
Mebis lay on Aclera’s back and put two small arms around Aclera’s neck, while Acryra spread her arms and turned into phoenix wings entwined with golden flames, leading Mebis all the way from the clouds to leap.

She led Mebis over wide rivers, over long mountains, and finally to a solemn palace on the east side of the city, isolated there.

That’s where the Phoenix Heart Guild is located.

“This is my sister’s guild…”

Mebis could already faintly see the palace in the distance at this time, and her eyes had a little surprise opening, she had not been able to come here during the war because of its geographical location.

Acléa retracted her wings and flew downward, carrying Mebis all the way to the front of the palace, and the golden flames on her body eventually disappeared.

When landing,

Mebis let go of her little hand and jumped off Ekrea’s back.

And just as the two of them were looking in the direction of the palace together, about to walk up together, suddenly, Mebis and Ekrea both noticed something at the same time and turned their heads together.

I saw that in the woods on the right side of the palace, a young man wearing a magic robe was walking out of the forest step by step, and it seemed that he happened to pass by.


The boy noticed Acryra and Mebis in front of the palace, and was slightly startled.

Aclea looked at the young man who had stopped, and her eyes paused, and she pronounced the other party’s name: “… Jelf. ”

Hearing Ekreya’s address to the boy, Mebis’s pupils shrank slightly.

Dark Wizard Jelf!

Like Lu Li, he is also a legendary magician hundreds of years ago, but unlike Lu Li, almost all of the things related to Jelf are all kinds of darkness and notoriety!

Some people call him the one who brought darkness, some call him the demon itself, and some say that he walked the world and took countless lives, and he was the most evil and terrifying magician!

“Sister, do you know him?”

Mebis felt a little depressed.

Echo nodded and said, “I met him a hundred years ago, but he is not the evil magician as rumored, he is the same person who has fallen under the curse of contradictions. ”

When she met Jelf, she didn’t know that Jelf was a contradictory curse, and Jelf didn’t tell her.

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It wasn’t until not long ago that Lu Li talked to her about the contradictory curse in Mebis that he mentioned the situation about Jelf to her, and at the same time talked about Jelf more.

When Gerf heard Aclea’s words, he was slightly stunned, and then looked at Mebis beside Aclea with a look of surprise, recognized it, and said:

“Are you, the goblin military master?”

Because of the curse of contradictions, he usually doesn’t meet people, but he still occasionally reads newspapers, so he knows a lot about what is happening on the continent.

“It’s me. ”

Mebis nodded slightly.

Gerf examined Mebis for a few seconds, then finally sighed and said:

“It’s a pity. ”

With that, he walked off into the distance, eventually disappearing into the trees.

Mebis moved her gaze back and forth between Jelf’s back and Echo a few times, and finally looked at Echo, and couldn’t help but ask in a low voice, “Sister, he… What’s going on?”

Akrea looked in the direction in which Jelf had disappeared and said, “He has been tormented in pain for violating Ankusalam’s will in order to resurrect his brother, and he has been cursed by contradictions. ”

“I heard Lord Lu Li say that Lord Lu Li once met Jerph, and Jerf asked Lord Lu Li to kill him, but Lord Lu Li refused. ”

Echoray’s words made Mebis couldn’t help but reach out to cover her mouth, revealing a look of shock, and said, “Please, teacher… Kill himself?”

“Hmm. ”

Acryra nodded and said, “The Curse of Contradiction is such a terrible thing. ”

Mebis looked again in the direction where Jelf had disappeared and couldn’t help muttering, “No wonder he told me that it was a pity, but wasn’t the teacher able to break this curse?”

Aclea shook her head and said, “Maybe he doesn’t know, maybe Lord Lu Li refuses to crack it for him, maybe… What is the reason we can’t think of. ”


Heart of the Phoenix Guild.

Inside the magnificent palace, Acryra walked in with Mebis, and after Mebis entered, she immediately saw the familiar figure standing in front of the palace, with her back to her, looking up at the sky outside the window.

“You’re here, Mebis. ”

Lu Li turned his head, looked at Mebis who walked into the palace, smiled softly, and said, “After four years, you have grown a lot compared to when you left.” ”

Although his body has not grown and has hardly changed, at this time, Mebius’s magic power has grown to the level of the Ten Holy Magicians, and his wisdom has become higher, and his knowledge of magic is much more than four years ago.

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