Kakashi not only defused Sasuke’s attack, but also pinned him to the ground.


With a muffled sound, Sasuke’s whole body fell directly to the ground.

Kakashi rode up and pinned him down tightly.

With a twist of his right hand, he pressed Sasuke’s hand against his own waist.

“The timing is good, but unfortunately, it’s just a little bit close. ”

Kaka looked at Naruto and Sasuke who were bound and shook his head.

“In this way, only Sakura is left, and if she sees Naruto and Sasuke as companions, she should find a way to save the two of them…”

Kakashi began to analyze in his heart, “But judging from Sakura’s performance just now, the only person she cares about is Sasuke. ”

“Speaking of Sasuke… His qualifications may be comparable to those of the Itachi, but he is still a little too immature. ”


As Kakashi pondered these trifles, the ground suddenly trembled beneath his feet.

This sudden scene startled Kakashi’s heart, and he quickly looked up to find the epicenter.

However, the next scene surprised Kakashi even more.

I saw that the earth that trapped Naruto was cracking, and the rift spread directly to his feet.

Naruto, who had his eyes slightly closed, opened his eyes abruptly and entered the immortal mode directly.

The decapitation technique in his heart couldn’t trap Naruto who had entered the immortal mode at all.


Sasuke, who was underneath Kakashi, was wide-eyed.

Looked at Naruto’s changes before and after incredulously.

Naruto’s eyes, in particular, were obviously different from before.

It’s like frog-like eyes.

In Sasuke’s cognition, there are only three major families in Konoha Village that have Hitomi Jutsu.

Two of them are Hinata and Chiga, both of whom have white eyes.

The other is the Uchiha clan.

Needless to say, Uchiha naturally has no one who knows how to write wheels better than him.

As for the white eyes, Hinata Hinata in the same class is a good example.

No matter what kind of pupil technique it is, it is different from Naruto’s variation.

On top of that, what shocked Sasuke even more was the power he had.

The whole body is buried in the ground, and the pressure is naturally very huge.

Not to mention breaking free with its own strength, it is impossible to even move an arm.

However, Naruto in front of him relied on his own strength to break free from it!

In fact, it wasn’t just Sasuke who was surprised, but Kakashi on him was also taken aback.

“This amazing chakra…”

Kakashi stood up from Sasuke’s body and subconsciously quickly stepped back, intending to distance himself first.

But what Kakashi didn’t expect was this.

After the change in his body, Naruto’s strength has also been amazingly improved.

Before his heel could hit the ground, he caught up.

“Kakashi-sensei, be careful!”

Naruto reminded Kakashi loudly as he reached out and grabbed the bell.

Once you enter the Immortal Mode, the strength of your physical body will increase greatly.

Even if you fall from a height of tens of meters, you can do it unharmed.

It’s no exaggeration to say that even if you use the palm of your hand to catch the kunai, it will only be the other party’s forbearance that will be broken.

Kakashi is an elite shinobi after all, while being shocked by Naruto’s strength.

His body changed in mid-air, deflecting to the right, dodging Naruto’s attack.


Dodging the attack, Kakashi had a hunch that something was wrong.

He noticed that Naruto, who had missed the bell, did not have a regretful expression.

Instead, the corners of his mouth went up, as if he was proud of something.


In the next second, a loud bang exploded between the two, instantly crashing Kakashi.

And this move is a frog kumite that Naruto mastered when he was practicing frog sparring at Myoki Mountain.

A physical technique derived from the Immortal Mode, which uses natural energy to carry out a wider range of attacks.

Even if you can clearly capture his trajectory, you can’t calculate the distance of the attack.

However, because of the drill, Naruto didn’t take it too hard.

Just aimed at Kakashi’s abdomen and knocked him flying.

Sakura and Sasuke, who witnessed this scene, all stood on the spot.

The physical changes alone, and the way they broke free from the decapitation technique in their hearts, were enough to shake their minds.

But this guy who was supposed to be the tail of the crane not only knocked Kakashi who was a shinobi away, but also made them not understand.

“Naruto just now, didn’t you swing your fist in the air…”

Although Sasuke didn’t use the Sharingan, he saw Kakashi adjust his body in mid-air and dodge Naruto’s punch.

What the hell is going on?

Naruto was thinking at this time that after getting the bell, he and Sakura would fly together, but he didn’t care about Sasuke at all.

He glanced in the direction Kakashi had flown out backwards, then chased after him.

“This guy… What kind of practice was carried out at Mt. Myoki? ”

Kakashi covered his abdomen with one hand, though he couldn’t believe it.

But he felt that Naruto’s men just now were merciful.

Obviously, as an elite upper ninja, he was completely suppressed by the lower ninja.

“I really didn’t expect that I would be forced to do this by Naruto…”

Seeing Naruto hurrying after him, Kakashi had no choice but to lift his forehead guard in desperation.

“Although the current Naruto has just graduated from the ninja school and has not yet become a shinobi, after entering the immortal mode, he can’t be regarded as common sense. ”

Lu Li, who was secretly observing the actual combat training of the seventh class, complained casually.

In less than a round, Kakashi was forced out of the Sharingan.

“Anyway, Kakashi is the shinobi of the seventh class, and if he is killed by Naruto here, his prestige will be affected somewhat. ”

“And it would make the test meaningless. ”

Lu Li observed Kakashi’s every move, and couldn’t help but feel ashamed of him.

The real purpose of this assessment is to test the teamwork consciousness of Class 7.

This inevitably required absolute strength on the part of the tester, forcing the people of Class 7 to cooperate.

Conversely, if Kakashi can’t even deal with Naruto, how can he talk about testing the spirit of cooperation?

“What would you do, Kakashi?”

In fact, Kakashi knew this question very well.

Once he loses to Naruto, no amount of emphasis on the importance of teamwork is convincing.

Because he is an opponent who can be defeated without cooperation.


Thinking of this, Kakashi had to lift his forehead guard and release the Sharingan hidden in the darkness.

“What an amazing chakra… Is this kid a monster?”

Kakashi gasped.

Through his ability to write chakras, he was able to more clearly observe the chakra flow on Naruto’s body, as well as subtle changes in movement.

In the original Hokage, during the Chunin exam, Kakashi used to observe the flow of chakras in Xiao Li’s body when he opened the door. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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