The green light warrior Agnes was ordered to ask for help from the headquarters, and he had just flown a distance of tens of thousands of meters, and before he could open the teleportation wormhole, he was pierced through his heart by a sudden red energy pillar.


Beige blood sprayed, and Agnes looked behind her in disbelief.

“You… Who are you?”

The person behind him was dressed in the same style as the Green Lantern Warrior, but it was indeed fiery red all over, and the person also had a red lamp ring in his hand, and the pillar of energy just now was shot out by him.

“My name is Atohitas, the leader of the Red Lantern Legion…”

“Red Lantern Legion?” Green Lantern Warrior Agnes looked stunned, “There is only a Green Lantern Legion in this universe, how can there be any Red Lantern Legion?!”

“No, no, no, soon there will be no Green Lantern Legion, and only the Red Lantern Legion will be left in this universe!”

With that, Atohitas shot out a red energy ball again, blasting Agnes to pieces, and he didn’t even have a chance to throw out the Green Lantern Ring to find the next Green Lantern Warrior.

There is no difference between the lamp ring, but the stronger the user’s will, the stronger the strength.

For Atohitas, his power comes from anger, the hatred of the entire planet, which makes Atohitas’s anger as fierce as the flames of hell, and his red light power is on a par with Abin Sur.

Compared to ordinary green light warriors, it’s a proper spike!

Atoshiels killed the green light warriors who asked for help, and turned to look at the battlefield in the rear, the parallax monster took the upper hand, and the original twelve green light warriors besieged the parallax monster, and at this moment there were less than five people left.

Abin Sur felt the sudden disappearance of Agnes’ energy signal, and he had a hint of foreboding in his heart, so he single-handedly led the parallax monster away and let the others return to Star A together.

Prepare the Guardians for the coming havoc.

“Abin Sur is the most powerful warrior among us, he will definitely escape from the hands of the parallax monster, and the most important thing now is to go back and organize the Green Lantern Legion!”

“No, your Abin Sur will surely die! and you will die before him!”

A discordant voice rang out, and the remaining Green Lantern Warriors looked behind them to find Atohitas flushed all over.

One of the veteran Green Lantern fighters recognized the other party’s identity at a glance.

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“Why are you?!Atohitas, you traitor!”

“No, no, no, I’m not a traitor, those who betrayed me are Guardians! They betrayed me, betrayed everyone!”

Atohitas complains to the crowd about the Guardian’s crimes.

As the oldest race in the universe, the Guardians divided the entire universe into 3,600 sectors, and created the green light energy of the will, forming a 3,600-member green light army to guard the peace of the universe.

Therefore, in the eyes of these green lantern warriors, the guardian is the supreme being, and no one else will be allowed to defile it.

“Atohitas, you are spewing blood, and the guardians are guarding the peace of the universe, how can you betray us?” the alien with the fish-headed and white beard glared at Atohitas and scolded.

“Do you know what a parallax monster is?” asked Atohitas.

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Atohitas snorted coldly, “The parallax monster is the guardian’s change, hundreds of years ago, the guardian tried to create another energy, the power of fear, but this power is not at all controllable by the guardian, so one of the guardians was swallowed by the power of fear and became a parallax monster!”


Hearing this, several Green Lantern Warriors fell into suspicion of life patterns, and Atohitas continued to bewitch several people.

“The Guardians are studying the power they can’t control behind your back, we used to be comrades-in-arms, join my Red Lantern Legion, anger is the most powerful force in the world, my friend, fight side by side with me!”

The four Green Lantern Warriors in front of him are all well-trained elites, and the Red Lantern Legion is far from having such a training mode as the Green Lantern Legion, so the subordinate soldiers of the Red Lantern Legion are much weaker than the Green Lantern Soldiers.

This is also the reason why Atohitas sacrifices his younger brother at every turn.

Of course, part of the reason is that he is affected by the power of anger, and under the rage, reason or something can only be put aside, and the deeper reason is that his younger brothers are too weak.

So when Atohitas saw his old comrade-in-arms, he wanted to win him over.

But, the green light is the power of will.

The Green Lantern Warriors were determined to reject Atohitas’ invitation.

“No, you’re talking nonsense, Athohitas, we believe in the Guardians, we believe in my mentors and comrades, it’s useless to talk more, you traitor, come to war!”

After saying that, the green will energy, turned into various weapons, appeared in their hands.

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