“That’s right. ”

Lu Li suddenly thought of something, and said, “Take back the power of the Extinction Masters who have completed the Manifestation Technique and the remnants of the present world, it should be almost enough.” ”

The Manifestation Completion Technique is a fragment of the Spirit King’s power that fell into the present world, and all of them will not affect the balance of the Corpse Soul Realm and the Void Circle, and it can also make the present world more stable.

The same goes for the power of the Exterminator.

He had absorbed the power of all the Exterminators of the Invisible Empire before, but there were still a lot of Exterminators like Ishida Ryuxian in the current world, which he had ignored before, and this time they happened to be all recovered together, and it felt like it should be about the same.


Somewhere in the sky above the city, Lu Li’s figure appeared silently.

He landed at the top of a rooftop and looked down at the bustling street below, a look of nostalgia on his face.

Although there are various science and technology in the Corpse Soul Realm, because all scientific methods are based on Lingzi, it is very different from the present world.


This world is closer to the world he is familiar with.

But now that he has experienced so many worlds, he doesn’t feel as deeply as he did in this modern world, and because of this, after coming to a million years, this is the first time he has really come to this world.

If it were him a long time ago, he would have thought that he who had just left the Hokage World would have been the first stop in the Shinigami World, which was to go to the present world first, but now it is the last stop.

“This station broadcasts the noon news. ”

“According to the weather display, there will be heavy rain in Tokyo in the afternoon, covering a large area of the city, please pay attention to it…”

There was a burst of news announcements from the tall building below Lu Li.

On the one hand, Kuzamachi is a slightly remote city, on the one hand, because Kuzamachi belongs to the heavy spiritual land, and the frequency of virtual haunts is very high, compared to cities like Tokyo, it is much more developed.

Lu Li glanced down, then withdrew his gaze and closed his eyes slightly.

He was trying to perceive the presence of all the Completers and Exterminators.

The power of the Manifestation Completion Technique belongs to the power left by the Spirit King to the present world, and although he cannot accurately locate the existence of every ordinary human being, it is not difficult to locate the existence of all the Manifestation Completion Practitioners and the remaining Exterminators.

“…… All right. ”

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Lu Li first sensed the direction of the Exterminator, which was very easy, because he had already absorbed the power of Youhabach, and it could be said that he had all-round control over the Exterminator.

After accurately locking on to the exterminator of all the remaining powers, Lu Li raised his hand and gently raised it towards the sky.


The white beam of light shot down his palm into the sky for a moment, and then dispersed into white rays of light, shooting far away from all over the world.

Many of the powerful exterminators located all over the world, such as Ishida Ryuken, Kurosaki Masaaki, and others, almost all stopped moving in an instant.

“This is…”

Masaki Kurosaki, who was walking home with a vegetable basket, was covered in white light, and felt that the power belonging to the exterminator in his body was rapidly peeling off.

With a slight look of consternation on her face, she raised her hand to the sky and tried to resist, but she couldn’t stop the flow of power, and in an instant, the power in her body disappeared without a trace.


As the white light dissipated, she couldn’t keep standing, her whole body was weak, she collapsed to the ground, the tomatoes and green onions in the vegetable basket were scattered all over the ground, soaked in cold sweat, her hands supported the ground, and she gasped violently.

Around this time, a crack suddenly appeared in the nearby void, and a void emerged from the crack and attacked her.


At the same time, a red spirit burst through the air, hitting the surface of the void like a bullet of light, piercing its body and causing it to dissipate into a spirit child.

Kurosaki Masaki was drenched in cold sweat, gasped for breath, struggled to prop up her body, looked in the direction where the red light appeared, and said, “Mr. Urahara…”

Step, step, step,

Kisuke Urahara stepped on clogs and wore a hat, walked over, came to Masaki Kurosaki, checked her condition, and said, “Your power as an exterminator has completely disappeared. ”

Kurosaki Masaki had recovered a little at this time, and with the help of Kisuke Urahara, he walked to the side of the road and sat down, and said, “How can this be.” ”

Kisuke Urahara looked up at the sky and said with a deep gaze: “There is only one person who can do this kind of thing to retrieve the power of the Exterminator from the air and keep you alive.” ”

Masaki Kurosaki’s heart sank.

She took a breath and said slowly, “Lord Void King?”

“Hmm. ”

Kisuke Urahara nodded and said, “It seems that this time, the Exterminator is completely gone… But that’s fine, and there will be no more world imbalances. ”

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