cyborg sends a message telling them that Superman is busy.

As for what to be busy with, they were not told.

The Eagle Girl put away her weapon, folded her hands in front of her chest, and questioned Black Adam, “Does it have to be like this?”

Except for Black Adam, the rest of the people present used to be very good friends and comrades-in-arms.

Now that it’s like this, the eagle girl doesn’t feel good.

Shazam, who was on the side, looked gloomy and said in a serious tone: “I can understand Superman, but I won’t forgive him, he killed my friend.” ”

“It’s not Superman that’s wrong, it’s me!”

The Flash took a few steps to the right, leaning limply against the wall, “If it wasn’t for my attempt to change the timeline, things wouldn’t have gotten to this point, it was I who killed Ollie, killed Arthur, John Jones…”


Green Lantern roared, his gaze sweeping over Shazam and the Flash, “No one has to die today, Barry, Billy, come with me to the prison in the watchtower, don’t make any more trouble, Superman won’t kill you.” ”

Although Superman in the Injustice universe lets go of killing, he doesn’t kill people when he sees them, he only kills those who conflict with him.

So as long as the Flash and they stay in prison honestly, Superman won’t kill them.

A green light shone on Flash’s body, turning into a string of shackles, and Flash didn’t struggle, he was tired and didn’t want to resist anymore.

Can’t open the time and space corridor, this world… Finished.

Shazam had the heart to fight again, but looking at the Flash who was silently not resisting, he also looked helpless: “Please, that’s it?”

Black Adam and Hawkgirl stared at him left and right, and said, “That’s right, it’s over, no one can fight Superman.” ”

“Okay, okay! Are Batman and Doom still alive?” asked Shazam, with his hands on his hips.

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