“Anyway, let’s get out of here with Shouhe first. Lu Li said without thinking about it.

But at this moment, the excited Shouhe directly attacked.

I saw him take a big breath and condense his chakra into his throat.

Even the Tailed Beast with the fewest tails among the Tailed Beasts, the chakra possessed by Shouzuru is quite impressive.

Seeing Wen Tai blocking in front of him, he decisively used his best Feng Escape.

“Wind Escape, Practice Air Bombing!”

The majestic chakra condensed in one place, forming a huge wind ball, and rushed towards Buntae.

In a hurry, Wen Tai had no choice but to jump up and jump into the air to dodge.

“The venue here is too small to be used at all, Lu Li, what can you do about it?”

Wen Tai condescendingly looked down, and saw Shouhe’s attack blasting into the audience, directly piercing a huge hole.

Many viewers didn’t even react, and they were directly sent out by Shouhe’s attack.

Everything points to disaster.

However, Shouhe doesn’t care if the opponent is Bunta, he just hasn’t come out of my Airo’s body for too long, and he hasn’t been free for too long.

And all of this is the result of human greed, because of human beings’ desire to control the tailed beast and obtain great power.

In other words, today’s Shouhe hates humans very much!

Seeing countless humans gathered here, he just wanted to send all the humans in front of him fly!

“Wind Escape, Practice Air Bombing!”

Shouhe took another deep breath, ready to attack the auditorium in the other direction.

And although Bunta has excellent ability to stay in the air, he is not flying after all, and after staying in mid-air for a while, his body begins to descend downward.

“Water Escape, Iron Cannon Jade!”

Just when Shouhe condensed the second attack, Wen Tai also used his best water escape and blasted at the opponent’s wind escape.

The water balloon and the wind ball collided in an instant, and although they canceled out most of their power, they still produced a non-negligible impact, spreading out in all directions.

“It’s not the way to go. ”

Wen Tai fell to the ground with a bang, his eyes were firmly fixed on Shouhe, worried that he would strike again, so he hurriedly condensed the chakra, ready to launch the iron cannon jade at any time.

In fact, Bunta’s heart was also a little depressed.

Once Shouzuru dodges his attack, his own water escape is bound to rush to the audience.

In that case, the consequences are no joke.

“It doesn’t matter. ”

Lu Li took a deep breath and began to condense the Magnetic Chakra to control the land at the feet of the Sand Guardian Crane.

“Bunta, as soon as you hear my order, jump away to the east. ”

“Order…”Bun Tai frowned, he didn’t like the word order, but he had to admit that…

With Lu Li’s strength, he does have the capital to dictate to himself.

“I see. ”

After a brief silence, Bunta had no choice but to respond.

Lu Li, on the other hand, didn’t care about Wen Tai’s answer at all, and paid attention to separating the land under Shouhe’s feet from the surroundings, and at the same time extended his huge arms to explore upwards and wrap around Shou Shou.

Not only that, while Lu Li was restrained, he also lifted the ground under his feet.

“Let’s go!”

With Lu Li’s order, Wen Tai gathered enough strength, and then jumped in the direction of Lu Li’s explanation.

At the same time, Lu Li seemed to be controlling a toy, and quickly left the competition venue with Shouhe.

In this way, no one in the competition venue will be Orochimaru’s opponent.

Itachi was left behind in the village of Wuyin, and Fugaku also stayed there for the time being to assist his son.

Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura, who are currently guests at the home of Dazna in the country of waves, have not returned to the village.

Nearly half of Konoha’s top combat power is gone!


“It’s been a long time, Mr. Sarufei. ”

After seeing Lu Li and Shouhe leave, Orochimaru revealed his original voice, and then tore off his mask and whispered in the ears of the three generations.

“Sure enough, it’s you…”

The three generations glanced at each other out of the corner of their eyes, and they were not too surprised by such a change.

“It seems that the four generations of Wind Shadow Luo Sha have been dealt with by you, Orochimaru. ”

The three generations had a deep voice, and they didn’t see Orochimaru as a threat at all.

“Yes, Mr. Sarufei, and the next one is you. ”

Orochimaru said that, and jumped directly to the top of the building with the three generations.

Immediately after, the four ninjas suddenly appeared from the shadows, their hands quickly sealed, and at the same time, they used the four purple flame arrays to form a powerful enchantment.

Isolate the Great Snake Pill from the outside world for three generations.

However, Orochimaru did not directly kill the three generations.

Instead, he quickly stepped back and took off Kazekage’s costume, and then the corners of his mouth went up, and a smug smile appeared.

“Orochimaru, I can’t believe you’ve come this far. ”

The three generations looked directly at the intruder in front of them, and their former students were also full of emotion.

When he found out that Orochimaru was conducting inhumane human experiments, out of the friendship of teachers and students, he chose to let him go, and let him defect to Konoha Ninja Village.

Now he has returned to Konoha with Sha Shinobi and Otoshinobi in an attempt to destroy everything here.

Thinking of this, the three generations simply took off the Hokage robe, revealing their pitch-black armor.

As early as the second exam, when he was in the Death Forest, he had already mastered the information of Orochimaru’s invasion of Konoha, so he had been prepared all along.

“This time, I’m not going to let you go again. ”

The three generations said as they put on a stance.

“Don’t be so anxious, Mr. Ape Fei. The corners of Orochimaru’s mouth went up, and a smile appeared.

Now Orochimaru knows very well that Lu Li will not interfere in the battle between himself and the three generations.

And the Four Purple Flame Array enchantments outside can prevent other Konoha Ninja Villages from rushing in.

In other words, there was no help at all around the three generations.

Orochimaru, on the other hand, simply slapped his hands and performed a spiritistic spell, and as the roof trembled, the coffins engraved with one and two appeared on the thick roof as if they had surfaced.

“This is…”

Miyo frowned suddenly, his mind recalling when Kakashi returned from Kusa Ninja Village.

That time, he and Lu Li met Orochimaru in Grass Ninja Village.

And I had a fight with Orochimaru.

According to Kakashi, at that time, Orochimaru used the forbidden technique invented by the second Hokage, reincarnated in the soil, and resurrected the three generations of Kazekage who had already entered the underworld.

So when they saw the coffin, the hearts of the three generations were also nervous.

But the two coffins in front of him didn’t seem to satisfy Orochimaru.

The roof under the feet of the three generations trembled again, and another coffin seemed to emerge from the water.

Only this time, the three generations couldn’t hold their breath anymore and decisively threw out the shuriken, wanting to stop Orochimaru.

However, even though the third coffin was not summoned by Orochimaru, the two coffins that existed were still a nuisance.

“Orochimaru, not only have you carried out inhumane human experiments, but now you are playing with the dead at will. ”

The three generations had a low voice, and their tone was full of anger at what Orochimaru had done.

However, what surprised the three generations even more was…

The two unpretentious coffin lids fell to the ground with a bang, and what caught my eye was a legendary figure!

The first Hokage Senju Tsuruma!and the second Hokage Senju Tsuruma!

“The First Lord… The second generation of adults…”

The three generations suddenly widened their eyes and were extremely shocked.

No matter which one of them is, the three generations are not completely sure of defeating.

Not to mention the two of them plus Orochimaru. _

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