Layla steadied her breathing, feeling that she had forcibly filled the missing key to the Aquarius Gate with her magic power, causing her body to suffer from a serious lack of mana, but after seeing Anna at this time, she temporarily ignored her physical condition and replied:

“It’s x777. ”

“Four hundred years from now? That means we’ve succeeded. ”

Anna couldn’t help but take a slight breath when she heard Layla’s answer.

Building the Eclipse Gate to cross time and space was also something she wasn’t sure would succeed in, as it was already a rule-breaking magic that broke the rules of the world.

At this time, Anna didn’t notice the figure of Natsu and the other five dragon slayer wizards who came one step ahead of her, and couldn’t help but be surprised, looked around, and said, “What about the children? What about the five children who came with me?”

The king of the Kingdom of Fiore said in a deep voice: “I don’t know if it’s five children, the moment the door opened, five rays of light flew out, and you can see that the ceiling was pierced.” ”


Anna looked up at the five holes in the zenith, her gaze changing.

However, she quickly calmed down, because dragons such as the Fire Dragon King Igonillu and Grandini had sealed themselves in the bodies of the five dragon slayer wizards such as Natsu to protect them, and even if they flew around the world, they would not be easily in danger.

After all, the plan of the Eclipse Star Spirit Gate was jointly implemented by the Star Spirit Wizard, the Dark Wizard Jelf and the Dragon Clan, and a lot of problems were considered at the beginning.

Thinking of this,

Anna exhaled lightly, not in a hurry to find Natsu and the others, turned her head to look at Layla first, nodded and said, “I’m Anna Hatfilia, what about you?”

Layla: “…”

That is, when Anna and Layla began to communicate, Lu Li, who had just left the Fairy Tail Guild, withdrew his gaze in the direction of the royal capital.

He was also very clear about the plan of the Eclipse Star Spirit, or he had known Anna four hundred years ago, and Anna had asked him about the magic of time and space.

The whole story goes like this.

Four hundred years ago, dragons ruled the world, but dragons were also divided into those close to humans and those hostile to humans, and the two sides were in constant confrontation with each other, because human magic was too insignificant for dragons, so humans could not help much in this confrontation.

As a result, dragons who were close to humans gave the dragon-killing magic, the magic that can kill dragons, to humans, and the dragon-slaying magicians were born.

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At the right time.

Cursed by contradictions, Jelf wanted to commit suicide, so he maliciously guided one of the dragon slayer wizards into the darkness, allowing him to grow step by step, gaining supreme power, slaughtering countless dragons and becoming the dragon king as a human.

That’s the black dragon Akuno Lokia!

But after this operation, Jelf found that even Akuno Lokia was unable to break the curse of contradiction and kill him.

It can be said that it is an operation as fierce as a tiger, and the record is zero bar five.

And what’s even more troublesome is that after the birth of Akunolokia, even the dragons are not his opponents, let alone humans, although Gelf will not be killed, he is also unable to stop Akunolokia, making Akunolokia start to wreak havoc in that era.


The remnants of the dragons close to humans, the Fire Dragon King Igoniraru and Jelf and others judged that it would be impossible to defeat Akuno Lokia in this era, so together with the Star Spirit Wizard Anna, they made a plan to send the fire of the Dragon Slayer Wizard to the future.

Defeat the black dragon Akuno Lokia in the future!

As a result, the Eclipse Gate was built, and Anna eventually escorted Natsu and her five children into the Eclipse Gate, and the time spanned four hundred years later.

As for Lu Li’s encounter with the black dragon, it was after the implementation of the plan of Anna and others, and after that, Lu Li also began to study magic alone, so that the whole world was still developing according to its original trajectory.

Of course.

Lu Li wasn’t actually interested in these trajectories, including the Eclipse Star Spirit Gate, because he didn’t need them at all to cross the past and the future at will.

Lu Li was only interested in one thing, and that was the power of the mind, the power that could rise above the curse of contradictions, the abyss of the Demon Path, the magic of one.


The southern part of the Kingdom of Fiore.

Somewhere in the middle of the jungle.

I could see a little girl with blue hair, only about five or six years old, wandering through the jungle, with a timid and weak gaze in her big eyes, as if she was about to cry at any moment.

“Grandini… Where are you…”

She is one of the five dragon-slaying magicians sent four hundred years later, Wendy Mabel, the child of the Celestial Dragon Grantini.

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