Just when Naruto and Sasuke were in high spirits.

“But the Shinobi selection exam is about to start, aren’t you going to take it, I think, you better go back to the village first!” Kakashi said suddenly.

“Then we don’t want to miss this battle to destroy the country?” Sasuke said with some reluctance.

Naruto also looked disappointed.

Obviously, the Zhongnin exam is no longer attractive to them!

With the current strength of the two of them, it’s no wonder if they don’t beat those lower ninjas!

But who knows, Lu Li shook his head directly this time.

“Both Naruto and Sasuke stay!”

Perhaps they don’t need to be involved in the overthrow of the regime in the Water Country.

But Lu Li had other considerations.

Lu Li knew very well that Orochimaru would take advantage of the opportunity of this middle ninja selection exam to invade Konoha Village.

According to the original plot, the three generations died in this incident.

So this time, he and Zai Bu went to Wuyin Village, in order to subvert the regime of the Water Country at the same time, and at the same time, he had a reason not to be in the village.

In order to provide Orochimaru with the opportunity to kill three generations, neither Naruto nor Sasuke could return to the village.

Sasuke, in particular, restrained Orochimaru with his kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

In addition, he was also ready to use the reason of participating in the war to transfer Itachi and Fugaku away.

In this case, there will be no one in the village to stop Orochimaru!

After the death of the third generation, he can take over the position of Hokage and become the fifth Hokage.


At that time, Raksha in the Land of the Wind will also be dealt with by Orochimaru.

I need to grow again, and it can be said that the country of wind is the emptiest time.

As long as he masters the operation, he can devour two great powers in one fell swoop.

For his plan to unify the ninja world, it can be said that there has been considerable advancement.

Of course, Lu Li naturally wouldn’t tell Class 7 about his true thoughts.

“Are you all staying and going to the Fog Hidden Village?” Kakashi was a little surprised.

“Well, I will also transfer the root and some of the dark parts over, after all, it is a battle to destroy the country, so you can’t be careless!” Lu Li said.

In fact, the current Lu Li doesn’t need any helpers at all.

Yakura is not such a powerful character in his own right.

What he has now is Mu Dun, the eternal kaleidoscope, the chakra of one, two, three, and nine tails.

Even if the power of the Fog Hidden Village is all combined.

Lu Li didn’t think he would lose.

The reason for the mobilization of the root and the dark part is that after the country of Isuno, ninjas are needed to occupy it by land.

Second, it is also to prevent the root organization from getting involved in the dispute between Konoha and Orochimaru.

“It seems that you have been planning for a long time. Kakashi couldn’t help but sigh.

“Well, indeed. Lu Litou, “If everyone has no opinion, then let’s act according to what I say.” ”

“Dazna. ”

After seeing that Kakashi and the others had nothing else to say, Lu Li turned directly to Dazna.

The reason why he was asked to attend this conversation was also because he was also a pawn of his.


Dazna’s eyes widened and he pointed at him in disbelief.

He’s just a bridge builder.

It doesn’t help much.

“Nope. ”

Lu Li smiled and shook his head, “You are actually more important than you think, the land of water where Wuyin Village is located is somewhat similar to the country of waves, both are island countries that need sea transportation. ”

“So I want you to build a bridge between the land of waves and the land of water. ”

Lu Li said with a serious face.


It dawned on Dazner.

“It’s not that difficult, it’s just…”

Halfway through, Dazna became a little hesitant again.

He actually wanted to say that the eight characters have not been skimmed yet, in case you fail, then it will not be a bridge built in vain.

The Fog Hidden Village is different from the Fire Country.

“I said, I am the general trend of the world. ”

“Dazner, just do what I say, and as for the economic problems, I will help you solve them. ”

Lu Li said and stood up directly from the tatami mat.

But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded in his ears again.

The system asked him to go to Wuyin Village to sign in!

However, in this way, Lu Li has no reason not to go to Wuyin Village.

Immediately afterward, Lu Li began to gather the men of this war and ordered them to assemble in the country of waves.

In about a week, all the personnel were assembled.

The root led by Hizashi, a part of the dark part led by Itachi, and the Uchiha elite led by Fugaku.

In addition to this, Yamato also arrived here.

And the reason why he came is also the meaning of three generations.

And the three generations didn’t think much about Lu Li’s dispatch of Itachi and Fuyue to participate in the war, after all, it was the Fog Hidden Village that was attacked, and the Writing Wheel Eye was still very restrained by the Fog Hidden Technique.

In any case, this is Lu Li’s first big move.

Although the three generations have always been clear that Lu Li has his thoughts, in order to confirm, he still sent Yamato.

“Why do you suddenly want to attack the Land of Water?” At the military meeting, Itachi looked at Lu Li and asked directly.

Fugaku, Yamato, and the oil girl who were present took the root, and the wind in the mountains… They all looked at Lu Li.

Riza had no doubts about this at all, he believed that everything Lu Li did was absolutely right!

“Because I want to unify the ninja world and achieve true peace!And this is the best time to annex the land of water!” Lu Li said awe-inspiringly.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Lirang told everyone present about the situation in the Blood Mist and the Fog Hidden Village.

“You’re right!” Itachi nodded.


After gathering enough men, Lu Li mobilized enough ships.

This is also thanks to the maritime transport company operated by Cardo.

After Cardo’s tragic death, Lu Li took over all the forces under his name.

In addition, if you don’t kill more than one coup d’état, going to the land of water has long been a familiar thing.

After a few days of sailing, Lu Li took the root organization ninja and arrived at the border of the water country to land. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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