The two-tailed, three-tailed, and nine-tailed are all currently considered tailed beasts in Konoha Village.

Because of Lu Li’s existence, the Xiao organization should be ready to make a move at the last moment.


“Someone. ”

With Lu Li’s order, a shadow ninja pushed the door and walked in.

Today’s Lu Li, although he has not yet officially taken office, in everyone’s hearts, he is the fifth generation Hokage.

The dark department, which once followed three generations, is now also directly responsible for Lu Li.

“Go to the country of waves and call me back for the seventh class. ”

“Yes, Lord Goyo. The shadow ninja replied respectfully, but did not leave directly, looking like he wanted to say something.

It was like he was struggling with whether to tell Lu Li if there was something.

“What’s going on?”

Lu Li asked directly, “If there is anything, just say it directly, although I am the newly appointed Hokage, I am not a guy who can’t listen to other people’s voices.” ”

“Well, that’s not what I meant, Lord Goshiro. ”

Seeing this, the shadow ninja quickly knelt down on one knee and explained the reason.

It turned out to be Temari and Kankuro, who returned to Konoha and hoped to meet the Hokage.

And they claim that they have very important information in their hands.

However, Lu Li said that he would control all the ninjas in Shayin Village.

That’s why this dark ninja is entangled in whether to tell Lu Li the truth.

“So that’s what happened. ”

Lu Li nodded, “Let them come over.” ”

If I’m not mistaken, the reason why Temari and Kankuro returned to Konoha should be because of my relationship with Airo.

According to the information given by Hinatashi, my Airo has fallen into the hands of the Akatsuki organization.

However, in the original plot, the Xiao organization had enough manpower, so it only took three days to seal the Sand Guardian Crane.

And now the flight segments and corners are all solved by themselves.

The time for sealing the crane should be extended for a while.

If you act quickly, you might be able to save my Airo.

It’s just that Lu Li won’t make a special trip.

After all, the check-in location is Yunlei Gorge, not my Airo’s side.

After a while, Kakashi, Yamato, Temari and Kankuro actually came to the Hokage’s office together.

“Five generations of adults. ”

As soon as they saw Lu Li, Kakashi and Yamato both saluted respectfully.

Today’s Temari and Kankuro are completely devoid of their previous arrogance.

Even the performance of the two was a little depressed, which made people sigh.

“My brother Iara was taken away by the Akatsuki organization. ”

After Temari left Lu Li, they told what happened to them when they met Xiao Organization.

Although Temari and Kankuro want to protect Iara, the difference in strength between the two sides is too large.

There is no talk of fighting at all.

The other party only used one move, and Temari and Kankuro passed out directly.

When I woke up, I found that the people of my Airo and Xiao organization were gone.

Later, they heard that the war was over, and the Sand Hermit was controlled by Konoha Village.

In desperation, Temari mustered up his courage and decided to use Lu Li’s power

“After doing something like that to our village, you dare to ask us to help you save people?” Kakashi said without thinking.

“It’s true that we’ve done a very excessive thing to Konoha Village, but after all, we’re also victims of this war. ”

Temari paused, “And I’m a pillar of the people of Shayin Village, if it falls into the hands of the Xiao organization, maybe something worse will happen.” ”

Just as Kakashi was about to continue to refute, Lu Li cleared his throat.

The entire office fell silent in an instant, and the eyes of others also looked at Lu Li.

Waiting for his decision.

“The target of the Xiao organization is not only my Airo, as far as I know, they are collecting tailed beasts everywhere, except for the one who has already been captured, their people are heading to Yunlei Gorge to capture the eight-tailed human pillar force of Lei Ninja Village. ”

“What the hell are they trying to do collecting tailed beasts?” Yamato couldn’t help but ask.

“Do you know who is behind Akatsuki?”

Lu Li glanced at everyone present.

Kakashi and they all shook their heads in confusion.

“Uchiha… Madara! Lu Li said lightly.

“What?” Kakashi was startled.

The others were also stunned.

That’s the same generation as the first Hokage, and he is called a legendary ninja along with the first one.

Of course, Madara is actually dead, and now Obito is impersonating Madara.

Lu Li continued: “The purpose of Madara Uchiha collecting tailed beasts is actually very simple, he not only wants to destroy Konoha, but also wants to destroy this world!”

This is actually not a fool, after all, once the Infinite Moon Reading is opened, except for those who have the eye of reincarnation, everyone else in this world will be made into a white absolute by the Divine Tree.

“In addition, the Akatsuki organization is now heading to the Cloud Thunder Gorge in the Land of Thunder, preparing to capture the Eight-Tails Pillar Force. ”

At this time, Lu Li naturally had no need to hide the truth.

“I was going to form a squad and head to Yunlei Gorge, but anyway, we had to sabotage Madara’s plans. ”

Lu Li paused, and his eyes deliberately glanced at Temari and Kanjiuro.

“Lord of the Five Generations, Yunlei Gorge is located in the Land of Thunder, let’s go over at this time, isn’t it appropriate?”

Kakashi spoke suddenly.

The relationship between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder was not very harmonious in the first place.

There was also a war three years ago.

Even if they have good intentions, I’m afraid the other party won’t accept it.

If it is not done well, it may lead to a war between the two countries.


Lu Li himself has plans in this regard.

Kakashi suddenly realized, as if he understood something.

Lu Li is not a third generation, and the policy he pursues is itself to unify the ninja world.

“Then what should I do with Airo. ”

As soon as he heard the conversation between Lu Li and the others, Temari also panicked all of a sudden.

Although in the usual contact, she is also afraid of the power that I Airo possesses.

But no matter what, I’m my sister.

Let her watch my Airo die, she can’t do it at all.

“Then let’s just form another rescue team. Lu Li said.

Temari and Kankuro were stunned on the spot.

They actually knew very well in their hearts that Konoha Village was their only hope now, but Konoha Village did not owe the people of Shayin Village.

They just refuse to rescue Iro, and there’s nothing they can do.

“I’ve recalled the seventh squad, Yamato, and you’re the captain of the rescue of my Airo. After meeting up with Naruto, I’ll go and rescue Iara!” Lu Li ordered directly.

“Yes, Lord Goyo. Yamato nodded.

As a user of Kikuto, he himself is more suitable than Kakashi to serve as Naruto’s partner.

“Over there in Yunlei Gorge, I’ll go there myself!”


Back home.

Lu Li wants to take the wooden people to the land of thunder.

It immediately caused the displeasure of several other goblins.

In the past, Lu Li didn’t bring anyone with him, so no one had an opinion.

And this time, Lu Li’s approach obviously made them jealous.

“Okay, you can go to whatever you want, just treat it as a publicly-funded tour!”

Lu Li, who was very helpless, had no choice but to raise his hand and surrender.

Then, Yukito, Terumi Ming, Hakura, and Yuno all became members of this trip to Yunlei Canyon.

Before leaving, Hinata and Karu also joined in.

In the end, even Bai had a lively time.

In the entire Hokage World, half of the goddess group is here.

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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