“Except for Professor Speed, and a shark-man who almost ate me!” Flash shrugged.

For him, a man who is crazy about seizing his speed power is the biggest threat, and as for what is behind the scenes, it is just superhuman feeling.

“Don’t say that, Flash, Superman’s senses rarely go wrong. Lu Li said.

Batman agreed, “Be careful, in addition, our spaceship has been built so far, and Cyborg will help debug the final data, and it will be able to lift off in two months… I suggest that it be named the Watchtower, a space station that exists to protect the Earth. ”

“I’m naming it, what about the opinions of the rest of you?” Lu Li looked at the others.

No matter which version, the Justice League’s space base is called a watchtower, and Lu Li can’t think of a better name for a while, so if he really wants to make his name, at most it will be called ‘Nantianmen’, ‘Shenzhou 1’ and the like.

It’s not as good as a watchtower.

Sure enough, everyone in the room, except for Damian, agreed with the name ‘Watchtower’.

At this time, it was not early, Batman was in a hurry to go home and beat his son, Superman was in a hurry to go home to see his girlfriend, Lu Li was in a hurry to and Diana… Ahem, whisper.

So the meeting was declared to be adjourned, and each went back to his own house and looked for his own mother.

Before leaving, Damian knew that he would have to fight to the death tonight, he hugged Lu Li’s thigh tightly, and refused to follow Batman back.

However, Diana gave Lu Li a ‘you know’ look, and Lu Li kicked Damian away with a merciless kick.

The poor bear child didn’t know what was happening, and the next second he was carried out by his father, and let him scream like a pig, and no one paid attention to him.

“Brother Lu Li, can you tell me where you have been this year?”

Kara followed Lu Li out of the conference room, her little face was a little longer than a year ago, and she no longer had that feeling of flesh, but she still looked like a cute doll, which made people want to hug and kiss a few bites.

“Okay, Kara, but it’s getting late, you should go to bed, I’ll tell you tomorrow morning, okay?”

As Lu Li spoke, he glanced at Fio Ra behind Kara.

Worthy of being her own adjutant, Fio La obviously understood what Lu Li meant, she picked up little Kara and said softly: “It’s so late, General Lu Li is very tired, let’s look for him tomorrow!”

With Fio La’s help to speak, Carla finally relented, and she stared at Lu Li with a serious face: “Then it’s okay, don’t play missing tomorrow, otherwise I will definitely follow you!”

“Of course, I’ve always been good at talking!” Lu Li touched Kara’s head and sent little Lori to the bedroom before returning to his room.

As soon as the door was closed, Diana greeted her with a complaining face.

“Why do you have a look of eating me and don’t want me?”

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Lu Li smiled evilly and put his hand on Diana’s waist, hugged the person in front of him who he had been thinking about for a long time, and said in her ear.

Diana’s face flushed slightly, and she snorted lightly, biting Lu Li’s ear hard in retaliation.

In the end, it is the bite force of the gods, even the body of steel is bitten and painful.

“Lu Li, you didn’t hook up outside, did you?”

“Why, even I can’t believe it, I can swear to God, there is absolutely no hook up!” Lu Li patted his chest and said.

Alcohol shouldn’t be considered a hook-up, right?

After listening to Lu Li’s assurance, Diana gave him a blank look, and Lu Li wanted to continue to explain something.

“Don’t talk…”

The goddess stretched out her white index finger and pointed it between Lu Li’s lips: “Don’t talk to me!”

Where can Lu Li endure it…


on the American Intercity Highway.

A black bat-chariot sped by.

Batman held the steering wheel with one hand, and the fourth-generation Robin sat next to him with a puffed face.

“Isn’t it just to kill a few people, as for having such a big temper?” Damian muttered softly, how aggrieved and aggrieved the little eyes were.

Batman in the driver’s seat took a deep breath: “Damien, you’re not a killer, and this time I’m not blaming you for killing someone, but you didn’t even notice that someone was following you, your vigilance is too bad!”

Values are not formed in a day.

Before meeting Batman, Damien Wayne received an education as a killer in the League of Assassins.

Batman insists on the principle of not killing, largely because he is afraid that after controlling the life and death of others, he will become like the Joker.

After all, in a sinful paradise like Gotham City, if you don’t have a bottom line, you can’t be sure you’ll go crazy.

However, Damien is different, the key to growth and education is different, in his opinion, there is no difference between killing a person and killing an ant.

I haven’t seen anyone who stepped on an ant to death to get out of psychological problems!

Of course, this is not a reason to condone Damien Wayne’s casual killing.

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