When the submarine attacked the capital of Atlantis, the Queen of Atlantis immediately convened a council.

“Take emergency plans immediately and take care of our wounded first!”

Queen Atlanna sat on the throne, holding a golden trident, but there was an undoubted nobility between her delicate eyebrows.

The council hall is very large, with four giant coral-like pillars twenty meters long in the middle.

Standing on the left is an emissary from the kingdom of Zebel.

The envoy of the Zebel Kingdom stepped forward and bowed to the Queen of Atlantis on the throne: “Your Majesty, this time we are also injured by the citizens of Zebel Kingdom, and you have also seen the cruelty of the people on the earth, who will attack the innocent people!”

“I agree with Sir Leslie!”

A young man riding an emperor shark rushed in and looked directly at the Queen of Atlantis: “Mother, the earthlings are attacking Atlantis, this is terrorism… No, it’s an act of war! they’re declaring war on us!”

As soon as these words came out, the envoys from other countries talked about it.

In today’s underwater world, in addition to the missing country, the lost country and the trench country, the other four countries are communicating more and more frequently.

In the capital of Atlantis, millions of people from other countries come and go every day.

Therefore, in the attack just now, not only the people of the Atlantean country were killed and wounded, but the people of the other three countries were also affected.

“That’s right, Your Majesty, the earthlings have harmed the interests of all our kingdoms, and we must let the earthlings give a reasonable explanation!”

“Mother, the earthlings are attacking us, it means that they want to destroy us, my father does not believe in earthly humans, and now he confirms the ugly face of earthly humans, so… Orm, Prince of Atlantis, hereby proposes to break the stereotypes and launch the Atlantean War Plan!”

Aum has the purest royal blood.

His mother is now Queen of Atlantis, and his father is a prince of the kingdom of Zebel.

Because of the fact that Atalana and the earthly people had a son, Orm’s father instilled in Orm the idea of the lowliness and sins of the earthly people since he was a child, and went to find the legendary Poseidon Trident, hoping to lead the power of the seven seas to conquer the land world.

Since then, Orm’s father has not been seen.

But his hatred and hatred for the earthly people took root in the young Aum’s heart.

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The envoys of Zebel unconditionally agreed to Prince Aum’s proposal, while the envoys of the Fisherman Country and the Saltwater Kingdom were hesitant.

Starting a war is not something that can be decided casually.


The Queen of Atlantis rose from her throne, clenched the golden trident in her hand, and slammed it on the ground.


A wave of energy spread out, and the council hall was instantly silent.

In front of the orthodox Atlantean bloodline, the parliamentarians of the four countries did not dare to speak, and lowered their heads one after another, and Orm’s face was gloomy, but he also had to kneel on one knee and listen to the queen’s voice.

“This matter cannot be so hastily decided, and besides, no one on the earth knows about the existence of the Atlantean civilization…”

Hearing the queen say this, Prince Orm’s face showed a sneering expression, and he was eager to ask, ‘You, the queen of Atlantis, have illegitimate children with earthlings’.

However, looking up and seeing the golden trident in Atalana’s hand, Orm still endured what he wanted to say.

With the Golden Trident, in Atlantis, no one is an opponent of the Queen!

“Perhaps, Atlantis has been closed for too long and needs to build a bridge, a bridge that can connect the two worlds. ”

Before the Queen’s voice fell, the parliamentarians of the four countries below were in an uproar.

“But Your Majesty, our traditions do not allow this!”

“I’ve made up my mind, Atlantis has been separated from the surface world for too long, it’s time to build a bridge of peace! I will personally preside over this matter, you can step down! Mela, you come with me, I have something to tell you!”

The queen waved her golden trident, and the parliamentarians of the four countries below retreated.

Even Prince Orm bowed and withdrew from the council hall, knowing very well that his mother’s plan was nothing more than to take back the mongrel brother.

The thought of having an older brother with filthy blood makes him feel sick.

“I really don’t understand why my mother cares about that bastard, blood and honor, in her eyes is so worthless?”

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