
A figure appeared in the distorted ripple marks of the space, and the figure gradually became clear from the blur, and finally with a ‘pop’, he walked out of the folded space, landed at the front of Omotesando in the Spirit King’s Palace, and stepped on the suspended fan-shaped ground.

This is the Spirit King’s Palace. ”

Lu Li stepped out of the folded space and landed on the ground of Omotesando in the Spirit King’s Palace, standing in place with his hands in his hands, his eyes calmly sweeping across the entire space.

When he and the Spirit King created the Corpse Soul Realm and the Void Circle, the Spirit King had not yet created the Spirit King Palace, and when he spanned millions of years to the present, the Spirit King Palace was arranged by the Spirit King with dozens of layers of folding space.

Strictly speaking, this was not the first time he had stepped into the Spirit King’s Palace.

After Lu Li’s gaze swept over the entire Spirit King Palace, he looked up at the Spirit King Da Nei at the top, hanging on the sky dome, his gaze directly penetrated the surface of the building, fell to the highest floor, and saw a solemn palace, only the torso and head remained, and the body of the Spirit King was sealed in an amber-like substance.

After millions of years, the eyes of the two finally met again!


Penetrating the building and crossing the space, Lu Li and the Spirit King looked at each other, and there was gradually a trace of amazement in their expressions, and they shook their heads gently.

And almost when Lu Li retracted his gaze, on the corridor of the Omotesando of the Spirit King’s Palace, five figures, led by a soldier from the main department of the soldiers, walked towards Lu Li step by step.

Lu Li looked at the first guard of the main headquarters.

The first guard of the main army department also looked at Lu Li, and together with the two houses in the rear, Wang Yue, Kirin Temple Tenshiro and others, their eyes were all focused on Lu Li’s body.

A guard from the main department of the army came to the front of Lu Li, stopped about five meters away from Lu Li, and after stopping, his body slowly sank.

The people in the rear, such as Nimeiya Wang Yue, Kirinji Tenshiro, Shutara Senjumaru and others, also stopped at the same time and made uniform movements with the first guard of the main headquarters.

Team Zero has five people——

Get down on one knee!

“Team Zero, see Lord Void King!”

The first guard of the main department of the soldiers, as well as the two houses, Wang Yue and the others bowed their heads to Lu Li and spoke in unison, all with respect in their voices.

Lu Li looked at this scene with a light expression, and did not feel very surprised, but said calmly: “Did he see me coming here and tell you?”

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The first guard of the main department of the army maintained a kneeling posture on one knee, and responded respectfully to Lu Li: “Lord Spirit King left a message about you a long time ago and gave an order for me to wait here, but I knew about your existence earlier. ”


Lu Li looked at the first guard of the main headquarters.

The first guard of the main department explained: “All the slashing knives are forged by the two slashing swords, and he knows the whereabouts of each slashing knife, and he also knows who each slashing knife is held in, so when you get the shallow hit, the two slashing swords already know your existence.” ”

Lu Li smiled lightly and said, “Then in the past few days I have lived in the Jingling Court, you are also clear about everything that has happened?”

“It’s not that much. ”

A guard from the main department raised his head, looked at Lu Li, and said, “We don’t dare to trespass and snoop too much on your affairs, but because of my ability, I also know a little bit.” ”

Lu Li stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes swept over the five members of Team Zero, and then said calmly: “It’s okay, let’s all get up.” ”

“Lord Xie Xu. ”

The first guard of the main army saluted again, and then slowly stood up.

The second house king Yue knows the location of each slashing knife, knows who each slashing knife falls into, and he is the one who names everything in the corpse soul realm, knows the names of all life and all creatures in the corpse soul realm, and he combines with the ability of the two house kings Yue, even if he is in the Spirit King Palace, he can know a lot of things that happen in the corpse soul realm and the void circle.

Especially when a person who he couldn’t read the name clearly, couldn’t manipulate it, and even the second king of the house was frightened, the first thing they thought of was the message left by the Spirit King.

Void King!

Millions of years ago, he built the existence of the Corpse Soul Realm with the Spirit King, and his status is equal to that of the Spirit King, and he is the true king who created this world!

The duty of Team Zero is to protect the Spirit King’s Palace, the existence of the Guardian King, what they have to protect and obey is not only the Spirit King, but also the Void King who stands in the sky!

“Take me to him. ”

Lu Li raised his head and looked at the Spirit King Da Neiri at the highest place, and spoke in a slow voice.

A soldier of the main department bowed his head slightly, and said:

“Yes, please come with me. ”

Others mentioned the Spirit King, including them, they had to be called ‘Adult’, but Lu Li used equal words, and they didn’t feel the slightest abruptness, because Lu Li was the same existence as the Spirit King, and he was one of the two kings who created this world.

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