This kick had no effect, the comer’s movements did not stop, and after turning over in the air, he suddenly picked up Wendy and quickly retreated a few meters.

One of the people who kicked and took Wendy away was a white-haired girl who looked about the same age as Elusa and looked strong.

“Don’t be afraid, my sister protects you!”

The girl touched Wendy’s head and spoke, and looked at Lu Li with a very imposing gaze, and said, “Hey, you guy, what are you going to do to her?!”

This sudden scene made both Elusa and Jubia a little dazed, and then Jubia, who reacted, immediately glared at the girl who appeared, clenched his small fist and said:

“Where did you come from, you dare to attack Lord Lu Li. ”


Elusa thought of something, and her hand on the hilt of the sword relaxed slightly, looking at the girl and said, “You seem to have misunderstood something, you just helped Wendy clean up the bugs.” ”

It was probably Wendy’s screaming just now, as well as Lu Li’s movements, that made the white-haired girl who happened to appear nearby mistakenly think that Lu Li was going to do something to Wendy, so she came to the rescue.

The girl looked at Elusa and Jubia, and said, “Ah, there are two accomplices, you should be the kind of criminal who abducts children in the rumor, don’t try to lie to me.” ”


“What’s going on!”

At this moment, there was another cry not far away, and two figures with white hair could be seen running over, one of them was about twelve years old, and the other was a little younger, a short-haired white girl who looked about the same age as Jubia.

The two quickly ran to both sides of the girl who saved Wendy, and while looking at each other, they vigilantly confronted Lu Li, Elusa and others.


Lu Li looked at this scene, but did not speak, but shrugged his shoulders, glanced at the girl who ‘rescued’ Wendy, and pointed at Wendy.

At this time, Wendy, who had already woken up to what had happened, looked up at the girl and said timidly: “Sister, sister… That, it was the caterpillar that fell on my face just now, and Brother Lu Li helped me clean it up, not what you think. ”

The girl frowned, glared at Lu Li, and said in disbelief: “Are you being threatened?” Don’t be afraid, with my sister here, he can’t do anything to you!”


Wendy opened her mouth, not knowing how to explain it for a moment.

Lu Li looked at this scene, shook his head helplessly, and said:

“Really. ”

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As the words fell, he took a step forward, and then the whole person disappeared into thin air, appeared directly behind the white-haired girl, and gently patted her on the shoulder.


It was such a gentle pat, which immediately made the girl feel numb all over her body, as if she had been electrocuted, and the attempted resistance could not be made at all, and the whole person fell softly.

After Lu Li slapped the girl to the ground, he stood there looking at her, and said lightly: “You are really completely unreasonable, Miraj Strauss.” ”

This girl, who looks menacing and completely unreasonable, dressed like a gangster, is none other than the young Miraj, the future fairy tail of the Kanban girl.

It is worth mentioning.

At this time, Miraj is still the kind of reckless and impulsive little devil-like character, rather than the image of a gentle and black-bellied sister in the future.


Lisana and Elfman next to them both exclaimed in surprise when they saw this scene, and looked at Lu Li with some panic and fear, but they still quickly came over to help Mira.

Mira, who was helped up, still couldn’t stand firmly, and her whole body was trembling slightly, as if she had experienced the pleasure of rising into the sky dozens of times at that moment, and she was panting violently.

She looked at Lu Li with some fear and said:

“You… How do you know my name…”

The instant disappearance and instantaneous appearance just now, as well as the gentle pat on her shoulder, were obviously not the means that normal humans could use.


The man in front of him is obviously a magician!

And under this close observation, she also noticed something that she hadn’t noticed much because it was too sudden, that is, this man was a little too handsome, even exceeding the standard of her fantasy future boyfriend.

“Just know a little bit. ”

Lu Li smiled easily and said, “Then re-introduction, my name is Lu Li, I am a magician, and this is my sister Wendy, who is also a magician.” ”

Wendy looked at Mira with big innocent eyes and nodded obediently.

Mira opened her mouth.

Lishana and Elfman also looked at Mira in a slight daz, and their eyes looked back and forth between Mila and Wendy and Lu Li a few times, and finally Lishana couldn’t help but whisper:

“Well, what the hell is this… What’s going on?”

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