
This scene didn’t take long to show, and it turned into a mirror, shattering from in front of him, but even if he only felt the scene of Lu Li and the Spirit King creating the Corpse Soul Realm and the Void Circle through the illusion, it still made him suffer a huge oppression.

At the same time as the illusion shattered, Ulquiorla could not keep standing, and the whole person shook directly, took a step forward, and then half-knelt on the ground.

He was drenched in cold sweat and gasped violently.

“Whew… Whew…”

Diana in the rear looked at this scene with a calm expression, Nilou couldn’t help but glance at Lu Li, and Stark sensed Ulquiola’s state.

Ulquiola’s body trembled, and after wheezing for nearly half a minute, she finally barely recovered, supported her body, and looked at Lu Li.

Instead of standing up, he remained on one knee and bowed his head to Lu Li.

Lu Li looked at this scene, smiled faintly, stretched out his finger at Ulquio, and a white light burst out from his fingertips, hitting Ulquiola’s head, and blending in in an instant.

“I give it to you – evolution. ”


Ulquiola’s body floated involuntarily, letting out an uncontrollable low roar, the flesh and blood on his back were torn, the black wings opened back, and the spiritual pressure and aura continued to surge, and in a moment it was already covering the sky and the sun!

Looking at the changes in Ulquiola, a slight glimmer flashed in Lu Li’s eyes, and he said, “Hmm, the transformation is even more intense than I expected.” ”

Ulquiola was originally a self-defeating void, although overall inferior to Stark and Nilou who had obtained his power, but after being given his evolution, the transformation was still very drastic, and now in terms of spiritual pressure, it has slightly surpassed Nilou and Stark.

A moment later.

The spiritual pressure on Ulquiorra’s body stabilized.

He flapped his black wings, floated in the sky, and then slowly fell, and retracted his wings, bowed to Lu Li, and said, “Thank you for this.” ”

“Use that power well. ”

After Lu Li glanced at Ulquiola, he withdrew his gaze and walked into the distance.

There are countless lower level voids in the Void Circle, and there are also a large number of Achucas, even Vastod has a lot of them, but the other Great Voids, even Vastode, he is not so interested, because compared to Stark and Ulquiola, they are not outstanding.

The location where Ulquiorra was located, not far from the Void Night Palace, walked to the top of the hill, and looked into the distance, and could already see a tall white building.

That’s the center of the imaginary circle.

Void Night Palace!

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Lu Li stood on the top of the hill and looked in the direction of the Void Night Palace.

Diana stood behind him closest to him, while Stark, Nilou, and Ulquiora stood a little further back and in the same row.

“Let’s go. ”

Lu Li raised his head again and glanced at the top of the Void Night Palace, then calmly spoke, took a step forward, and disappeared in place.

Diana took a calm step and followed closely behind Lu Li, and Stark and the others in the rear also took their own steps and quickly followed.

A moment later.

Lu Li came to the front of the Void Night Palace.

As the Void King who created this world with the Spirit King, he came across time, traveled millions of years, came to the present time, and at this moment-

Ascend to the Void Night Palace!

The Void Night Palace is not a palace.

Despite its name, it is actually the collective name of an extremely large architectural complex, which corresponds to the Silent Soul Court of the Corpse Soul Realm.

Although in terms of size, the Void Night Palace is not as good as the Jingling Court, and the prosperity is far less than that of the Jingling Court, the entire Void Night Palace still encompasses a very large area.

The interior is a large white building, and the outer area is surrounded by hills and mountains.

There isn’t a lot of sand here, and it’s much more vibrant than the desert outside the Void Night Palace.

And somewhere on the periphery of the Void Night Palace.


A voice with anger rang out here.

I saw a tall skeleton wearing a purple cloak and a golden crown standing there holding a scepter, exuding surging spiritual pressure all over his body.

He is the self-proclaimed king of the Void Palace, and the ruler of Vastod Daxu here, whose name is – Balgaon Ruisenbon!

In the vicinity of Balgaon were a large number of Voids, a large number of which were Achukas-level Voids, all of whom were his subordinate officers and subordinate to his subordinates.

And below the hills.

A woman with short blond hair and a bony mask covering the lower half of her face was standing there, staring at the Balgaon above, confronting Balgaon from afar.

The spiritual pressure emanating from her body is weaker than that of Balgaon, but it is far stronger than that of Achukas, and it is also a great void of the Vastod level!

Tia Helibel!

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