Pick up a softball at random, weaken the gravitational force and bless it, and then smash it out with all your might.

The softball was suddenly launched like a cannonball, and a series of sharp and piercing sounds came, making everyone can’t help but cover their ears.

Aizawa shook his head helplessly, and thought in his heart: It’s really terrifying physical power.

Subsequently, Aizawa Xiaota showed the record sheet, and a ∞ sign appeared, which stunned the crowd.

“If there is progress, at least the strength to maintain the blessing of softball will not disappear in a short period of time. ”

Aizawa smiled, and then motioned for the next person to come on.

When Lu Li left the venue and returned to the crowd, Green Valley immediately came up and whispered, “Lu Li, your power control is stronger. How many venues can you pass that test?”

Lu Li shrugged his shoulders and raised three fingers at him.

After Izuhisa Midoriya trained with Lu Li for a period of time, he was taken away by Olmet for high-intensity training.

So it’s not too clear about Lu Li’s achievements after that.

Seeing Lu Li’s three fingers, Midoriya Izuku was also shocked.

Six venues, the test is a person’s all-round performance, Lu Li can complete nearly half of the field, enough to see how strong he is.

“Hey, what are you talking about?”

Bang Hao looked at Lu Li and Midori Gu with an unhappy face, in his eyes, Midori Valley was still the wasted and incapable personality he had known before, and he could only look up at him from the ground.

But now the waste has begun to become unrecognizable to him.

has new friends, has his own secrets, and what’s even more hateful is that he actually seems to have a personality!

This made Banghao, who had always been accustomed to having farts behind him, a little uncomfortable.

“Next, Izuku Midoriya. ”

But as the personnel progressed, it was soon Midoritani’s turn to take Idehisa.

“Go ahead, play well, and don’t let yourself get hurt again. ”

Lu Li patted Green Valley on the shoulder and said encouragingly.

Midoriya took a deep breath, nodded, and then came to the venue.

“It’s just impersonal, don’t get me carried away!”

Banghao looked at Green Valley’s back, and felt depressed for a while, so he said hatefully.

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“No, Banghao. ”

Lu Li watched Green Valley pick up the softball, and said with a slight smile: “Green Valley is not the Green Valley you knew before, put away your ridiculous tsundere, you should take a good look at the progress of others!”

With Lu Li’s words, Green Valley’s whole body was flooded with red traces, and then quickly disappeared, and the momentum of Green Valley’s whole person became different!

“Imagine that the egg is in the microwave oven, and it can’t be directly increased to 100%, and my current limit is 3%!”

Silently adjusting his state, Midoriya’s eyes became serious, and then he put on a throwing posture and waved his right arm vigorously.


A burst of air like a gunshot rang out, and the softball was thrown at a very fast speed, but in an instant, it disappeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, Green Valley’s dazzling performance also stunned Banghao’s whole person in shock, and he was almost petrified.

Kota Aizawa shows the record sheet.


has completely surpassed Banghao, and it can be said that it slapped Banghao hard.

What is this?!The discovery of personality should have been over as early as the age of 4! This is impossible! What kind of thing is that “hard work”!!

Banghao thought dumbfounded, and at the same time, the sense of humiliation in his heart gnawed at his pride like a poisonous snake.

In just an instant, the movement of the body exceeded his own thoughts.

While taking advantage of the explosion, Banghao rushed towards Midoriya and shouted angrily at the same time, “What the hell is going on?!!!

In the face of Banghao’s sprint, even if Midorigu’s current strength is not much weaker than Banghao, but in the face of the angry Banghao, Midoriya was still taken aback, and the whole person was not good.

When Lu Li saw this scene, he couldn’t help but cover his face.

Even if Green Valley surpasses Banghao in the future, the shadow left in his heart when he was a child cannot be erased.

Once faced with Banghao, if Green Valley can’t muster up the courage, then after all, he still can’t suppress Banghao in momentum.

“Answer me…”

But Banghao’s anger was finally stopped by Aizawa Xiaotai.

A scarf woven of carbon fiber and special alloy firmly grabbed the figure of Banghao’s forward rush, and no matter how much he struggled, he couldn’t break free from Aizawa’s shackles.

“Really, don’t force me to use a personality… I’m a person with dry eyes!”

Aizawa said angrily, opening his eyes for a long time had already made his eyes bloodshot.

Lu Li covered his face again: It’s really blind to such a good personality.

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