Xiao Nan is a very powerful ninja, and a normal captive should be a chakra that seals all of them, but Lu Li didn’t do that.

Actually, Xiao Nan’s nature is not bad, and it is somewhat implicated in being coerced by Yahiko and Nagato.

Moreover, Lu Li is confident that he will break down Xiao Nan’s psychological defense line in terms of concept.

When a Konoha village that lives and works in peace and contentment, harmony and happiness is presented in Xiaonan’s eyes.

She will understand that their previous efforts are not to create peace, but to destroy peace, and destroy countless happy families.


The collapse of Yuyin Village.

Let Lu Li’s footsteps in unifying the ninja world take another small step.

However, Iwakuin Village has dispatched scouts to enter the territory of the Land of Rain.

And dispatched a part of the troops, Chen soldiers on the border, ready to send troops at any time.

The scout troops of Yanyin Village soon learned the specific information about the collapse of Yuyin Village.

It was defeated by Konoha’s fifth-generation Hokage, and Konoha was sending troops into the Land of Rain.

The Sand Hidden Village in the Land of the Wind is very quiet, because a Konoha army has secretly entered the Sand Hidden Village.

Under the deterrence of Lu Li’s clone, the Sand Hidden Village, which had lost the shadow and tailed beasts, had already existed in name only.

Iwakuin Village has an idea about the Land of Rain.

Although the three generations of Tsuchikage did not want to go to war with Konoha either, now that the Rain Ninja Village has collapsed, the Land of Rain has fallen.

It was impossible for him to let his immediate interests fly away, and soon led an elite army to attack the Land of Rain.

The melee in the Land of Rain lasted about three months.

The first was the ninjas of Konoha who occupied the Daimyo Mansion of the Land of Rain and coerced the Daimyo of the Land of Rain to surrender to the Land of Fire.

And began to send ninja troops one by one into the territory of the Land of Rain.

Treating the ninjas of the original rain ninja village, Konoha implements a policy of incorporation.

Those who are willing to belong are temporarily included in Konoha’s troops and are closely monitored.

Those who are unwilling to join and who try to resist will be dealt with one by one.

There are also some who are neither willing to obey Konoha nor want to fight with Konoha.

The rain ninja who chose to become a rebel ninja and a free ninja began to scatter within the territory of the rain country.

These ninjas are the most numerous, and they all try to plunder a portion of their money.

Then he fled the country and went to other countries to live incognito and live the life of an aristocracy.

For this part of the ninjas, Konoha’s attitude is also to clean up one by one.

Lu Li’s style is also extremely strong.

He directly ordered Cloud Hidden Village and Sand Hidden Village to send ninja troops to cooperate with Konoha in his actions.

He wanted to see if the surrender of Yunyin Village and Shayin Village was sincere.

The results did not disappoint him.

More than twice the strength of the original Rain Hidden Village, more than 6,000 ninja troops of the Three Kingdoms were stationed in the Land of Rain.

Divide and occupy all the important towns in the Land of Rain.

These 6,000 people wear ninja forehead guards no longer distinguish between countries, and uniformly wear the word “ninja” forehead guards.

Only the ninja village to which you belong is marked on the arm.

Three generations did not dare to do such a thing at all.

Because once they were betrayed by the two major ninja villages of Cloud Hidden Village and Sand Hidden Village, the Konoha ninja troops of Yuyin Village would immediately suffer heavy losses.

But Lu Li was not afraid.

The Land of Water has been swallowed up by him, the Land of Wind is also in his hands, and only the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder is still resisting.

Among the five great powers, one died and two surrendered, and the only one who had the ability to resist was the land of the earth.

What’s more, with Lu Li’s strength surpassing the original Hokage, any opposition will cause a devastating blow!

Yuyin Village is the best example of this!

A force of 6,000 troops, under a large-scale operation led by Konoha.

The chaos in the Land of Rain was quickly contained within three months.

In fact.

It is difficult to assimilate a country.

