The face of the big barrel wooden house had changed drastically, the power of the six realms in his body surged, and the right arm that had been cut off quickly recovered.

He manipulated the giant reincarnation eye, tried to condense the chakra, and then continued to shoot a terrifying purple chakra light at Lu Li.


“It’s over. ”

Lu Li looked at the big wooden house indifferently.

I saw Lu Li’s right hand clenched into a fist, and the surging chakra quickly condensed on the fist.


The faces of the people in the big wooden house changed violently.

He suddenly remembered when Hamura was telling him.

It was for him to seal Lu Li and banish him to another dimension, not for him to destroy Lu Li!

How much combat experience can a person who has not participated in a real war for thousands of years?

Even if you often fight with your own clan, it’s not a real life-and-death fight.

Besides, the people of Otsuki Kisha should be the power inherited from Otsuki Kiwa Village.

It’s like Hinata Hinata has obtained the ability of the six levels all of a sudden, how strong can it be?

In addition to physical skills, it is acceptable.

Everything else is a mess.

However, even if the people of the Great Barrel Wooden House kept holding him back from the beginning, using the giant reincarnation eye to open a passage to another dimension, and then trying to drag him in, it would be impossible to exile Lu Li.

Because Lu Li awakened the Reincarnation Eye, he could directly use the Reincarnation Eye to open a spatial passage.

So, after Lu Li came to the moon and successfully signed in.

The failure of the people of the big barrel wooden house is already doomed!

“It’s all over. ”

As soon as the words fell, Lu Li had already flashed onto the huge reincarnation eye and smashed it down with a punch.

Click! Click!!

There was a slight crack on the surface of the giant reincarnation eye.

The rift spread in an instant, covering the entire surface.


With a roar, the giant reincarnation eye shattered, turning into countless white eyes that flew in all directions.

Not only that, but the huge chakra that Lu Li blasted into the huge reincarnation eye also exploded at this moment.

The brilliant white light at this moment not only made the entire moon as bright as day.

Together with the ninja world of the earth, it has completely turned into a white man.

It’s like the scene of infinite moon reading.

This brilliant light made countless people involuntarily close their eyes and couldn’t look at each other.

Even when I close my eyes, I feel the constant stinging of my eyeballs.

“What’s going on?!”

“What’s going on!”

“What is this light, is there an enemy?!”

Almost all of Yanyin Village, Yunyin Village, Shayin Village, and Wuyin Village were in chaos.

Even the three generations of Tsuchikage Onoki, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow and others have all fallen into chaos, and they have all put on the most vigilant posture.

Onoki even pinched the dust directly, ready to fight out at any time.

Other villages are similar.

Only Konoha still maintains a certain amount

Outside the space passage to the moon, Tsunade, Terumi and Yugi are all guarding here, covering the space passage with an enchantment.

The root and dark parts also gathered a large number of ninjas to guard the vicinity, ready to attack the enemies who rushed out of it at any time.

“It’s too glaring…”

“This light… What’s going on on the other side of the moon?!”

Tsunade and the others also involuntarily closed their eyes because of the blinding white light in the sky.

Compared to the other ninja villages in chaos, they all knew that this white light must be related to Lu Li.

But at this time they can’t do anything.

The enchantment and seal can only be maintained here according to Lu Li’s instructions.

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Wait for the landing to leave the other side for other information.

“Lu Li…”

Tsunade maintained a corner of the enchantment, and his expression was extremely solemn.

Everyone, including her, knew Lu Li’s strength and trusted Lu Li’s strength.

But the place where Lu Li is going now is the moon, and he is fighting against the legendary clan!

Let them come here from Lu Li to maintain the enchantment and seal.

It can be seen that Lu Li is not absolutely sure that he can handle it easily, otherwise he would not be so cautious.

“Don’t let anything happen…”

Yugito was also extremely nervous.

The current Konoha must not lose Lu Li!

Once something happens to Lu Li, Konoha’s current strength will immediately suffer a backlash from the entire ninja world, and the ninja world war will break out again.


It seems like a moment, and it seems like a long time has passed.

The white light that obscured the sky and the sun finally gradually dissipated, revealing the appearance of the moon again.

It’s a bit inappropriate to say it’s the moon, because the moon is gone.

There are only a few broken pieces left here.

Floating in the void of space.

Under that explosion, the moon had been completely destroyed.

“Ahem… Ahem…”

A violent cough was heard.

On one of the fragments, the figure of the Wooden House Man appeared.

The Dao Seeking Jade outside his body had all disappeared, and the six coats on his body were also in tatters, and he was covered with scars all over his body.

These wounds wriggled with difficulty, but they could not heal.

The chakra fluctuations on his body have also become extremely weak.


“I actually gave the moon to…”

He gritted his teeth and struggled to stand up.

The Otsuki clan, along with the reincarnation eye and the entire moon, have completely disappeared.

Only he was alive, but his chakra had become extremely weak.

Even the white eyes could no longer be maintained, so they could only hold on to the stones with great difficulty to keep standing.

“Is my chakra almost depleted?”

The big barrel of the wooden house gasped.

Even the chakra that he was so powerful was completely exhausted in the resistance to the explosion, so Lu Li…

As soon as he thought of this, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes again.

If Lu Li had exhausted the chakra in the explosion like him, and was seriously injured.

Maybe you can trap Lu Li in outer space, and then it’s all worth it!

Even if all the people are destroyed.

This is a sacrifice for the will of the ancestor Otsuki Hamura!

And he’s still alive, he can go to the ninja world and give birth to an heir again.

You can continue to pass on the bloodline of the Big Barrel Wood Clan from generation to generation, and the bloodline of the Big Barrel Wood Clan will not disappear!


Just as the thought crossed his mind.

Half a blade pierced through his heart, from his back.

The blade condensed the power of the six realms, destroying the last bit of the remaining power of the six realms in his body.

“I’ve overdone it again…”

“I didn’t expect the giant reincarnation eye to be gone. ”

Lu Li’s face was a little unpleasant, and he appeared behind the big barrel wooden house.

His gaze swept over the fragments of the moon that only had some traces left, and said lightly: “It’s your ancestor Otsuki Muyu Village, let you deal with me.” ”

The strength of the people of the big barrel wooden house is abnormal, and most of them come from the big barrel wood feather village. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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