
Almost just as he was about to withdraw all the power scattered in this world one by one, Lu Li suddenly raised his hand towards him, and the golden light in his eyes was circulating.

Silently, Kaos’s consciousness froze, his movements froze, and the whole person quietly froze in place, as if he had become a sculpture.

Time stands still!

In the previous devouring of stars, Lu Li’s ability to Eternal Eye had evolved, and as he had judged, the ability to stand still in time!

“Sure enough, I couldn’t resist at all. ”

Lu Li gently lowered his hand.

Kaos can’t shake the time strip, so he can’t fight against time stillness, which is the ability of the Eternal Eye.

After sealing Kaos with time standstill, Lu Li took two steps forward and came to Kaos, pointing his finger at Kaos’s eyebrows, trying to pull Kaos’s power outward.


Kaos’s power was restrained and converging, like a monolith, and no matter how much he used his power, he couldn’t strip Kaos’s power from his body.

“Is this the difference in the level of power… Just as a small black hole can’t swallow up a large black hole in turn, even if I stop his time, it can’t be shaken. ”

Lu Li withdrew his finger and muttered.

I’m afraid that he will have to be at least raised to about fifty stars in control before he can shake the power of Kaos, decompose his whole person bit by bit, and finally take away all his power.

“Looks like I’m going to have to go to his world. ”

Lu Li looked up at the palace behind him, looked at the bubble world that was floating up and down in the depths of the palace, and opened his mouth with a calm expression.

He can’t dissect Kaos’s essence now, but each of the worlds created by Kaos contains the essence of Kaos’s power.

As long as he analyzes these powers and grasps the power systems in these worlds one by one, he can not only improve his own control over energy, but also use this as a base point to devour Kaos in reverse.

Come to think of it.

Lu Li raised his right hand, and the figures of Guoguo and Qingqing squirmed and appeared in the center of his palm.

“Guoguo, Qingqing, you are optimistic about this. ”

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“Yes. ”

Guoguo responded calmly.

Qingqing next to him tilted his little head, his little face fell, and said, “I want to go to the world of Kaos with my father…”

Lu Li glanced at her, and after thinking for a while, he said: “It’s not impossible if you want to go, Guoguo won’t have a problem guarding here, but forget it with me, there’s no point, you can choose a parallel world at will and help me analyze the power of Kaos.” ”


Qingqing cheered.

She subconsciously wanted to jump up and hug Lu Li’s neck, but now Lu Li’s body was too big, so she could only jump on Lu Li’s palm.

Lu Li looked at Guoguo and motioned to her, “Guoguo, then you take care of the incarnation of the power of these rules, as well as Kaos over there.” ”

Ankusalam, who is in charge of life and death, and these gods, who are in charge of the elements such as wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth, are the embodiment of the power of rules created by Kaos, and they are not powerful.

At this time, seeing that Kaos was suppressed by Lu Li’s power, all the gods, including Ankusalam, knelt down towards Lu Li after looking at each other for a while.

“Yes. ”

Guoguo floated down and landed in front of the kneeling gods, echoing Lu Li.

Lu Li glanced at Kaos, who was standing still in time, and the gods who knelt on the ground, trembling and not daring to resist, and after making sure that there was no problem, he walked towards the palace and returned to the palace where most of it had been destroyed.

The parallel worlds that could be seen floating above the palace had also been destroyed, but the main world in the very center did not have much impact, and there were dozens of other parallel worlds left intact.


Lu Li stopped, looked at it for a few seconds, took a step forward, and threw his whole person into the main world in the very center.

And Qingqing, who was floating next to him, tilted his head, and after thinking about it, he flew towards the bubble of the parallel world closest to the main world.

On the vast wilderness.

There is hardly any vegetation to be seen here, and the whole world is desolate as far as the eye can see.

And at this moment, a ripple like a ripple of water suddenly appeared in the space, and then a huge figure appeared on the wilderness, which was the land that entered the main world.

The world of Fairy Tail is a world of magic, with a variety of magic, and these magic is one of the power systems possessed by the creator god Kaos.

The next thing Lu Li has to do is also very simple, that is, to learn magic, start from the very basics and then work backwards step by step, until he completely grasps this power system and changes it into one of his own powers, so that he can use this to extract the power of Kaos, replace it, and get the power of a hundred stars.

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