Because there are huge differences in culture, region, speech, and so on.

This is also the reason why Lu Li does not have the power to use the water country, and there is also a shortage of people in Wuyin Village.

However, there is a world of difference between a country like the Land of Rain, which is shrouded in rain all year round, and a country with a mild climate like the Land of Fire.

However, due to Lu Li’s strong actions, the resistance to assimilation was greatly reduced.

The reason is simple.

Many of the people in the collapsed Yuyin Village have become traitors, plundering various towns in turn.

After the Three Kingdoms Coalition led by Konoha entered the Land of Rain, it became a garrison to protect these towns.

The people of the Land of Rain are certainly terrified of both sides.

But when the ninjas of Konoha only carry out the mission of garrisoning the town and killing the ninjas who attack the town.

As time passed, this act of protection, which was equivalent to protection, gradually made the people of the Land of Rain move closer to the Konoha Alliance.


Since Konoha controlled the daimyo of the Land of Rain, Rikuri attached great importance to propaganda and fishing boat guidance.

The various propaganda within the Land of Rain is basically the argument that the Land of Rain will have a good life when it is thrown into the arms of the Land of Fire.

Become a member of the Fire Nation, which will henceforth be responsible for the safety and peace of all towns in the Land of Rain.

This kind of propaganda spread everywhere in the rain country, and the resistance everywhere gradually diminished over time.

Of course.

To truly annex a country, there needs to be more exchange and integration.

Due to the difference in climate, there will not be a large number of migrations and blending between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain anytime soon.

So the process is bound to be long, at least years or even decades.

At present, the most rudimentary stability has been established, as long as it is maintained.

Slowly, the country of rain will be further controlled, and no other changes will occur during the period, and there will be no variables in this process.



Hokage’s office.

A teenage ninja wearing a forehead guard, about seventeen or eighteen years old, was standing at Lu Li’s desk.

After handing over the task, she carefully placed a bag on the table.

“Five… Lord Goyo, this is a gift I brought to you… That…”

“Did you bring it from the Land of Rain? Thank you. ”

Lu Li smiled at her and said, “Okay, I basically already know the specific situation, you go back and submit a summary to the intelligence department.” ”

“Yes. ”

The girl’s cheeks were slightly red and glanced at Lu Li, and she cautiously exited the office.

Lu Li looked at the obviously elaborate gift bag on the table, with a few cute labels on it.

He shook his head with a smile and said, “I’m on the street now, but I can’t walk an inch.” ”

I remember that I went shopping with Xiao Nan yesterday, but in the end I didn’t buy much, and I received more gifts than I bought.

And Xiao Nan is no stranger to this.

In the past few months of living in Konoha, she has seen a lot and thought a lot.

Then she found that Konoha’s stability and harmony even exceeded her expectations for the ideal peaceful world.

Under Lu Li’s leadership, everyone here is at peace, and every day is full of hope.

The little is supported, and the old are dependent!

No fear, no coercion, no uneasiness!

People love Lu Li from the bottom of their hearts.

This is not the same as the love she received in Yuyin Village.

If Xiao Nan’s love in Yuyin Village is due to the fact that she gave peace to the people there.

The love that Lu Li received in Konoha was due to the happiness he gave to the people here, not just peace!

Peace is easy to obtain, happiness is rare!

“You’re right!” Xiao Nan muttered to himself as he looked at Lu Li, who was busy.

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly looked up at Xiao Nan.

The two looked at each other.

“Lately they’ve been complaining that there aren’t enough detonators, you should be pretty good at making that kind of thing, right? Of course, if you don’t want to, then…”

“I do!” Xiao Nan smiled slightly.

Lu Li was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: “You smile beautifully!”

She blushed slightly and left the Hokage’s office.

After a while, Lu Libang disappeared.

It turned out that it was a shadow clone of Lu Li who was handling official business here.

Gentle Township, someone muttered.

“Xiao Qi figured it out, hehe…”_

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