Ignoring the shock of the few people around him, Lu Li looked up at the guardian and asked, “What’s the matter with the parallax monster?” tell me everything honestly, otherwise I’ll be very angry!”

The Guardians closed their eyes, contemplative, and peering into the reality of the land.

Although their guardians do not belong to the Protoss, they are the earliest intelligent beings in the universe, and they have witnessed the rise of one race after another, and the weakening of one race after another.

In terms of combat power, they are not as good as the Protoss, but in terms of level, they are not weaker than the Protoss.

However, as these ancient guardians spied into Lu Li’s past and future, there was a commotion among the nine guardians.

There seemed to be something terrible that touched them.

“Guardian, what’s wrong with you?” asked Sinisto, frowning.

Several of the Guardians shook their heads and said to Lu Li, “The will is the weapon we have always used against the dark forces, and when this power is not enough to defend against the enemy, there was an argument between us…”

Another Guardian continued, “It’s been said that we need to explore another source of energy, a force that we have vowed never to touch… The power of fear!”

“But the power of fear is too hard to control, and there is only a thin line between depravity and strength!”

As they spoke, all the Guardians looked at the tenth pillar, the only one present to break.

“We vetoed the proposal to explore fear as an energy source, and everybody agreed, except for him… The Guardian walked into the Forbidden Room alone, intending to prove to us that the light of fear can be harnessed, with a simple purpose and a naïve wish. ”

Lu Li sneered, and then said, “So he was swallowed by the power of fear and turned into a parallax monster?”

“That’s right, after being consumed by fear, he lost his mind and became a parallax monster who wanted to destroy everything!” the Guardian told the truth, “and then we wanted to make amends, and Abin Sur led the Green Lantern Legion to seal the Parallax monster in the Lost Lands. ”

“But it’s out again!” Senisto yelled at the Guardian.

Sinisto respects the Guardian, but more than his teacher, and is furious when he hears that the Parallax Monster has something to do with the Guardian.

Lu Li patted him on the shoulder, “Don’t be presumptuous in front of the guardians, otherwise someone will be unkind to you… Who’s that guy?”

Hearing this, Senisto’s face changed, as if he had been slapped in the face.

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Atohitas on the side had an unkind look in his eyes and shouted, “What are you excited about, my home planet was destroyed by parallax, if you want to be angry, you should be angry!”

As he spoke, red energy ripples rippled across Atohitas’s body.

“Another source of energy?”

Sinisto’s eyes changed, he just thought that Atohitas was originally more prosperous, but now that the other party’s energy was rioting, he immediately felt the red angry energy on Atohitas’s body.

“Other energy sources can be mastered, just… Not in the right way?!” Senisto’s gaze fell on the red ring on Atohitas’s hand.

It was a ring similar to the Green Lantern Ring, with a fiery red body.

Lu Li raised his hand and slapped it on the head of Atohitas, “Give me a little peace, did you hear what the Guardian said?” Parallax is a Guardian who has violated the agreement, and he has a debtor, even if you want revenge, you should go to the Parallax Monster!”


Atohitas’s mind didn’t turn for a while, and he just wanted to argue a few words, but Lu Li slapped him with his backhand:

“But what is it, could it be that if one of the legions betrays, everyone else will have to be punished? Think about it yourself, is this the truth? The parallax monster is your enemy, do you want to take revenge?”

When Atohitas heard the last half of the sentence, he didn’t think about it, and blurted out, “Yes!”

“Are you sure you’ll defeat the parallax monster, then?” asked Sinisto to Lu Li.

“It’s easy to kill him!”

Lu Li said lightly.

“It would have been easier if we had added another color light. ”

Senisto suddenly asked, and after hearing his words, the Guardians opened their eyes and their eyes fell on Senisto.

One of the Guardians spoke, saying, “Xenisto, don’t try to touch the power of the taboo, no one can control the power of fear, you will be degraded from now on!”

“Everybody is terrified, Guardian!”

Sinisto’s voice gradually changed from low to firm, the power of strong will, not everyone can possess, but anger and fear are possessed by every intelligent being.

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