Even Diana could understand and say this rather tongue-twisting word.

“I’m actually facing this problem as well. ”

Lu Li continued.

The evolutionary power he received in the DC world was complete on the material plane, causing not only the cells to be transformed, but also the energy he possessed.

Because of this, the originally balanced spiritual energy is a little weaker.

This imbalance is not really a big problem.

What soul is too weak to control an overly powerful body… This concept does not actually exist, because one’s soul and body are connected in itself, and are not two completely separate things.

Just like when Akai opened the Eight Doors Dunjia Array, his physical strength and divine power had far exceeded his soul strength, but there was still no problem in controlling it.

Imbalance has no negative effect.

It doesn’t matter if the soul is too strong or the body is too strong.

The only problem is that when your soul is too weak, if you encounter an opponent who specializes in soul classes, then your weak soul will become a considerable flaw.

Being balanced in all aspects does not mean that it will be strong, but at least there will not be too many flaws, and it will be able to deal with all kinds of opponents quite calmly.

“Does Lu Li already know how to get the power of the god of death?”

Diana’s voice continued to ring in Lu Li’s mind.

“Of course. ”

Lu Li smiled casually and said, “To accept the power of the god of death faster and better, you need to change into the basic form of the god of death, that is, the form of the soul.” ”

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He and Diana are not the beings born in this world, so whether it is him or Diana, there are differences between the soul and the life of this world, and how to eliminate these differences is a small problem that Lu Li has been studying since he came here.

“Mr. Lu Li… Do you want to stay here?”

Just as Lu Li and Diana were communicating on the level of consciousness, Scarlet Zhen, who was following Lu Li’s side, whispered to Lu Li, and she noticed that Lu Li had stopped, and this place had reached the edge of a street.

Lu Li briefly retracted his thoughts, looked at Scarlet Zhen, and after a little thought, he smiled casually: “No, let’s continue to go to a more central place.” ”

While heading in the direction of the Silent Spirit Court, while studying how to deceive in death, this way of traveling while practicing is naturally the best choice at the moment.

“…… Well. ”

Scarlet Zhen hugged Rukia and nodded obediently.

Wherever Lu Li wants to go, she will naturally follow Lu Li, and compared to those Soul Streets that are at the bottom of the rankings, she does want to go to the top of the rankings, but she was powerless before, and she has no ability to cross a large division of Soul Street.


A month later.

Inside a makeshift cabin.

Diana was floating in the air in front of Lu Li, looking at Lu Li with a pair of big eyes.

That’s when it happened.

Lu Li stretched out his hand, pressed it on Diana’s chest at a fast speed, and gently pushed forward, and some strange power burst out from his palm.

This push did not cause Diana’s body to shake, but a slightly illusory shadow was pushed out of Diana’s body, which seemed to be no different from Diana herself, which belonged to Diana’s soul.

And the soul that was pushed out also looks very stable, without any feeling of a ‘ghost’, and it doesn’t seem to be any different from a human being.

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