“This spiritual pressure…”

Yuta Matsuki was stunned for a moment, then showed joy, looked at the sky above his head, and said in a respectful voice: “Captain!”

Although Lu Li is still the vice captain of the second team, Lu Li’s refusal to be the acting captain has long been spread in the second team, so although he is still the vice captain, the members of the second team will consciously omit the word ‘vice’ when they call him.

In their opinion, Lu Li is undoubtedly enough to be the captain, but Lu Li prefers the second team, so he refuses to be the captain and wants to continue to be their vice captain.

Although it has been less than a year since Lu Li joined the second team, the popularity of the second team is very close to that of Ye Yi, and the respect for Lu Li in the hearts of countless team members is almost on par with the respect for Ye Yi.


Lu Li appeared in the sky, fell directly in one step, and came to the front of the big void Killian, calmly stretched out his hand, and pressed it towards Killian’s head.

With just a simple press, this great void Jili An, which exuded a powerful spiritual pressure, suddenly collapsed, its head was directly shattered, and its body also turned into a spirit child and dissipated.


After wiping out this Great Void Kili’an, Lu Li waved his sleeves again, and a violent spirit pressure swung away, sweeping towards the ordinary void below.

These ordinary voids were directly like floating in the spiritual pressure set off by Lu Li, and they were rolled up in pieces, and the body could not bear it, and they shattered into spiritual sons and dissipated one by one.

After doing this, Lu Li fell from the sky.

“It seems that there have been more and more incidents lately. ”

After Lu Li landed, his eyes swept over the dozen or so members of the second team nearby.

Yuta Matsuki put away the sword, stepped forward to salute, and said in a low voice: “Yes, I heard that the members of other teams have encountered a lot more virtual recently than in previous months. ”

Lu Li looked up at the sky.

At this point in time, Aizen should not have gone to the Void Circle, and in his memory, Aizen’s conquest of the Void Circle should have been after Ichimaru Silver and Dongxian Yao became captains.

That is to say, the current imaginary circle should still be normal, but the number of virtual invasions has increased, indicating that there are also some abnormalities, and the number of imaginary circles may have become too many recently.


Just as Lu Li was thinking for a short time, his eyes suddenly paused and looked at the sky.

In the sky, a pitch-black crack suddenly appeared, and then a gap suddenly appeared, as if a jet-black crack appeared on the mirror.

The space shattered.

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Behind the shattered space, a pair of palpitating eyes appeared, and huge white palms stretched out from the cracks, tearing the cracks apart with all their might.

“It’s… Killian?!”

“It’s too much!”

Yuta Matsuki and the others who saw this scene almost all changed color in unison, revealing a look of shock.

With so many killians, if all of them were drilled over, the damage caused would probably be unimaginable, and if they had encountered it before, they would have been wiped out directly.

But now seeing this scene, they are only shocked, not afraid, because in addition to them, the people standing here also have the vice captain of the second team!

“Interesting. ”

Lu Li looked at the cracks in the sky, his eyes ignored the void that tore through the space, and directly crossed the void, looking at the void circle, which was commanding several figures of Killian.

The form of those figures was different from that of Killian, and it was no longer Killian’s popular appearance, but had changed into a variety of different forms, exuding a spiritual pressure that surpassed Killian.

They are also great voids, but they are of a higher level, capable of commanding and manipulating Killian.

They are—the Achucas-class Great Void!


Four or five of Killian tore open the crack in the sky, squeezed out of the crack, and came to the Corpse Soul Realm, and all looked at Lu Li below.

They all wore the same masks, without any expressions, and after a brief pause, they all opened their mouths in unison, condensing a large amount of spiritual pressure, and their mouths converged with their red light, turning into a virtual flash and falling towards the landing invasion.


Five void flashes gathered fire on Lu Li’s body.

But in the face of these virtual flashes, Lu Li just casually raised his left hand, and directly supported the invading red light, the palm that didn’t look strong, but it gave people a shocking feeling that it seemed to be able to hold up the entire heavenly dome!


Right in the next moment.

Diana’s figure quietly appeared behind the five Great Void Killians, and the bodies of the five Killians were all broken from the center at the same time, and they were killed by one blow!

Somewhere away in the Void Circle, several Achucas Voids who were looking at the scene that was happening on this side of the Corpse Soul Realm through the torn space glanced at each other.

“Killian was killed in an instant. ”

“The guy named Death is really strong…”

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