“I’m a… Where?”

Lu Li knew that he hadn’t left the DC Universe, but had passed through the wormhole and didn’t know where he had been teleported!

He stretched out his hand to weld the spatial portal, but to his regret, it failed.

Lu Li pondered carefully, and then flew in one direction.



A desolate and populated death star, three red rays of light falling from the sky.

It was three people wearing red suits, their bodies were wrapped in a layer of faint red energy, and the leaders were sturdy, their skin was also red, and their mouths were full of sharp fangs.

The other two were different in size and even race, but what they all had in common was that they wore red suits and were wrapped in red energy.

Each of the three carried a white humanoid creature in his hands.

It is three humanoid intelligent beings in spacesuits, who are brought to this barren planet by the red trio, and struggle desperately, saying pleading words in the dialect of the universe.

But the three men in red suits completely ignored their pleas.

The largest man dropped his captive and flew to a hill to look down on the planet’s surface.

“Lord Atohitas, why did you bring us to this planet?

The man known as Atohitas turned his head and looked at it, cracking his bloody mouth, “Thorndike, this is my home planet, hundreds of years ago, this was a planet with a high degree of civilization!”

“What?!, a highly civilized planet?”

The attendant Thorndike seemed incredulous, so Annai couldn’t help but be curious, and asked more: “Lord Atohitas, why did your home planet become like this?”

After asking, Thorndike regretted it, the leader of the legion in front of him was temperamental, and often tore his men apart at the slightest disagreement.

However, after hearing this question, Atohitas did not get angry with the two followers, but looked into the distance angrily: “It’s the Green Lantern Legion! I used to be a member of the Green Lantern Legion until I was ordered to destroy a monster called Parallax!”

Atohitas’s gaze was deep, as if he had seen through time and space, and had traveled back hundreds of years.

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“In that war, with countless casualties, the parallax monster finally fled to the star of Rut, my home planet, and after devouring the horror of the entire planet, he fought a decisive battle with the Green Lantern Legion…”

“Later, the Green Lantern defeated the parallax monster, and my home planet was destroyed… I used to think that the Green Lantern Legion was heroes, and they avenged my home planet, but until I knew, the Parallax Monster was the Elder of one of the Ten Guardians of the Green Lantern Legion, and that Elder touched the power that he couldn’t control, the power of fear, and became a Parallax Monster!”

“After all, it was the Guardians who killed my people, and it was the Green Lantern Corps who were responsible for the destruction of my home planet!”

After learning the truth, Atohitas renounced his identity as a Green Lantern Warrior, and he has been immersed in extreme emotions of anger and revenge, which allows him to master the power of red’s wrath.

It is for this reason that Atohitas established the Red Lantern Legion with the intention of destroying the Green Lantern Legion.

After hearing this, the expressions of the two entourages were very exciting, they wanted to say something, but they didn’t dare to say it.

At this time, interrupting their boss to remember their home planet is really looking for death!

After a moment, Atohitas raised his fist, glanced at the Red Lantern Ring, and then aimed at the sky: “It’s time to pay the price for the Green Lantern Army’s guardians…”

“The hot blood is scarlet and angry, taken from the cold place of the bones. ”

“Deep hatred and hatred cook in the heart, cast your generation Huangquan Road!”

After the red light ring oath was recited, the red power exploded, forming a dazzling light in the sky, and with a wave of Atohitas’s hand, this red energy fell violently, moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, dividing the entire earth into two halves, and a huge ravine thousands of meters long and three hundred meters wide appeared.

The two entourages had the heart to lick their boss, but they were afraid that their boss would be excited and slaughter them to sacrifice to the sky.

After a moment’s hesitation, Atohitas was the first to speak.

“Take the three captives down, find the sealed parallax, and… Wake it up!”


Listening to the boss’s orders, the two attendants hurriedly grabbed the three captives and flew towards the depths of the ravine.

Soon, they found a giant green crystal, inside which was an alien with lilac skin, a large head, and a small body, and the retinue Thorndike recognized the person sealed in the crystal at a glance.

Or rather… This race!

“It’s the Guardians! Guardians of the Green Lantern Legion! Looks like Boss Atohitas is telling the truth!”

Ignoring the captive’s struggles, the two of them approached the sealed guardian and tapped on the green crystal.

The guardians inside suddenly opened their eyes, and when they saw the five people in front of them, their eyes flashed, as if they could see through the deep fear in their hearts.

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