Lu Li’s existence is undoubtedly above all rules, and even his orders and will are the rules themselves, and the Central Forty-sixth Room must also obey Lu Li’s will.

“Lord Void King, please don’t be angry, Chongguo is only to protect the Corpse Soul Realm, and it also abides by the rules set by the Central Forty-six Chambers, and the Central Forty-six Chambers also follow your will to better maintain the order of the Corpse Soul Realm. ”

After a guard of the main department of the army glanced at Yamamoto Motoyanagi Chongguo, he looked up at Lu Li, and whispered to Lu Li to persuade him, explaining Yamamoto Motoyanagi Chongguo, and said, “And he didn’t know your identity beforehand.” ”

Lu Li looked at Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, who had his head down, and the air fell silent again.

Ermeiya Wang Yue and the others were a little nervous in their hearts, they and Yamamoto Yuan Yanagi Chongguo were also old friends, and now how to deal with Yamamoto Yuan Yanagi Chongguo was in Lu Li’s thoughts, and now Lu Li did not make any response, so they didn’t dare to persuade at all.

The other captains gathered in the distance were also silent.

However, after a few seconds of silence, someone took the initiative to speak.

Komamura’s left formation knelt down on one knee towards Lu Li, bowed his head to Lu Li, and said, “Lord Void King, please don’t punish the captain… The captain didn’t know beforehand, he just followed the rules, and I was willing to accept the punishment together. ”

“The old man of the mountain is a little short-tempered, but it is true that he made such judgments and orders without knowing it, and Lord Void King also asks you not to be angry…”

After Jingle Chunshui gradually reacted, he also took a breath and pleaded with Lu Li.

Ukitake Shishiro also saluted Lu Li and said, “The Thirteenth Team of the Court Protector is only acting to protect the peace and order of the Corpse Soul Realm, everything is done in accordance with your will, and it has never been violated, I hope the Lord of the Void King can understand.” ”

After the other captains glanced at each other, they all stepped forward one after another, saluting Lu Li with the rest of Team Zero, and were short in the sky.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku followed the rules and gave an order that offended Lu Li, and they also obeyed the order, which also offended Lu Li.

No one is immune.

Lu Li’s gaze calmly swept over the left formation of Komamura and Jingle Chunshui and others, and finally looked at Yeyi of Sifeng Temple, who was standing not far away and had never spoken, and said:

“What do you think? ”

“It’s up to you to decide…”

Sifeng Yuan raised his head and glanced at Lu Li, then looked away, looked at the corner of Lu Li’s clothes, and responded in a low voice.

The vice-captain, who had often been teased by her before, suddenly became Lord Void King, such a huge change was like a drama, so that she couldn’t adapt to it in a short time.

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“Alright. ”

“Get up. ”

Lu Li smiled lightly, retracted his gaze and spoke calmly, “I won’t be angry about this kind of thing, but I said you are pedantic, do you admit it?” ”

He wanted to say which adult would be angry with a child, but Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku’s beard burned off half of it, and his aging appearance like dead wood made him change what he wanted to say, after all, it felt a little strange to say it.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku replied in a low voice, “I will take your criticism to heart. ”

Hearing this, many captains, including Team Zero, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that the oppressive atmosphere had finally eased a lot.

Nilou and Diana stood behind Lu Li, watching quietly from beginning to end, and until now, they didn’t show any too surprised looks.

Because such a scenario is the way it should be.

Nilou didn’t know what Lu Li wanted to do, so she didn’t dare to reveal Lu Li’s identity easily, while Diana knew that Lu Li was controlling the power of the Spirit King and couldn’t be disturbed, so she deliberately concealed it.

Lu Li did not make a decision, neither Nilou nor Diana would make any transgressions, and choose the direction of events instead of Lu Li.


After taking a deep breath, Ye Yi stood up and looked at Lu Li, and said, “Lu… Lord Void King, you said earlier that the Void Incident has nothing to do with you, so you should know the truth. ”

An existence like Lu Li should disdain to tell lies, so every word of Lu Li should be true, and it should be impossible to hide the truth of the virtual incident from Lu Li.

“That’s right. ”

Lu Li nodded slightly and said, “I do know the truth.” ”

These few words made the expressions of many captains present change slightly, in fact, Jingle Chunshui, Ukitake Shishiro and others have always felt that the void incident is strange, but the verdict of the 46th Central Room has been issued, and they have no way to stop it.

And now listening to the conversation between Yeyi and Lu Li, it seems that there is really something wrong with this matter.

“So, could you please let me know?”

Yeyi’s question caused Aizen, who was standing at the very far back of the many captains, to lower his head slightly, and his eyes flashed, but no one noticed the change in his expression.

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