As the pace of war approached, Lu Li’s leisurely days came to an end.

After three days and two heads, he was arrested by three generations and went to a meeting.

And this meeting is even more important.

The entire Konoha can be regarded as a character, and they are all present, including the Daimyo!

After stabilizing the rear of the Fire Country, the three generations can also give it a go.

Although they faced the two powerful enemies of Cloud Hidden Village and Fog Hidden Village at the same time, the scale of the war was smaller than that of the Third Ninja World War.

However, this time, the three generations did not plan to participate in the war, but sat in Konoha Village.

Therefore, the war ahead needs a commander.

In the huge conference room, the bigwigs gathered, and the representatives of the major families in Konoha Village all gathered here.

Daimyo, three generations, Menyan, Koharu ….

The representative of the Thousand Hands Clan, Lu Li.

Then there are the three bloodline families of Konoha – the Hyuga clan, the Uchiha clan, and the Chixiang clan.

The three representatives are Hinata Hinata, Uchiha Fugaku and Senway Higaku.

The second is the secret art clan, the oil girl clan, and the Inuzuka clan.

There are also the Akido clan, the Nara clan, and the Yamanaka clan.

Also present at the meeting were the younger generation such as Itachi, Kakashi, and Yamato.

The three generations sat in the hands of the daimyo, and their faces were even more serious than ever.

This battle not only determines whether Konoha can have peace, but even affects the future direction of the ninja world.

Therefore, the candidate for the post of commander is very important!

“For the front-line commander, if you have the right person to recommend, you can put it forward and discuss it together. ”

The three generations glanced at everyone present.

Just when everyone was whispering.

The daimyo suddenly said loudly: “I think there is a person who is very suitable, no matter his strategy and strength, he can be regarded as the most top-notch person in our Fire Country!

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at the daimyo.

The daimyo shook his folding fan and said with a smile: “I recommend Qianshou Lu Li as the front-line coach of Yunyin Village and Wuyin Village this time!”

Thousands of hands as a front-line coach?

Everyone was stunned for a moment!

Lu Li also frowned.

Although his reputation in Konoha Village is rising at the same speed as a rocket launch, he has only recently debuted.

Plus the age is less than 1, which is too young.

In terms of qualifications, there are obviously many people who are more suitable than Lu Li.

To be honest, Lu Li didn’t think much about the position of commander-in-chief of this war.

However, the recommendation of the daimyo immediately pushed Lu Li to the forefront.

Everyone’s eyes shifted from the daimyo’s to Lu Li’s.

In any case, the daimyo is the true unification of the Fire Country.

His words, no one will ignore.

“What do you think?” the three generations were also a little surprised, but their hearts were abrupt.

Menyan and Xiaochun glanced at each other and said in a different way: “I agree!”

These two took the lead in speaking, and the others all expressed their positions one after another, agreeing with Lu Li as the commander of this war.

The corners of Lu Li’s mouth hooked slightly, how could he not understand the intention of the daimyo.

The fuse of this war should be traced back to the hijacking of Hinata by the envoys of Yunyin Village.

But the root cause of the outbreak of the war was that some people wanted to prevent Lu Li’s rise, and even wanted to destroy Lu Li in one fell swoop.

Then, once the war starts, Lu Li, as the front-line commander of the Konoha side, will not have any possibility of avoiding the war.

You don’t see, the second Hokage died in the First Ninja War.

The third generation of Thunder Shadow died in the Third Ninja World War.

What a lesson from the past!

Although Lu Li is not a Hokage yet.

But the daimyo obviously hoped that Lu Li would follow the example of the two predecessors before him and die on the battlefield.

It’s just like the rope tree back then!

When almost all the people present agreed with the Daimyo’s proposal.

“What do you think of yourself?” said the third generation slowly.

Lu Li smiled: “That… I’ll do it!”

The next moment, he changed his words and said, “However, since I am the commander-in-chief, all the arrangements during the war, including the personnel who will fight and all the deployments, are decided by me!”

The third generation nodded: “Of course!”

“In that case, then I will now order, in the name of the commander-in-chief of the three armies…”

Lu Li glanced at everyone present and began to deploy.

“Akimichi, Nara, Yamanaka, Hinata, you will stay behind and protect the village. ”

Although the situation in Sand Hidden Village was stabilized by Lu Li, there are other small country’s ninja villages around Konoha Village.

I didn’t get the information from the Iwain Village either.

So even if there is a war, Konoha Village must remain with a part of its forces.


Akido Dingza, Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaichi and Hinata Hinagi immediately responded.

said that they would ensure the safety and stability of the village during this time, and prevent other forces from having the opportunity to invade the village.

“Uchiha Itachi, Kakashi, Yamato, you lead the Shadow and Ninja armies to stop Cloud Shinobi from going south on the northern front!”

“A thousand sundial differences, oil girls take roots, wind in the mountains, you lead the roots, block the fog ninja who landed on the eastern front. ”

All six of them stood up to receive their orders.

This arrangement did not surprise too many people present.

The old man stays in the village, and the young man fights!

This is Lu Li’s arrangement!

“As for Ben Shuai!”

Lu Li looked at the Daimyo with a smile and said, “After the fog ninja army on the eastern front is completely annihilated, we will rush to the northern front to support! Therefore, the pressure on the northern front will be very great in the early stage, and we must delay the southward march of the cloud ninja army as much as possible!”

After Lu Li laid out the general front, the meeting continued to discuss some details.

After the meeting.

Lu Li walked out of the conference room, and followed closely behind him.

At this time, Hinata Hinata suddenly walked over quickly.

“Big brother!”

Hisashi nodded in greeting.

Although he was separated from Hinata’s family, Hinata still maintained respect for his brother and did not have much resentment.

Hinata Hinata bowed slightly, and said, “Hinata Hiza, I want to talk to Lu Li alone.” ”

However, Lu Li said: “You don’t need to be alone, if you have anything to say, the head of the Hyuga family will say it directly.” ”

Hinata Hinata sighed, and had no choice but to speak, “Do you know the white eyes of the Fog Hidden Village?”

As soon as Rizu spoke, Lu Li knew his intention.

He hoped that Lu Li could protect his white eyes on the battlefield.

Because, there are many young people from the Qianxiang family in the roots, and they will inevitably suffer casualties when they go to the Eastern Front to face the Fog Ninja.

If it is a former division, even if you die on the battlefield, the enemy will not be able to get white eyes because of the caged bird.

But this time is different, once the members of the Qianxiang family who participated in the war die on the battlefield, the white eyes will inevitably be taken away.

In this way, the white eyes that the Hyuga family has guarded for hundreds of years will have no secrets.

Lu Li sneered: “White-eyed Qing, Hinata tell the head of the Hyuga family, what will you do!”

Hinata said: “If he dares to appear on the battlefield on the Eastern Front, I will definitely retrieve the white eyes that were lost by the Hyuga family back then!”

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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