The second team house, the captain’s lounge.

Sifengyuan Yeyi was lying on a large square cushion in a very lazy position, and put one foot on the leg of the broken bee.

Broken Bee was stretching out his little hand, gently kneading and pressing on the calves and soles of Yeyi’s feet in Sifengyuan, giving Yeyi a relaxing massage, and said, “How is the strength? ”

“It was very comfortable. ”

The corners of Yeyi’s mouth hooked a trace of arc, and he bent his eyes and said, “Sure enough, it’s still the broken bee, you can make me the most comfortable.” ”

This sentence sounded weird, making Broken Bee’s cheeks redden, but the movement of his hand did not stop, and he continued as he said, “How is the captain’s meeting?”

“As always. ”

Yeyi looked up at the ceiling, straightened his arm, picked up a feather from nowhere in his hand, put it in front of his eyes and shook it left and right, and said, “That guy Aizen hasn’t made any moves, it’s been twenty years, and he still can’t find his loophole.” ”

Broken Bee’s eyes flickered slightly, and he said, “It seems that after seeing the power of Lord Void King, most of the blue dyes don’t dare to do anything else at all. ”

“Nope. ”

Ye Yi sat up, looked at Broken Bee, looked serious, and said with a serious gaze: “Lan Ran is not that kind of person, he must still be planning something, and most of him is even eyeing Lu Li’s strength, so he must not be careless.” ”

Speaking of this, she said with a little resentment: “That guy is really, all of a sudden, he just left, even Rukia and Scarlet Zhen took away, but he left me here, even you.” ”

“One of the night!”

Broken Bee couldn’t help but interrupt.

This passage sounded much stranger than the previous words, not only bringing her, but also involving Lu Li.


Yeyi looked at the broken bee who suddenly couldn’t hold his breath, shrugged his shoulders casually and said, “I have been deceived by him for so long by concealing my identity, shouldn’t I be compensated, at least let me be promoted to Team Zero.” ”

Just as she finished speaking, a hand appeared from behind her back, placed it on her shoulder, and a voice came from behind.

There was a hint of banter and chuckle in the voice.

“Team Zero is not short of manpower right now, but if you want to go to the Spirit King’s Palace so much, I happen to be short of a cat there. ”

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Yoyichi’s body froze for a moment.

If she is in the form of a cat at this time, then her tail must be erected directly, her ears will be erected in an instant, and the hair on her body may also be directly raised.

Broken Bee also looked at Yeyi’s back in amazement, and it took a second to react, and immediately stood up, saluted Lu Li, and bowed his head and said, “Lord Void King.” ”

“No need to be polite. ”

Lu Li responded easily, and then walked to the side and sat down.

Yeyi’s body tensed up at first, then became relaxed again, looked at Lu Li with resentment, and said, “Why do you want to let Aizen so much?”

“Because I want to see what he’s going to do next than to get rid of him. ”

Lu Li casually picked up the teacup next to him, drank half of the tea in the cup, and said casually: “He is a genius who is rare to see in the corpse soul world for thousands of years, if it is nipped in the bud now, wouldn’t it be too boring?”

Ye Yi said in a deep voice: “But as you said, he is a dangerous person, and maybe he can really threaten your position in the future.” ”

“That’s better. ”

Lu Li smiled slightly and said, “Sitting on the lonely throne, there is no challenger in front of you, then such a throne is meaningless…”

Yaichi fell into a brief silence.

She couldn’t make any judgment on Lu Li’s concept, because even if she was the head of the Sifeng Courtyard family, one of the four nobles in the Corpse Soul Realm, there was an immeasurable distance from Lu Li’s position, and many of the distinctions between justice and evil in her eyes might not care at all in Lu Li’s opinion.

For example, the god of death is not allowed to grasp the power of the void, this is one of the laws of the corpse soul realm, and it is also a very serious legal principle, and after violating it, he will be punished extremely severely, but in Lu Li’s opinion, this may not be something worth caring about at all.

Just like an ordinary person who walks out of the door and sees two beetles fighting for territory, even if they know that one of them is an intruder, they will not have a clear view of justice and evil.

“Virtual… Lord Void King, that…”

Just when the night was silent, the broken bee kneeling next to him had a pale red cheek, and opened his mouth intermittently, his expression full of hesitation and hesitation.

Lu Li looked at Broken Bee and said, “What’s wrong?”

Broken Bee hesitated for a moment, and finally whispered, “It’s nothing…”

It’s better not to tell Lu Li that she drank half of the cup of tea just now, after all, she reacted a little slower and didn’t have time to remind her, and if she says it now, it feels like a second offense to Lu Li, so let’s treat it as if nothing happened.

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