Lu Li’s words immediately ignited everyone’s blood again.

Who are they?

They’re fairy tails!

If they were afraid of things, they wouldn’t join the fairy tail!!

“If there are only five places, then I’ll go. ”

Elusa spoke directly, and at the same time looked at Miraj, and said seriously: “In my name, I promise you that I will definitely bring Lisana back.” ”

“I’ll go too!”

Natsu grimaced, thinking back to the time when he had received the news of Lisanna’s death.

“Gray, you come too. ”

Elusa glanced at Gray and pulled him in.

Gray glanced at the silent Natsu, sighed, and stood up.

Although he and Natsu are not very compatible, but this kind of major right and wrong, he is unanimous to the outside world!

“Count me in. ”

Miraj said seriously, and her originally gentle eyes became sharp, and a fierce magic began to surround her.


Elusa looked at this scene, slightly stunned, and then showed a smile of relief.

Majin Miraj, officially resurrected!

Lu Li smiled slightly, then pointed at Lucy and said, “Okay, plus Lucy, five people are enough.” ”

“Oh, add me?! I’m not strong enough!”

Lucy looked at Lu Li with a confused expression, she knew Natsu’s strength, so Lucy felt that if they went, there would be nothing to do with herself.

But Lu Li directly gave the last place to himself, which made Lucy a little unable to react for a while.

“Hey, boss, what about me! Lisana is my sister, I’m going too!”

Elfman slapped the bar angrily, feeling particularly excited that he couldn’t pick up Lisanna home.

“The strength is not good, wait until you master the soul of the beastmaster, and then say this. ”

Lu Li’s words directly beat Elfman, and he could only sit aside depressedly, hating himself for being weak and powerless.

“Elfman, don’t worry, I’ll take Lisanna home. ”

Miraj said seriously, then looked at Lu Li and said, “Boss Lu, when will you leave?”

“It’s okay now, pay the fee and leave. ”

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Lu Li pointed through the box, Miraj and the others nodded, and after paying the fee, they walked into the box.

Lu Li immediately called up the virtual image, poured himself a glass of air and water, and said with a smile: “The show has begun!”


In the world of Adras, a twisted hole appeared above the sky, and with a flash of light, five figures appeared in the sky.

“It’s a really different world. ”

Elusa looked at the floating islands floating in the air around her, and the river flowing slowly in the sky, and she was particularly interested.

“This kind of thing, it’s not strange to see too much. ”

Natsu lost interest after glancing at it, and said casually: “After all, the tasks we received in the tavern are all tasks in various worlds, and the situation of each world has calmed us down. ”

“But… But ah… We’re in heaven!!”

Lucy groaned, and this was the most important thing that everyone noticed.

Then, the power that came from the crossing could no longer support the weight of these people, and in an instant, everyone fell downward!


Lucy’s screams pierced the sky, and in the face of such a high fall, Lucy didn’t faint in fright, it was already the limit.

“Whole body receiving, satanic spirit. ”

Miraj instantly received the spirit of Satan that had been lurking for many years and turned into a demon form.

Reaching out and grabbing it, he grabbed the screaming Lucy, flapped his wings, and slowly landed down with Lucy.

“Change, Black Feather Armor. ”

Elusa also changed into the Black Feather Armor, reached out and grabbed Natsu and Gray’s bare feet, and used the wings behind her back to start sliding, also greatly reducing the speed of the descent.

“I knew that Harpy would have followed!”

Natsu was carried by Elusa, and she was helpless in the face of such a situation.

Below them, a large building made of a huge tree trunk quickly caught their eye.

“Wait, that flag!”

Gray, who was hanging upside down, spotted the familiar sign at a glance, and then said to Elusa, “Elusa, go over there, there’s Fairy Tail!”

Elusa was also stunned, and then she also looked at the huge banner tied to the trunk of the huge tree, and the fairy tail mark was extremely conspicuous on it!

“Fairy Tail is our home, if Lisana is lost in this world, then Fairy Tail must be her home, let’s go!”

Miraj smiled, flapped his wings, and sped toward the building below.

“Sister Mira!Slow~One~Point~Ah!!”

Lucy’s whole face was shaking, and in the face of Miraj, who had fallen into a frenzy, she could only complain helplessly, but she couldn’t beat her at all!

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