Batman looked at Lu Li, thinking about the battle between Lu Li and Superman today, Lu Li exerted the power of thunder, making them preconceived that Lu Li was a superpower.

But if you think about the details of the battle, the two still have a lot in common.

“So you’re a Krypton?” asked Batman.

Lu Li smiled: “Pure earthling…”

“Half Protoss blood. Ares did not forget to remind, “From the moment you have the Godhead, you are no longer mortal. ”

Harley Quinn’s eyes were restless back and forth on Lu Li’s body, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

After a moment, Batman shook his head, “No, what if the God of Destruction is also dead?

Lu Li doesn’t like to hear this.

“What are you kidding, bat, believe it or not that I can crush Superman with one finger?”

Lu Li took the case, and his righteous words were impassioned.

Batman and Ares looked at each other with a “I don’t believe it” expression.

“Well, Mr. Destruction, are you willing to try the Superman potion, even if it results in a dead end?” asked Batman, with a serious expression.

Lu Li shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Batman was silent for a long time, then raised his head and looked at Lu Li with blazing eyes.

“Give me two days, and after two days, we’ll go to the watchtower to save people. With that, Batman got up and walked towards the depths of the Batcave.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Ares also wanted to flash: “In two days, I will help you a little.” ”

This guy has a good abacus, if Lu Li and they have a chance to defeat Superman, then they will naturally jump out and show their faces, if Lu Li and they are not opponents, Ares will not be stupid to go over and be buried.

“You wait, don’t leave yet, I have some doubts and want to ask you. ”

Lu Li saw that Ares was about to flash people, so he hurriedly stopped him.

He had a lot of doubts about the transformation and use of destructive energy, after all, no one taught.

Although Lu Li’s strength is far superior to that of Eris, there should be no shame in asking about such a thing.

Diana completely regarded herself as a warrior, and Lu Li would inevitably take some detours in her own exploration, and now that she had the opportunity to have such an ancient Greek god here, she naturally had to ask him for advice.

For an ancient god like Ares, mortals were a lower race, and there was only another god who could talk to the gods on an equal footing.

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The overall strength of Ares, the god of war, is stronger than Shazam.

Shazam’s power comes from the six Greek gods, and Ares himself is one of the ancient Greek gods, even one of the strongest of the Greek gods.

Listening to Lu Li’s request, Ares thought for a moment and did not refuse, “Okay, if you have any doubts, just ask.” ”


At the same time, the Earth is 95, the land of the universe.

The Flash ran out of the underground field of the particle acceleration test, and the yellow lightning flashed away, and he stood in front of everyone.

“I can’t really run anymore, the other side… I mean, their cosmic connection is broken. Barry took off his suit and hooded, gasping violently as he explained.

In front of him, Superman, Wonder Woman, Shazam and others looked at each other.

“The connection between their universe is broken… What does this mean? The space-time corridor can’t be opened?”

Diana was very excited, it had been three or four days since Lu left the other universe, and there was no news at all, which made her not in a hurry.

It’s not another city, it’s another country, it’s another universe!

Steelband operated the computer in the cutting-edge technology laboratory, shook his head and said, “There is a problem with the docking of space-time ripples, if I am not mistaken, it is something wrong with their universe.” ”

“Maybe I’m… Ahem, I mean, I was discovered by me in another universe, hey, I must be strong in that universe. Superman sighed, a little remorseful.

Diana pinched her eyebrows with her hand, “Even if something happens to them, we can’t sit still, Barry, you can take people through the universe in another universe, you can too!”

Barry looked confused, the concubine couldn’t do it!

Cyborg immediately explained: “If you want the speed force to accumulate enough kinetic energy to break time and space, Barry needs to reach a speed of at least about Mach 30, and if you travel through time and space, this speed will at least double… Of course, this is only a theoretical value, depending on the actual situation. ”

“So, what do you mean?” Diana’s gaze flicked back and forth between Cyborg and Flash.

“I mean Barry can’t run that fast, so far…”, Cyborg struck without hesitation.

Superman touched his chin, “So if I run with Barry at the same time, and then when he reaches the limit, throw him out and give him an acceleration, will that meet the speed requirement?”

Cyborg simulated the scene Superman said, “The speed may have been reached, but Barry’s travel through time and space relies on the speed of God to break through the space-time barrier, which is difficult to analyze… But you guys can try. ”

“Then try it. ”

Superman waved at Barry, and walked towards the particle acceleration test site himself.

Barry looked helpless, “Why don’t you let me take a break, hey!”

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