In fact, Layla does not regret anything, because she fulfilled the last wish of her ancestors, and also fulfilled the meaning of the existence of the Hatfilia family, and also freed her daughter Lucy, so that Lucy no longer has to continue to carry the mission of opening the gate of the eclipse star.

“…… Good. ”

Jiude was silent for a few seconds, and finally slowly spoke, pushed the door and walked out.

A moment later.

A girl with blond hair ran in, and it was Lucy, who was only ten years old.

At this time, she already knew the seriousness of Layla’s condition, and stumbled to Layla’s bedside, and then sobbed directly, her big eyes full of tears.

“Mom… They, they say you’re sick and you can’t be treated, but that’s not true, right?

Layla stretched out her hand gently, touched Lucy’s head, patted her back, and said with relief: “It’s okay Lucy, although I may not be able to accompany you anymore, I will become a star spirit and watch you all the time.” ”

“No… I don’t want to…”

Lucy threw herself on Layla and cried.

Layla gently patted Lucy’s back, and was about to continue to soothe her, when she suddenly coughed violently, and her face became even paler, revealing a little pain.


Lucy let go of her hand, showing a panicked look, at a loss for a while, but quickly thought of something, and said, “I, I’ll go to the doctor right away!”

As she spoke, she ran quickly out the door.

Layla looked at Lucy who was running away, stretched out her hand at her, and said weakly, “Wait, Lucy…”

But Lucy didn’t hear it, and ran out.

Lei stretched her hand to cover her mouth, coughed twice, and lay back, looking at Lucy’s disappearing back, sighed silently, and showed a little reluctance in her eyes.

Of course, she is not willing to abandon her ten-year-old daughter and die, but there is almost no possibility of curing severe magic deficiency, and no matter how strong the healing magic is, the magician can only alleviate her symptoms at most, and it is already the limit for her to live for a while longer.

She was hesitant to tell Lucy what she had learned from her ancestor Anna, but after much thought, she decided to hide it, after all, their mission of the Hatfilia family had been accomplished.

It’s over in her generation, and there’s no need to involve Lucy anymore.

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Hatfilia Manor.


This is the lounge next to the main hall, although it is a side room, it is still very open, at least 100 square meters, with some sofas and coffee tables.

On a relatively large couch, there were five or six magicians gathered here, the youngest of whom also looked middle-aged, and a few old men with gray beards, each discussing.

“Have you seen all of Lady Layla’s situation?”

“Well, it’s a severe lack of mana, yes, even the source of mana has been completely destroyed, and life is passing uncontrollably. ”

Strictly speaking, mana deficiency disorder is not the kind of injury caused by missing arms and legs, but due to the vicious loss of a large amount of mana, resulting in the damage of the mana source in the body.

The source of mana is the core of life for the magician.

Generally, a little damage can be recovered on its own, and if the damage is more serious, it is possible to repair it after good care and recuperation, but Layla’s magic source has almost been completely destroyed, and there is no possibility of self-repair.

If the mana source is completely damaged, it means that the magician can no longer accumulate mana in his body, and the mana will continue to flow and take away the life force.

“With such a severe mana deficiency, it seems that you are all helpless. ”

“yes. ”

“It’s not like it’s impossible…”


“The loss of mana source means that there is no way to accumulate mana, but if there is a high-level star spirit magician, combined with a high-level additional magician, and the magic power is directly attached to Lady Leila’s body, you can get rid of this dilemma, and then with the cooperation of a high-level magician of the light system, you can stop the flow of life force. ”

“The high-level of the Bright Department… You’re talking about a hammer. ”

The new old man said angrily: “The high-level Star Spirit Wizard is still easy to find, I haven’t heard of the high-level additional magician for decades, as for the high-level light system… You might as well go straight to a magician who can use the life magic of the Lost Magic!”

Astral spirit magic and additional magic are both relatively basic magic, but the former is relatively easy to advance, and the latter is almost unheard of by a few people who can advance to a high level.

The so-called additional magic is the magic that attaches magic power to foreign objects for manipulation, and it is said that high-level additional magic can even attach to an entire country, and can cinch a country into a ball in an instant, which only exists in legends.

As for the light department, let alone that.

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