“For… Why?”

The queen turned to look at Orm with difficulty, she really couldn’t imagine that her beloved son would do such a thing.

The golden trident slipped from the Queen’s hand.

Orm dropped the pentatentt and reached out to catch the golden trident in Atlanta’s hand, which was a weapon that only the king of Atlantis could wield.

It is said that it can increase the power of the user and become an invincible presence in the kingdom.

“Why, you ask?”

Aum held the golden trident in his hand and said with a smile: “Mother, the same son of yours, you would rather let a mongrel brother inherit the throne than give up to me, a brother of noble blood… I want to fulfill my father’s will, rule the seven seas, and then conquer the continent!”

Tears glistened in Atalana’s eyes, and she could feel her life energy running away.

But what she regrets most is not being able to see Arthur Curry again.

The child she never saw again, her son, when she was a baby.

“Congratulations, Your Highness Aum… No, you should be called … King Orm!” The black manta rays bowed slightly, and after the death of the queen, it was inevitable that Orm would become the king of Atlantis.

Aum listened to this title, but shook his head: “I don’t like this title, I don’t just want to be the king of Atlantis, I want to be the king of the seven seas, my name is… Lord of the Seas!”

“Black Manta Ray, how long will it be before my bastard brother and the people of the earth get to Atlantis?”

“It’s been about ten minutes. Profound…… Lord of the Seas, do you need me to bring someone to intercept them?” asked the black manta ray respectfully.

“No, let them come, because they’re the murderers of my mother, you know what I mean?”

Holding the golden pentadent in his hand, Orm’s eyes flashed with a sharp light, and the black manta ray thought for a moment, then chuckled, “Understood!”


Mela dives into the deep sea with Arthur Curry, Lu Li, Superman, and Kara.

Because The Flash and Shazam are unable to adapt to the anaerobic environment, they return to the Justice League headquarters.

I plan to wait for the two sides to establish a good cooperation, and then visit friends in the deep sea.

“It’s hard to imagine that you don’t have Atlantean blood, but you can survive in the deep sea!”

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After all, Arthur Curry has lived on the ground for more than thirty years, and they still know a lot about Superman.

“I’ve heard that the God of Destruction and Superman have something called a bioforce field, so they can adapt to any extreme environment, let alone the deep sea, even in space they can survive!”


Mei La glanced at Lu Li and the three of them with some envy.

Most of the Atlanteans can only survive on the bottom of the sea, and many people of lower blood will die when they go out of the sea, while Lu Li will still jump around even if they go to space, and there is no geographical limit.

“Wow, big shark!”

Kara had been following Lu Li all the time, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she found that there were many people on the ground, riding sharks with weapons in their hands, and they seemed to be patrolling.

“That’s the guards of Atlantis, and the sight of them proves that we’re almost there. ”

As Mela spoke, the crowd sank rapidly, passing through a cloud-like heat band together, and then their vision suddenly cleared.

Thousands of meters deep, in front of us is a basin on which sits a magnificent city made of gold.


In all directions, there were people riding sharks or driving ships, lined up on the underwater bridge in an orderly manner, and Mela swam over with everyone.

Lu Li and the others looked at the other deep-sea humans around them.

Some of them have a nose, two eyes, a pair of ears and a mouth, just like the people on the ground.

There are also ears that are in the shape of fins, and the legs become fish tails, which look like a mermaid.

Some even have crab armor on their backs, and their hands are covered with thick exoskeletons, making them look like giant crabs.

Everyone lined up on the underwater bridge and swam towards the capital of Atlantis.

“Why line up, can’t you swim past the walls, it will be much faster!” Arthur waited impatiently, his gaze drifting to the tall walls.

Mei La gave him a blank look: “You can try, once you get close to the range of five hundred meters of the city wall, the Guardian Cannon will blast you to the ground!”

“Does that cannon also use magic as an energy source?”

Superman can feel a stream of energy that he hates, if it is a physical weapon, he doesn’t have to care at all, even if hundreds of anti-aircraft guns bombard him for hours, Superman’s eyes won’t blink.

But if you switch to a magic cannon, you’ll have to be careful.

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