“Let’s go too. ”

Now the primary purpose is to rescue Her Majesty, both from the point of view of the situation in Atlantis and from the personal point of view of Arthur of the Sea King.

Mela leaves the palace with Lu Li and Kara, but the outside of the palace is surrounded by a dense army.

Outside the Royal Palace.

The man at the head of the army had a golden beard, he was dressed in golden armor, he held a golden pentadent in his hand, and rode a fierce sea dragon horse, as if waiting for Mela to appear.

“Father… Why are you here?”

Mela was shocked to recognize the man riding the sea dragon horse at the head.

This man was Mela’s father, King of Zebel’s kingdom, Nereus.

It stands to reason that the kings of other countries would not appear in Atlantis for no reason, let alone with thousands of soldiers at this moment.

Lu Li looked up, and the army in the sky was like a black cloud, and the black pressure showed the feeling of covering the sky and the sun.

The soldiers in the front row rode the excited sea dragon horses, holding weapons in their hands, ready to charge at any time, and the energy guns in the back row were all activated, emitting a bright and shining light.

Nereus, the king of Zebel’s kingdom, smiled lovingly at Mela, “Mela, the earthly humans have killed the queen of Atlantis, you quickly help me take down these two earthlings!”

“That’s not the case, father, the queen is not dead, it was Orm who designed to sow discord between Atlantis and the earthly world…”

Mela tried to explain to her father, but his father snorted coldly: “Mela, you have been bewitched by the people on the earth, come on, take Mela down…”

Despite the fact that Mela and her father both speak Atlantean.

Lu Li could understand, and interrupted with a smile: “King Nereus, in fact, you have long formed an alliance with Aum, and you also want to conquer the land!”

Hearing this, Mela looked at her father in disbelief, she couldn’t believe that her father was such a person.

However, Nereus was stunned for a moment, he didn’t understand why Lu Li spoke the language of Atlantis, and he was also curious how Lu Li knew his thoughts.

“The people of the earth… You are dumping garbage into the ocean and killing marine life at will…”

“What nonsense, if you want to fight, you will fight!”

Lu Li suddenly roared, his right hand stretched out, silver light flickered, and a shining silver short sword appeared in Lu Li’s hand.

This Eternal Sword, built by the dwarves of the Marvel world, has been useless for a long time.

“Kara, Mela, protect the Queen, leave these scraps to me!”

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With that, Lu Li waved his left hand and threw the magical energy shield that guarded the queen to Kara.

Kara hurriedly stretched out her hand and held the “box” composed of six energy shields in her hand.

“Can you do it alone?” said Mela, knowing that her duty was to protect the Queen.

But when she saw that Lu Li was alone and had a sword, blocking in front of thousands of troops, she had a great courage to go to the ground despite tens of millions of people, and she couldn’t help but be a little worried, and even more touched.

King Nereus picked up the golden halberd in his hand, pointed at Lu Li with the five spikes on it, and said coldly: “People on the ground, you are looking for death, the whole army will attack, kill!”



“Kill !!”

The black pressed an army of kings composed of thousands of warriors, and at the command of King Nereus, an earth-shattering roar erupted.

The sea dragon horse cavalry in the front row raised the silver fork and took the lead in the charge.

Hundreds of people rushed towards Lu Li at the same time, and the sea water was stirred by them extremely turbulently, but Lu Li was like a 10,000-year-old rock, as immobile as a mountain.

When the cavalry rushed to him, he slashed with his sword!


The seemingly brave cavalry, after engaging with Lu Li’s short soldiers, suddenly collapsed like a plate of scattered sand.

Lu Li held a short sword, and let the cavalry formation not advance an inch.

Countless soldiers were shattered by Lu Li’s eternity, and the mighty Sea Dragon Horse completely exploded into a cloud of blood mist just by touching Lu Li’s little aftermath.

It was just a sword, and more than half of the hundreds of charging cavalrymen had already been killed or wounded.


When King Nereus saw this, his heart fluttered violently.

These cavalrymen are the most elite soldiers trained by the Zebel Kingdom at a great cost, and now they have countless casualties in just one round, and his heart is dripping blood!

“People on the ground, you have killed so many of us, you are provoking a war!”

Nereus roared loudly, and even added a little magical energy to his voice, which could travel farther.

There were already countless civilians underground who did not know the truth, and when they heard that the queen was dead, they heard Neros roar like this, and began to preconceive that the people on earth wanted war.

“No, they—” Mehra explained, turning to the crowd below.

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