The next day.

Lu Li and his party left Konoha Village directly and went to the country of waves.

Naruto’s emotions were naturally the most excited of the several.

This is not only the first time he has protected others, but also Lu Li has been accompanied.

Once he encounters an enemy, he can also behave well.

Dazna silently followed the team, praying that it would all end smoothly.

“The ground…”

Lu Li noticed the stagnant water on the ground.

It hadn’t rained for a while, and now that it’s sunny again, it’s impossible for water to accumulate on the ground.

“The killer of Fog Hidden Village… What a familiar assassination scene!”

Lu Li muttered to himself in his heart.

In retrospect, after the seventh squad left Konoha Village, they were attacked by no more beheading men.

It was also at that time that Dazner’s tricks were completely exposed.

Thinking of this, Lu Li glanced at Kakashi and motioned for him to remain vigilant.

In any case, the current Kakashi is actually in a state of being strong on the outside and doing it in the middle.

At this time, if the ninjas of Fog Hidden Village are regarded as the first priority target, they will be killed in seconds.

After Lu Li’s reminder, Kakashi also understood.

The pace deliberately slowed down as he moved towards the edge of the line.

Avoid being swept away by the first wave of attacks.

The result was just as Lu Li expected, as soon as a few of them walked over from the stagnant water, there was a fierce murderous aura behind them.

As far as the assassination method is concerned, Lu Li feels that these guys are a little unqualified.

However, because Kakashi deliberately hid to the edge, these guys simply targeted Dazna.

After emerging from the stagnant water, he jumped up directly and carried out a joint assassination.

Their weapon, a chain attached to an iron arm, wound toward Dazna.

This scene came too quickly for Dazner to expect.

Seeing that he was about to be caught by the enemy, he didn’t have time to send out help.

“Naruto, enemy attack!”

Kakashi issued a warning that Dazna could not be harmed no matter what.


Although the scene in front of him came very suddenly, Naruto still reacted to Kakashi’s reminder.

He instantly entered the golden body mode and appeared behind Dazna with an instantaneous body technique.

Before Dazna and the killer who suddenly appeared could react, Naruto had already hugged the former and flashed to safety.

Kakashi was relieved to see Naruto’s movements neatly and cleanly.

On the contrary, it was the two ghost brothers, who didn’t expect Naruto’s speed to be so fast.

However, because their bodies were stagnant in the air, the two of them were powerless to change their positions.

In a fit of rage, the ghost brothers had no choice but to shift their target to Lu Li, who was closest to them.

As a ninja of Fog Hidden Village, he has always been named for fighting to the death at all costs.

Even in the current situation, he missed in the first wave of attacks and exposed himself.

But they won’t retreat.

In their opinion, even if the first wave misses.

But as long as you kill all the people here, then it’s no problem.

“If you want to blame, blame yourself.

The ghost brother roared at Lu Li, and firmly wrapped the special weapon around Lu Li’s body.

As long as you pull hard, you can separate Lu Li’s flesh and blood.

The methods can be described as extremely cruel.

“Oops. ”

Sasuke let out a secret scream, he had thought that Rikuri was so powerful by Kakashi that he should be able to easily dodge the enemy’s attack.

But what he didn’t expect was that Lu Li was directly caught by the other party.

“Brother Lu Li!”

Naruto also subconsciously shouted, and hurriedly stepped in to help.

“Hmph, it’s too late!”

The ghost brother sneered, and the two of them quickly staggered, exerting force in opposite directions.


However, with a loud bang, the ghost brothers’ footsteps all stopped, and cracks appeared in the iron arms in their hands.

The eyes of the two of them widened, and they turned their heads to glance at Lu Li in disbelief.

I only feel that the guy I grabbed is not a ninja, but a rock-solid mountain.

No matter how hard they try, the chains wrapped around Lu Li’s body are still immovable!

“This guy… Is it really human?!”


The ghost brothers’ iron arms began to crack, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t tear Lu Li’s body apart.

On the contrary, it is a special weapon that they are proud of, and the damage is not good.

What the hell is going on with the man in front of you?

Was his skin made of iron?

Before the two of them could figure out why there was such a disparity in strength, an invisible attack came down the chain.

To deal with ninjas of this level, Lu Li neither needs ninjutsu nor physical skills.

Just by unleashing the chakra along the chains, it easily pierced through their armor and muscles, striking them into their internal organs, and shattering them to pieces.

It’s a bit like Hinata’s soft fist!

Chakra control needs to be perfect!


The ghost brother’s eyes widened, and bright red erupted from his mouth, drawing a perfect arc in mid-air, spilling the earth.

The two of them leaned back straight and plopped down.

And the chains that wrapped around Lu Li also fell apart at this moment and fell from his body to the ground.

This scene came so quickly that Kakashi and the others didn’t react at all.

Especially Dazna, a second ago, he was worried about whether Lu Li and the others would be able to protect him.

What I didn’t expect was that after only a few breaths, Lu Li solved the enemy.

“It’s… Is this a ninja?”

Dazna rolled his throat, and his brain felt blank.

Although he had also heard that the combat power of ninjas was much stronger than that of ordinary people, he did not expect such an exaggerated gap.

His gaze didn’t catch what Lu Li had done at all!

But actually, let alone Dazner.

Even Kakashi was confused, and couldn’t guess at all how Rikuri would deal with the enemy.

But shock to shock, after taking a deep breath.

Kakashi chose to step forward quickly, carefully and cautiously half-crouching.

He held out two fingers against the arteries of one of the ninjas.

There is no pulse.

“Dead. ”

Kakashi announced this fact to the others, and the crisis was resolved.


Sasuke and Sakura couldn’t help but exclaim, the two of them didn’t see any movement from Lu Li at all.

He just stood there, as if he hadn’t reacted to the enemy’s attack.

As a result, the next picture shows that the guy who launched the raid is killed.

It’s incredible.

“It would be nice if I could stay alive. ”

Kakashi sighed, “That way, we’ll be able to get more information.” ”

Kakashi said, straightening up and turning in a direction, his gaze falling directly on Dazna’s body.

He deliberately emphasized that it was about getting more information, not getting it. _

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