Lu Li’s efforts in every world are bearing fruit at this moment.

Without the power of the Spirit King, he would not be able to devour a complete star, because he was not as good as a complete star as a whole.

And without the evolutionary power from the world of One Punch Superman, he would not be able to transform to this level, and continue to transform to a higher level endlessly.


The power of the entire star is collapsing, absorbing and swallowing up by Lu Li.

On the other side of the world and the corpse and soul realm, all the humans and the god of death knew nothing about this, except for the sudden shaking of the whole world like an earthquake just now, they did not know that in the far and vast place, a star was being swallowed.

The distance is too far.

It was at least a few light-years away from the Present World and the Corpse Soul Realm, which meant that it would be at least a few years before they could detect what was happening here, and before that, Lu Li must have completely devoured the star.

The star is big, very huge, but it doesn’t count as much for Lu Li, although it can’t be eaten up in a short time.

What followed was a long devouring time.

Of course.

This long time is only relative to ordinary people, and it is not long at all for today’s Lu Li, because it is only a few years at most.


Fast forward two years.

Because the distance is too far, even if Lu Li has a soul connection with Qingqing and Diana, it will take a lot of strength to cross the space to make a long-distance call, so in the past two years, Lu Li has only learned about the situation on the other side of the corpse soul realm once, and nothing abnormal has happened.

At this time, the existence of a single planet in the Proxima Centauri Galaxy can no longer be seen, and even within a radius of tens of billions of kilometers, there is almost no meteorite, because everything in the vicinity has been sucked over and swallowed by the land in the past two years.

can be seen,

The very center of the galaxy, where the stars used to be, had now become dark, and the stars were no longer visible, except a black vortex and a small cluster of light.

It was the last remaining part of the star, and over time, it gradually disintegrated, submerged into the black vortex, and disappeared.

“It’s not enough…”

“It’s not enough. ”

Lu Li swallowed the entire galaxy, sensed his state, muttered in his heart, and then flew directly towards the nearest next galaxy without too much hesitation.

At this time, his entire body was a dark vortex, and it took energy to restore the human form, so Lu Li didn’t bother to do superfluous things, maintaining this form, constantly folding and distorting the nearby space, moving forward at a speed beyond the speed of light.

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A few minutes later.

He arrived in another galaxy.

As soon as the edge of the galaxy was approached, the planets revolving around the star were all pulled by a huge tug, solidified from their respective orbits, and then collapsed one by one.

These collapsed planets, reduced to countless fragments, flew towards the black vortex where they landed and separated from the incarnation, but they looked like breadcrumbs, without even a wave.


The star in the center of the galaxy trembled violently.

It also deviated from its original position little by little under the pull of the black whirlpool, and could no longer maintain its spherical form, and was pulled into something like a tadpole, and began to rotate around the pitch-black whirlpool, and the energy inside continued to pour into the whirlpool.

It took two years to devour the first star, and just over a year to swallow the second.

After a short year,

Lu Li flew to the next galaxy.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is five years.

In the past five years, Lu Li has traveled across the galaxy and across the universe, I don’t know how many light years he has crossed and how far he has traveled.

The galaxies he devoured had already exceeded double digits, reaching twenty-seven, and now he was devouring twenty-eight stars.

Of the twenty or so stars he had devoured, the star was about a medium mass, neither big nor small, and at this time it had just begun to be swallowed by him, absorbing only about one-tenth of it.


It was at this moment that the pitch-black vortex suddenly stopped.

It was as if the dark maw of some kind of giant beast poking out of the abyss seemed to be full at last, as if it had a full burp.

This one burp caused ripples like ripples in the nearby space, which could easily cause a star to collapse and a planet to be crushed to pieces.

“Five years. ”


Lu exhaled lightly.

Who knows how he’s spent the past five years, he has been devouring stars every day to sustain his metamorphosis!

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