Perhaps only the personal guards who stand at the apex of the Star Cross Knights, or the leader of the Star Cross Knights, Rain Glenhasward, can have such terrifying power.

And Lu Li didn’t get the gift of Youhabach, he already had such strength!


There was another thought in her mind, that is—was Lu Li really an exterminator born in the Invisible Empire?

The thought frightened her, and she could scarcely think about it.

Quickly returned to her room, and the injuries on her body quickly healed, and the shoulder that was severed by Lu Li quickly regrown, along with the entire arm.


Bombiaita slowly stroked her regrown arm, staring down at the ground in front of her, not knowing what she was thinking.

For the next few days, she continued to eat in the side hall on the first floor.

For some reason, she knew that the purpose of trying to get Giselle to deliver the news to the Star Cross Knights was exposed, which might trigger a series of cruel tortures by Lu Li, but she didn’t have much fear of it, and she didn’t even have any evasive thoughts.

Just like the punishment she suffered after trying to attack and kill Lu Li at night and being discovered, she felt that she deserved to be punished for what she had done.

Although she also trembled at Lu Li’s torture.

But for some reason, she didn’t want to run away.


In the past three days, the more painful and cruel torture she thought of did not come, but passed quite peacefully.

Even if he met Lu Li occasionally, Lu Li only glanced at her slightly, and continued to drink tea and read books indifferently, as if he had lost the interest in torturing her.

Is it considered forgiven?

Or is it that Lu Li has lost interest in her.

Bombiaita’s heart inexplicably became a lot more flustered, on the one hand, she was grateful to Lu Li for not further cruelly torturing her, and on the other hand, she was a little afraid that Lu Li did not torture her, which sounded very contradictory, but it was these two contradictory psychology that kept fighting in her heart.

It’s like a Minion and a Black Man, fighting each other, and as time goes by, the fight gradually becomes more and more intense, which also makes her more and more uneasy.


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The disappearance of Bombiaita caused a shock to the Bombiaita family, but Giselle’s loss of contact for three consecutive days no longer caused attention between the families, but really alarmed the Knights of the Star Cross!

After all, Giselle is the Knight Captain of the Star Cross Knights, and his status is second only to the Star Cross Knights, and once he is given it by Youhabach, he can also be promoted to the Star Cross Knights.

The disappearance of such a powerful exterminator will obviously not disappear without a trace like a drop of water falling into the sea, without attracting any attention.

On the edge of Silverchest.

A man wearing the epaulettes of the Knight of the Star Cross was standing at the top of the city wall, looking far away at the northern part of the Invisible Empire, and said:

“First the eldest lady of the Bombiaita family disappeared, and then my chief knight also disappeared? ”

Giselle is one of the Knight Captains under his command, and he is a member of the Star Cross Knights – the Iron Firmament, the Holy Word is I, and the ability is Steel!

Giselle had been missing for three days, and the news had finally reached him.

“Lord Cangdu, that, do you want to ask the head of the regiment for instructions…”A knight standing behind Cangdu cautiously asked Cangdu.

Cang Du glanced at him and said indifferently, “Do you want me to be laughed at by others?”

Ordinary knights are okay, but there are not so many knights, and each Star Cross Knight has only two or three Knight Chiefs at most, and the Knight Commander is not only an important subordinate of the Star Cross Knights, but also their face.

Whoever has an accident with the knight is obviously a rather shameless matter for everyone, if he goes to consult Yu Glenn again, and then asks Yu Glenn to send a few Star Cross Knights to act with him to investigate the cause of Giselle’s accident, then his face will be completely lost.

“You will guard this place for me for the time being. ”

Cang Du glanced at the knight chief behind him and said, “I’ll be back soon.”


As the words fell, his figure flickered, and he was already stepping on Feilian’s feet, jumping down from the city wall, and quickly disappeared into the plain outside the Silver Frame City.

“Yes. ”

The chief knight bowed his head in response.

Giselle’s disappearance sparked the wrath of Cangdu, and a Star Cross Knight personally dispatched it, thinking that no matter what kind of trouble it was, it would be uprooted.

After Cangdu is resolved, he will return and report to his superiors, so that although it will not be regarded as nothing, it can at least save some of the face of the Star Cross Knights.

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