Being shot into the Spirit King Palace by the cannons of the Zhibo family was undoubtedly not a very good experience, and Qing Qing certainly didn’t want to experience the feeling of being launched into the Spirit King Palace.

A golden pillar of light fell from the sky and shone into the second team’s house, and this scene was also seen by many captains of each team, which also made them look different.

Inside the Goban team.

Aizen has returned.

He also looked in the direction of the second team from a distance, looked at the golden beam of light that pierced the sky, raised his finger, gently supported his glasses, and muttered: “There may be more and more troubles in the future, and we must move faster.” ”

It’s true that Idai Tanaka controlled the power of hell secretly helped him, but it was unexpected that the four maple temples were promoted to team zero as soon as they were promoted.

The four maple courtyard yoyi, who was promoted to the zero team, can have a great impact even if he can’t come down at any time, which will make him more constrained than before.


The good news is that he didn’t get nothing out of his trip to this world.

He was sure that in the hands of Kisuke Urahara, he did have a broken jade!

Then the next route is very clear, do everything possible to capture the Bunyu among Urahara Xi’s assistants, and then use this to break the limit of the god of death, move towards a higher level, and step forward to the height of the Void King Lu Li!


After the four maple courtyard Yeichi was promoted to Team Zero, it was no surprise that Broken Bee succeeded to the position of captain of Team II and the leader of the Hidden Mobile Commandery.

On the one hand, she herself has extremely high experience, on the other hand, she is also a god of death who has mastered the swastika solution, and her spiritual pressure and combat ability are all proper captain-level, so she didn’t pass the assessment at all, and she was directly recognized by more than half of the captains and became the new captain of the second team.

And on the other side.

The four maple courtyard night one who was promoted to the zero team has entered the inner hall of the Spirit King Palace.

In the depths of the inner hall of the Spirit King Palace, a pale cyan light cluster of light could be seen floating in mid-air, and the entire light cluster was composed of extremely dense spirit sons, which was the so-called Spirit King’s power.

In fact, the relationship between the Spirit Son and the power of the Spirit King is like the relationship between the Immortal Chakra and the Seeking Dao Jade, which essentially belong to the same thing, but the density is completely different.

The reason why such an existence as Kiryu was only an ordinary captain before being promoted, but after being promoted to Team Zero, he was able to reach the super captain level was because their strength level had changed, and they had a higher density of body bones shaped by the power of the Spirit King, so they had the spiritual pressure of the super captain level.

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“Ahh Ahh

In the pale cyan light that emitted white light, a hazy figure could be seen gradually condensing and forming, and before the figure was fully formed, it let out a slight moan.

This moan made Lu Li’s eyelids droop down when he was standing in front of him, and he said angrily: “Don’t make such a strange sound.” ”

He had reshaped Scarlet Zhen’s body, and he hadn’t seen Scarlet make any strange noises, so there was no doubt that Yoichi was deliberately making a difference.

“But it’s really itchy, Lord Void. ”

Yeyi stopped the strange sound and smiled at Lu Li in the light cluster, “It turns out that this is what it feels like to get the power of the Spirit King. ”

Lu Li glanced at the light cluster, and saw that the image of the night one was about to be completely gathered, so he suddenly raised his hands and pulled up at the light cluster.


The white light cluster was torn out of a little irregular shape, and then it was completely condensed and formed in the next moment, turning into a figure of the four maple courtyards and slowly falling to the ground.

The body of Sifeng Yuan Yeyi, who was reshaped by Lu Li, looked basically not much different from before, and the size of each place had not changed, even if it was accurate to the millimeter level, there was no problem, the only problem was that there were two more small balls on the top of her head.

After landing, Sifeng Yuan Yeyi observed her body curiously, didn’t mind the naked form in front of Lu Li, and after sensing the power brewing in her body, she raised her finger and swiped it over her skin, and then went all the way up to the top of her head.

“What is this…”

Sifengyuan Yeyi touched the strange thing above his head, and tilted his head at Lu Li.

Lu Li glanced at her, then withdrew his gaze, threw a piece of Zero Team Feather Weaving at her, and turned around and said, “It’s nothing, I think it’s very suitable for you.” ”

The corners of Sifengyuan Yeyi’s mouth trembled, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, she caught the clothes thrown by Lu Li with one hand, and swiped in front of her with the other, and the spirit gushed out and gathered into a mirror.

Look in the mirror.

I saw that I was no different from before, and my skin seemed to have become a little more delicate and white, but only on the top of my head, there were two more black ears, as if I was wearing a cat’s ear headband.

“Virtual… King…… Big…… people…”

Yeyi exhaled and looked at Lu Li.

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