“No!you can’t do that!!”

Kara was grief-stricken as she watched as her father, transformed into a non-human superman, was now her cousin’s turn.

Unoblivious to Kara’s cries, Brainiac waved his hand and teleported Kara and Fio Ra to the test chamber.

“The two of them can conduct live experiments, and as for Superman… I can’t wait to see the most powerful body in the universe born!”

Brainiac personally grabbed Superman and said to the mechanical Superman and Damian Dark, “Help me defend for a while, and wait for my strongest form to appear.” ”

With that, he floated to the main cabin with Superman.

in the universe.

A spaceship several kilometers long lifts off from the ground.

Countless Brainiac’s ships attempted to stop them, but they were defeated by Diana, Shazam, and Lu Li.

Not only is Brainiac’s main ship equipped with the Concussion Loop Energy Shield, but even the other fourteen skeleton ships are also equipped with it.

It’s just that the data core of these sub-ships is not as good as Brainac’s spaceship.

So at the limit of the energy it can bear, it can’t be compared with the main ship spacecraft.

“Thunder Divine Punishment!”


The universe is lit up by a silver unicorn composed of thunder, coupled with Diana’s guardian silver bracelet colliding, and Shazam’s lightning attack.

Together, the three of them penetrated the energy shield of a skeleton ship.

The skeleton ship’s energy shield was crushed, and the silver unicorn slammed into the ship’s hull, exploding with a bang, forming a thunder net in the sky.

Boom! Boom!!

The universe exploded like a firework and burst into brilliant light.

“The watchtower has been activated… Countdown, turn on the space-based defense system…”

The sound of steel bones came from the communication channel, and Lu Li and Diana were shocked, as long as the defense system was activated, the Earth’s defense weapon system could greatly reduce their pressure.

“Ten… Nine…… Eight…”

In the middle of the countdown, Brainiac’s ship attacked more and more frantically.

They are crazy to stop the watchtower from running, because once the watchtower is online, overwriting the original information, and activating the space-based defense system, it can wipe out millions of Brainiac troops in an instant.

The enemies frantically flocked to the watchtower, and the people on Earth were much more relaxed.

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Another burst of thunder erupted, annihilating tens of thousands of Brainiac troops like electric fish.

“Three… Two…… One, the space-based defense system is activated!

At the end of the countdown, the watchtower’s satellites flew out, like countless eyes, photographing and locating all the alien invaders.

A moment later, a vast point of light lit up on the earth, and countless light sources scattered out in all directions, like fireworks in the sky, and shot towards the dense Brainiac army.

Boom, boom, boom……

Countless explosions rang out, in the sky and on the ground.

Lu Li, Diana, and Shazam quickly flew in the direction of the watchtower, and the flames that exploded behind them enveloped a large area of space, and countless mechanical ships and mechanical warriors were blown to pieces.

The same is true on the ground.

Space-based weapons are concentrated on bombing places where alien invaders are concentrated.

The bombardment lasted nearly three minutes, and the millions of alien invaders were almost all wiped out, and the small part that remained was completely not enough to stir up any wind and waves.

In the city, the Queen of the Sea, the Flash, the Eagle Woman, and the supernumerary agents of the Justice League all dispatched to clean up the remaining invaders.

The smoke and dust in the universe dissipated.

There is only one mothership left that is three times larger than a normal skeleton ship.

That’s Brainiac’s mothership.

“Superman! Superman!”

Shazam, armed with a respirator, shouted several times in the communication channel, but received no reply.

Lu Li flew straight towards the giant skeleton spaceship.

According to the normal development of the plot, even without himself, Superman can defeat Brainiac independently.

However, I don’t know if there is a distraction factor of my own, Lu Li feels that Brainiac in this world is a bit of a demon!

The three of them rushed into Brainiac’s spaceship, and Lu Li scanned it with his perspective eye, but it still didn’t work.

The interior of the ship is covered in lead, which the Kryptonians’ clairvoyant eyes cannot see.

Damian Dack and Auto Superman have been waiting there for a long time.

“Destroyer, Wonder Woman, Shazam, it seems that this mission is difficult!”

Damian Duck looked at the mechanical superman beside him.

Facing the three giants of the Justice League, Damian Duck has never fought against the God of Destruction, but the data shows that the other party not only has extraordinary power, but also has magic.

Superman, who bullied and bullied Zero Magic Resistance, was very reluctant, and Damien Wayne really didn’t know the bottom of his heart against the God of Destruction who was proficient in magic.

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