Nilou is a great void of the Vastod level, and she is already standing at the top of the void, because she has regarded Lu Li as a strong enough opponent, her attack has almost used more than ninety percent of her strength, but she was blocked by the opponent with only one finger!

What a gap!

How could there be such a big gap!

“The void circle millions of years ago was empty, there was no life, and although the void circle is still desolate a hundred years later, there are quite many lives here, and there are also quite outstanding beings like you. ”

Lu Li pointed a finger at Nilou’s spear and spoke calmly.

Nilou is a vastode-level void, above the average captain, and can easily block her attacks with a single finger.

To be able to do this, there are few people in the entire Grim Reaper world.

Standing here is the one who created the Void Circle and the Corpse Soul Realm millions of years ago-

Void King!


As Lu Li’s words fell, a sense of oppression that was difficult to describe in words burst out from his body and spread in all directions.

The rolling sea of sand, which was aroused by Nilou’s spiritual pressure, fell silent again in an instant under the terrifying aura emanating from Lu Li.



All the spirit sons seemed to be trembling, prostrate on him, and after a million years, they once again ushered in the master who created them!

The breath acted on Nilou’s body, causing her to feel her whole body suffocate in an instant, as if the sky had collapsed in front of her, falling horizontally towards her.


There was a look of disbelief in Nilou’s eyes, her arms trembling, she could no longer hold the bone spear in her hand, her body trembling, and she could barely stand.

She hadn’t experienced this trembling sensation for an unknown amount of time, and she hadn’t shivered like this since she had transformed into an Achucas-level Great Void, let alone promoted to the highest rank, Vastode.

This is……

When a low-level life meets a high-level life, what is felt is the oppression from the life level, just like the difference between Killian facing Yachukas, which cannot be resisted at all!

Nilou’s fingers trembled violently, and she was unable to hold the spear in her hand, causing it to fall to the ground, while her front legs were unable to stand in the trembling, and she bent involuntarily.

Under the oppression of that terrifying aura and life level, she couldn’t resist and knelt down, and could only look up at Lu Li standing in front of her.

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Lu Li’s body didn’t seem very tall, but at this moment, in her eyes, it seemed to be connected with the entire sky and the whole earth, as if the whole world was one with him, facing Lu Li in front of her, it was like facing the whole world!

“Such an aura…”

“Are you… Are you…”

At this moment, Nilou’s eyes trembled violently, and a thought appeared in her heart.

As a Great Void of the Vastod level, she had heard of a legend, a legend that was still circulating at the top of the Void Circle to this day.

The Great Void of the Wastod level is not the end, it is not the king who stands at the apex of all the voids, and above that sky, there is an existence that has been sitting there since millions of years ago, overlooking this sky, overlooking this land.

He created the imaginary circle,

He created the realm of corpses and souls,

It is not the self-proclaimed king of the Void Night Palace, but from the original source of everything, the supreme existence of this world, the true master of the Void Circle!

Lu Li stood with his hands in his hands, looked at Nilou kneeling in front of him with a calm expression, and said, “Is there still a legend about me in the current void circle?”

These words were like thunder lighting up the night, and Nilou’s heart couldn’t stop shaking.

Although she had heard of the legend of the Void King from many ancient tribes, she had never seen the legendary true king, even if Balegang occupied the Void Night Palace in the center of the Void Circle and proclaimed himself king, she had never seen the legendary existence appear.


The Void King was real, and he appeared right before her!

At this time, she felt that her breathing was becoming more and more unsustainable, and her whole body seemed to be pressed against a heavy mountain, and it was difficult to lift her neck.


The oppression she couldn’t resist was gone.

Feeling the pressure on her body suddenly loosened, she didn’t stand up again, but her body went soft, and she fell to the ground all of a sudden, sweat soaked her torn clothes, making her whole body wet, and gasping violently.

After more than a minute, she barely regained a little strength, supported her upper body with difficulty, and looked up, seeing Lu Li still standing in front of her with a calm expression.

“Do you have someone to serve and protect?”


Nilou gasped slightly, her voice trembling slightly.

Lu Li nodded slightly, then turned to look at Diana behind her, turned her back to Nilou, and said calmly, “What about now?”

Nilou’s chest rose and fell twice, then she slowly stood up, looked at Lu Li’s back, her gaze changed briefly, and then she took a deep breath and said, “Neriel Eru Du Odysshuak… Always at your disposal. ”

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