“Wait, there’s something. ”

Coco stopped everyone, and Lu Li also took advantage of the situation to control the ball of light and fly forward, and a cliff appeared in front of Lu Li and them.

Then a few people came to the edge of the cliff and looked at the dense cockroaches and scorpions below, as well as the white bones that had been eaten clean.

An extremely terrifying feeling rose from the hearts of Lu Li and the others.

“You can’t eat it. ”

Ah Yu said with some regret: “Then please, Coco.” We’re going through here. ”

“Yes, then I’ll go down first, and you will follow. ”

Coco loosened the bandage around her neck, and a touch of purple quickly spread to Coco’s face.

Coco then jumped into the swarm of cockroaches.

And those cockroaches and scorpions, as if they had met natural enemies, quickly dispersed around, and quickly cleared the space around Coco.

“Let’s go, let’s go down. ”

Lu Li weakened the gravitational force and blessed the three of them, and Lu Li and Ah Yu fell to the ground lightly, following closely behind Coco.

Lu Li glanced at the cockroaches and scorpions, he didn’t act as a hero, and it was up to him to deal with them.

After all, in the captive world of food, Lu Li will naturally follow their values: as long as it is a hunted ingredient, he will definitely eat it with gratitude.

He won’t hunt bad ingredients.

So now it is the right choice to let the available poison expel these cockroaches and scorpions and avoid unnecessary battles!

Walking out of the nest of cockroaches and scorpions, Coco also wrapped a bandage to suppress the toxins in his body.

Lu Li nodded and said, “Coco, you only have a lot of toxins now.” ”


Komatsu asked suspiciously, it seemed that he didn’t know too much about the situation of the food hunter.

Ah Yu looked at his partner’s ignorant appearance, and couldn’t help covering his face for a while, and then began to introduce some of the characteristics of the food hunter profession in more detail.

Lu Li also shook his head, it seems that Ah Yu, this Ma Daha, still hasn’t introduced some things to Xiao Song.

Looking at the next road, Lu Li frowned slightly.

Because he knew that there was a demonic snake waiting for them to face after that!

For the rest of the journey, I didn’t encounter any creatures’ nests.

Except that the road started to get steeper, it was very safe along the way.

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Led by Coco, Lu Li and the others came to a cul-de-sac, and Coco crouched down at the edge and looked at the cave that hung down.

“About a hundred meters down from here, there is a very spacious cave directly below. ”

Coco observed it for a moment and said casually.

Lu Li also came over, looked down, and then said, “Indeed.” But Ayu, Coco, I want to remind you that there is a demonic serpent down there, so be ready for battle. ”

“Evil… Demon Snake!”

Komatsu instantly barked like a fried cat, his eyes full of horror.

“Demon Snake? ”

Saliva flowed from the corner of Ah Lu’s mouth, and he said with a smile: “If the three of us go all out, it shouldn’t be a big problem, right?”

“It’s not a big problem. I can do it alone. ”

Lu Li said confidently, but his eyes were very calm.

A demonic snake is really not Lu Li’s opponent.

“Well, then, let’s go down. ”

After speaking, Lu Li weakened the gravitational force and blessed everyone, and several people floated down slowly.

In the process of descending, insects like fireflies were stimulated by the ball of light and began to fly around.

“It’s Hotaru. ”

Coco stretched out his hand and grabbed a sea firefly and said, “This sea firefly flows into this cave from the sea, and it looks like the beach in our cave is getting closer and closer.” ”

“Woo… Hmmm, delicious. ”

Ah Lu said inarticulately, Lu Li and the others looked up, only to see that Ah Lu was still biting a strange-looking bat on his mouth.

“Butterfly bat, its phosphorus powder is an extremely precious spice!”

Xiao Song suddenly said excitedly, and after Ah Yu heard it, he quickly grabbed several of them and put them into the food box brought by Xiao Song.

As soon as Lu Li landed on the ground, a group of butterfly bats quickly pounced on them, but Lu Li couldn’t take care of them anymore.

Under the illumination of the ball of light, a very large snake-like monster has already rushed towards Lu Li!

“HRE Celestial Sign!”

A strong repulsive force erupted in Lu Li’s hands, and the demonic snake that rushed here was as if it had hit a huge impact wall.

Immediately, his entire face was smashed flat, and he was knocked out by Lu Li’s Shinra Heavenly Expedition.

“Oh, that’s a nice intensity. With such a large size, it was smashed out like this. ”

When Ah Yu saw this scene, he also exclaimed in admiration.

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