Lu Li looked at the dining car, and suddenly he didn’t have the heart to explain to Whitebeard, and told him to drink the bad luck wine before going back, Lu Li hurriedly walked to the dining car, ready to taste the feast of this gem meat!

“Whether the gourmet cells can completely cover all depends on this time. ”

Lu Li said seriously, and then lifted the lid of the plate.

The bright and dazzling light instantly illuminated the entire tavern, and everyone couldn’t help but close their eyes in the face of such a light.

“I am grateful for all the ingredients in this world, I am moving!”

Lu Li folded his hands, bowed reverently, and then looked at the dazzling meat dishes on the plate, picked up his chopsticks and picked up a piece of braised pork version of the jewel meat.

Even though it is wrapped in a reddish-brown coat, the light of the jeweled flesh still shines through the coat, giving the whole braised pork an amber-like texture.

“Ahh ”

As soon as you bite into it, the original flavor of the meat without embellishment fills your mouth.

After chewing, the flesh of the gem goes down.

In just an instant, the stomach suddenly lit up, and at the same time, the heart beat rapidly.

The heartbeat was so strong that even the people around him could feel the sound like a drum.

Lu Li’s body gradually emitted light, as if every cell was shining happily!

The muscles swelled up instantly, and Lu Li turned into a muscular man in an instant, and with Lu Li’s slightly immature face, there was a feeling of “King Kong Barbie”.

“Perfect! Finally perfect!”

Tears of joy flowed from the corners of Lu Li’s eyes, so delicious that he cried, talking about Lu Li’s current state.

Lu Li’s touching was in the eyes of Ah Yu.

Several people laughed, and then they also clasped their hands together and chanted in unison: “I am grateful for all the ingredients in this world, I have started!”

Afterwards, the Ayu and the others began to enjoy this feast of jeweled meat.

You must know that in the original book, only Komatsu cooks alone.

But in the tavern, Komatsu, Kofugui, Kohei Chuangzhen and Liu Angxing all took out their housekeeping skills, handled them well, and cooked the meat of gems.

That is, he mastered the characteristics of the gem meat, and then developed the deliciousness of the gem meat to the highest level!

“Jingle bells. ”

A bell rang, and then a little boy walked into the tavern, looked around, and then said suspiciously, “What is this place?”

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And Lu Li’s action of eating the flesh of the gem stopped.

Some were dumbfounded and looked at the little boy who walked in through the gate, and then they didn’t care about eating the flesh of the gem, and quickly commanded the two little elves to follow the little boy closely.

Then Lu Li walked up to the little boy with a smile, and said, “Welcome to Lu Li’s Tavern, may I ask what is your name?”

“My name is Luo Hongwen, and my goal is to become a trainer of Pokémon Master!”

The little boy took out the Poké Ball behind him and said seriously.

And Lu Li was a little confused.

He knows about Pokémon, but who is this little guy named Luo Hongwen?

You must know that Lu Li has never seen such a condensation of the power of the world.

Even Meliodas and them, the combined world power in their bodies is not more than one-third of the little boy in front of them, if they can extract it…

Lu Li couldn’t imagine what kind of astronomical sum this was!

“Jingle bells. ”

The bell rang again.

A tall man with blond hair walked in, looking at some strange scenes, and he was a little overwhelmed for a while.

Lu Li was also a little stunned for a moment when he saw the latter come in, and at the same time looked at Jotaro who happened to come to the tavern today.

Then he smiled slightly, thought of something, and called two elves, one to receive the new customers, and the other to call Jotaro, who had not yet discovered this scene.

After explaining the matter, Lu Li looked at Luo Hongwen and said with a smile: “Little friend, I have to work.” If you’re interested, just take a stroll around here, I’m safe here. ”

After speaking, Lu Li asked the elf to bring a glass of pure pressed juice to Luo Hongwen, and then returned to the bar, ready to receive the new young man.

And Jotaro, on the other hand, was also notified by the elf, and he also came to the bar with a strange face.


Giorno Giobana was depressed and had just tricked a big fish into being followed inexplicably.

If it weren’t for the utility of his powers, he would have felt like he had been caught by that guy just now.

But as soon as he escaped the man’s pursuit, he turned around and came to this strange place.

That’s right, in Giorno Giobana’s eyes, the Luli Tavern is indeed strange.

All kinds of people, all kinds of atmospheres.

And the lively mood, the lively scene, the glowing flesh, all of which were beyond his cognition.

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