“Then the layout of the battlefield on the Eastern Front is in the Temple of Fire. ”

Lu Li stared at the Temple of Fire at the location of the map, and directly finalized the position of the eastern defense line.

Since even the system has released the check-in task of the Temple of Fire.

With the systematic urine nature, the landing point of the Mist Ninja army is nine times out of ten in the Fire Temple Forest.

He certainly had no reason to resist going to the check-in location.

Killing two birds with one stone, Lu Li really couldn’t think of a reason to hand over the defense line of the Fire Temple Forest to others.

In fact, it was also the best arrangement for the root led by Hizashi to go to fend off the Mist Ninja army.

The reason is that the ninjas of the Fog Hidden Village are good at an assassination method called the Fog Hidden Technique.

Use the fog to hide your aura and slash your opponents by surprise.

And the white eyes, when dealing with these guys, have a good restraint effect.

In fact, during the Third Shinobi War, the main force that faced the Fog Hidden Village was the people of the Hyuga clan.

Lu Li also has a certain degree of understanding of this, and even clearly knows that Qing got white eyes like that.

Next, they discussed the defense of the northern front.

Itachi made it clear that the Uchiha clan would do their best to participate in the war.

If necessary, even the patriarch of Uchiha Fugaku will go to the battlefield.

It was only after the war matters had been finalized that the military council was declared closed.

“If there are no other problems, we can go on another day. ”


The Temple of Fire is located at the very edge of the southeastern part of Konoha.

To get there, you’ll first have to pass through the bustling city, the Short Book Castle, and the southernmost Konoha Forest.

At the same time, it is necessary to deploy a defensive line over there.

It takes a lot of time.

There is Lu Li personally sitting on the Eastern Front, plus the assistance of White Eyes, and the Uchiha Rebel Ninja with good combat power.

The army of fog ninja must have come and gone.

After Lu Li personally participated in the war of the ninjas, he had to complain.

Naruto’s war is very rough, not like the world before he traveled, all kinds of tactics and stratagems emerge in endlessly.

Especially during the Fourth Ninja World War, this can be even more proven.

The 80,000 allied troops against the 100,000 Bai Jue basically confirmed their offensive route first, then deployed in advance, opened the defensive line, and waited until they appeared, and rushed forward in one go.

Rely on physical arts, ninjutsu, and illusions to start a battle.

It’s almost the same as it is now.

“It seems that in the process of marching, we can try to extend the tactics of the three-three system to the combat units at the root, which is better than the current way of fighting. ”

Lu Li was not a military fan before the crossing, but he only had a slight understanding of this aspect of things.

Among them, the three-three system is a very extensive tactic.

However, although the three-three system seems very simple, it is still difficult to apply.

Without enough practice, it may have the opposite effect.

So after thinking for a while, Lu Li first had to look at the effect of this tactic in the process of marching.

He really can’t, and he won’t use it in this war.


After returning home.

Lu Li told his family about the expedition.

Yukito, who was doing the thrush, threw all the brushes away and shouted, “I want to go with my husband!”

“If you want to fight the fog, can you bring it?” Ye Cang, who was in the kitchen, rushed out with a kitchen knife.

As soon as he heard that Lu Li was going to fight on the Eastern Front, Ye Cang was excited.

I don’t know, I think she has a deep hatred for Wuyin Village.

However, in the original work, Hakura did die under the sneak attack of the Fog Ninja.

As for Yugiren, as long as it wasn’t a war with Yunyin Village, he wanted to follow Lu Li’s side.

Yu Nai said weakly: “Can I go?”

What Lu Li didn’t expect was that Yunai, who has always been gentle and considerate, would also be mixed at this time.

Lu Li glared and said, “Before your man dies in battle, you should honestly stay at home and teach your husband and children!”

“Husband and son, then you have to give us a child, right?” Yugi was still unwilling.

“That’s it!” Hakura agreed.

Lu Li didn’t take a pretense and said, “Then it will take two years to do it! Yu Nai will go and pack my luggage, and I will leave early tomorrow morning!”

However, although Lu Li did not let them follow them on the expedition, the battle that should have been there was still indispensable.

Lu Li switched to the three sides overnight, won three kills in one fell swoop, and returned with a big victory.

The next day.

Lu Li still appeared at the assembly point of the team in high spirits.

After the daily difference is confirmed.

Lu Li gave an order: “Let’s go!”

The destination, of course, is the Temple of Fire.

As for transportation, is there one?

By legs, of course!

However, the ninja’s ability to trek alone is extremely rebellious compared to the world before Lu Li crossed.

Even if a conservative estimate of the ninja is taken, taking the running speed of two or three hundred kilometers in four hours as a reference, the running speed of the ninja is no less than that of a modern tank.

Scary, the ninja also has all-terrain off-road capabilities.

Mountains, rivers, cliffs, jungles, deserts, the moon in the nine days, and the turtles in the five oceans.

Climbing a 90-degree cliff is like playing, and the comprehensive obstacle crossing ability has almost reached the realm of being alone and seeking defeat.

What’s even more terrifying is that from a military point of view, the physical endurance and individual firepower of ninjas have also reached a very terrifying realm.

The existence of small, lightweight, and large-scale military food pills makes the fuel tank of the vehicle feel ashamed.

The existence of detonation charms and various high-level ninjutsu allows ninjas to gain firepower that is no less than that of modern human low-level hot weapons.

The Ninja World lights up its skill tree in such a way that some of their tech trees are hard to click.

The thousand people led by Lu Li now are such elite ninjas.

According to the statistics of the daily report, there are more than 200 Uchiha rebels in the team.

Of course, these people can no longer be called traitors, but root ninjas who are controlled by Hizashi with other gods.

Among them, there are more than a dozen of them who have opened the three-hook jade writing wheel.

It can be said that it is quite a powerful force.

Even if Lu Li doesn’t make a move, with the strength of a thousand people, it is estimated that he will be able to resist the attack of Wuyin Village.

“I just don’t know how many ninjas will be sent by the Fog Hidden Village. ”

Lu Li shook his head, simply didn’t think about it, and took charge of the journey.

In the afternoon of the next day, Lu Li and the Root Ninja troops arrived at the Temple of Fire.

This is still in the case of saving energy, and if they are in full speed, they can even reach their destination on the same day.

The presiding officer of the Temple of Fire happens to be the land of the Guardian Ninja Twelve who will be hunted by the Kakudu in the future.

“I’m the host here, Dilu. ”

As soon as Di Lu saw Lu Li, he directly introduced himself.

This time the war involves two ninja villages.

Before becoming the host, Di Lu served as the Twelve Ninja Warriors.

So as soon as he heard the news that the war was about to rekindle, he directly summoned all the ninja monks and prepared to assist Lu Li and deal with the enemy together.

I have to say that the Temple of Fire wanted to intervene in this war, which made Lu Li a little unexpected.

He originally thought that the monks of the Temple of Fire were the same as he knew, the four major ones were empty, and they didn’t care about the world.

I didn’t expect that Dilu would take the initiative to find himself and provide troops.

“In any case, the Temple of Fire is the throat of the Land of Fire, and if the ninjas of the Fog Hidden Village want to attack Konoha Village, this is the place to go. ”

“And when I was a ninja twelve, I heard about the Fog Hidden Village, where the ninjas were very proficient in the art of assassination. ”

“On top of that, there are some personal reasons for this. ”

Di Lu couldn’t help but sigh, as if he thought of something old.

“Personal reasons?” Lu Li looked Lu up and down, not expecting him to suddenly say such a thing.

“Yes. ”

It’s all old, but it’s not a secret.

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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