“Ankusalaam, the god of life and death. ”

Lu Xuan muttered in a low voice, and glanced at Ankusalam who was standing on the left hand side of Kaos after entering the palace.

The power level of the Fairy Tail world is not high, and even the strongest Black Dragon King, Akuno Lokia, is only at the level of a planet, similar to Kaguya.

But there are gods in this world.

It seems easy to understand that Ankusalaam, who is in charge of life and death, can inflict pain on the strongest human dark mage, Jelf, for hundreds of years with a curse alone, and even after gaining a power similar to that of Akuno Lokia, he still can’t break free.

Because although the power level of Ankusalam has not reached the stellar level, it is also close to the stellar level, and there is an incomparable difference between it and the planetary level.

And Kaos…

Created the world of Fairy Tail, created Ankusalam and other beings to rule the rules separately, and created hundreds of parallel worlds, the king of gods beyond the timeline, and his power is undoubtedly far above the stellar level!

And just as Lu Xuan thought of this, a vast and surging energy suddenly bombarded from his side, and it was Kaos who shot out!


The vast palace was shattered in an instant.

The aftermath that far exceeded the stellar level directly caused layers of wave marks in the nearby space, and slammed into Lu Li’s body, tearing Lu Li’s body apart directly!


Kaos looked at Lu Li’s body that was shattered by his sneak attack, and suddenly showed a trace of surprise, and saw Lu Li’s broken body recover silently in the next moment.

Lu Li still maintained the same posture as he stood there, he turned around and looked at Kaos behind him, his eyes were peaceful, as if he had already foreseen this scene, and he was not surprised, and said:

“In terms of sheer strength alone, you are indeed much stronger than me. ”

Kaos narrowed his eyes, looked at Lu Li, and said, “… The ability of time cannot work at our level, it is not a power that you possess. ”

After reaching this level of world creation, all rules, including time and space, cannot form absolute constraints, and all must be judged by the level of energy.

To put it simply, time is still with planetary energy, and it is impossible to imprison the existence of stellar energy.

Unless the energy is at the same level, or higher, then the various regular abilities will take effect.

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The supreme god who created everything, the king of the gods who transcended the demon tail time and the parallel world line, the energy he released at the moment when he attacked Lu Li was close to four times that of Lu Li, and approached the power of hundreds of stars!

Under such an energy bombardment, Lu Li only relied on the energy of twenty-eight stars to release any ability such as time reversal, which should collapse and disintegrate and not take effect.

But the time reversal used by Lu Li took effect.

And he was completely undisturbed by his ‘power of a hundred stars’!

Other words.

Lu Li should have something in his body that is beyond his own strength, beyond the energy level he should have at the moment, so that he can use the rule ability of the time class when there is a huge difference in energy!

Lu Li looked at Kaos and said calmly, “I’m more curious, what is your intention to attack me?”

At this level of life, it is impossible for everyone to be friendly, so Lu Li did not completely relax his vigilance against Kaos at the beginning.

“For safety. ”

Kaos spoke indifferently.

Lu Li looked at Kaos, looked at him for a second, and said, “I see. ”

At their level, they don’t need to explain much, just a little bit of language to figure out the cause and effect of things.

Kaos attacked him for a simple reason, as he himself said for safety.

If the realm where Lu Li and Kaos are located is named ‘Black Hole Level’, then it is almost impossible for all beings at this level to coexist peacefully!

The reason is simple.

Just like Lu Li now, if he wants to improve his strength, he must further improve his control over energy, so that he can devour more stars to enhance himself, and improving his control over energy is actually a very difficult thing.

However, if Lu Li can defeat Kaos, analyze all the power that Kaos has, and combine the different energy compositions and power systems between the two, he can reach the level of a hundred stars in an instant!


Kaos slaying him, cracking his Eternal Eye, the Power of the Six Realms, the Power of Evolution, and the Power of Eternity, among others, will also increase his energy control by a large margin.

Just as matter in the universe, large black holes devour small black holes to augment themselves, and the same is true between this level of life.

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