“That’s right! That’s the particle accelerator model we need… Most of the things are readily available in our lab, and with Dr. Wells’ help, I can make them in half a day!”

Sisko looked at Dr. Wells, who nodded, “No problem, Barry helped me rescue my daughter from Rush, I’ll help him recover speed.” ”

As soon as they said it, the two science madmen immediately pushed the whiteboard to the laboratory to prepare to build a miniature particle accelerator.

Lu Li came to the lounge on the second floor and saw Barry talking to a middle-aged man with gray hair.

“Hey, Lu Li, why are you here? Oh… This is my father, Henry Allen…”

Barry introduced Lu Li and his father to each other, and Henry Allen learned that Lu Li was his son’s friend, and shook Lu Li’s hand very warmly.

“Let’s talk, I’ll go out first, Barry, you know you’re my pride no matter what happens!”

With that, Henry patted Barry’s arm and walked out.

Lu Li sat on the sofa in front of Barry and went straight to the topic, “Barry, I heard about you, so I came here to help you recover your speed…”

“There are still you in this world, Lu Li, and the Justice League… I don’t think it would make a difference without The Flash. “Barry was beaten twice by speed, and then he lost his speed again, which hit him hard.

At this time, it should be regarded as the second low point in the Flash’s life.

“I know how you feel, Barry, but we need you now! Remember what we dealt with the data demon a year ago?”

Lu Li asked rhetorically, and Barry nodded, his eyes curious why Lu Li suddenly mentioned the data demon.

“That’s right, the data demon himself, Brainiac has come to Earth… He captured Robin, and we don’t know when or where he will invade Earth again, and once Brainiac launches a massive invasion, we need the help of the Flash!

As soon as he heard that civilians needed the help of the Flash, the fire of justice in Barry Allen’s heart began to burn.

After a burst of burning, Barry fell back into his groove

“But even if I want to get my speed back, what should I do?”

“Don’t worry about that, Dr. Wells and Sisko are going to make a miniature particle to speed up, and then let you hack the lightning again. ”

Caught by lightning… Hack again?

“Are you serious?” said Barry, grimacing.

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Lu Li nodded solemnly, “Of course, you can go down and help Dr. Wells and them now.” ”

In Barry’s opinion, if he could get back to speed with a shot or a little medicine or something, then he would do it without saying a word, but… Who’s going to give the lightning another split!

But reluctance is reluctance, after losing speed, Barry has been very unaccustomed to these days, and Caitlyn is still in the hands of extreme speed, Barry can’t keep himself out of it.

In the evening, the miniature particle accelerator was completed.

Barry’s adoptive father, Joe West, and Iris, Henry Allen, and others came to accompany him.

In order to better hit the dark matter, Barry was strapped to the instrument, which felt like he was tied to a cross.

“All you need is Lightning, Sisko, to bring you the weather wand you developed to deal with the weather wizards. ”

Wells presses a button to inject Barry with chemicals while the particle accelerator kicks in, now all it takes is to direct lightning to Barry.

“Don’t bother, I can summon lightning. Lu Li stood beside Barry.

“You’re also a superpower?” Joe West didn’t know Lu Li’s identity.

Also curious are Henry Allen, and Iris.

Sisko glanced at Lu Li, and after getting the affirmation, he couldn’t help but sigh at Lu Li’s identity in front of everyone, “Can’t you guess this? Barry is a member of the Justice League, and the one who came to help at this time must also be the boss of the Justice League!”

“Lu Li is also a member of the Justice League?”

Joe West and the others frowned, racking their brains to think about Lu Li’s true identity, and Lu Li looked helpless.

Sure enough, Superman’s glasses are the equipment of the law of cause and effect, even if everyone has seen them a few times when he doesn’t wear glasses, now no one can recognize him as long as he wears glasses.

So I took off my glasses.

“Omaiga! it’s the God of Destruction!” Joe West gasped.

Henry Allen and Iris also had expressions of sudden realization.

Lu Li was a little speechless, and could only silently recite in his heart, ‘Superman Glasses Cow!’.

“Alright, the particle acceleration is complete, and it is about to collide, so hurry up and summon lightning!”

Harrison Wells urged, he was from the next Earth, and he was completely indifferent to the Justice League, God of Destruction and the like.

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